a s o i l a n d f o l i a r a m e n d m e n t s o l u t i

A s o i l a n d f o l i a r a m e n d m e n t s o l u t i o n - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A s o i l a n d f o l i a r a m e n d m e n t s o l u t i o n SHAC Solutions Inc. is a Bio-stimulant manufacturer based in Medicine Hat AB. The brand has had agricultural roots for over three decades helping with manure, water, and waste

  1. A s o i l a n d f o l i a r a m e n d m e n t s o l u t i o n

  2. • SHAC Solutions Inc. is a Bio-stimulant manufacturer based in Medicine Hat AB. The brand has had agricultural roots for over three decades helping with manure, water, and waste problems. Corporate History • We developed a proprietary process for separating humic and fulvic acids from Humalite using a hydrogen bond method free from heavy metal bindings. • The Humalite name given to the humate material deposited in Alberta, Canada. It is singled out because the material has a different composition and is not derived from Lignite. It is derived from weathered sub- bituminous coal, and opposite of leonardite, it was formed in a fresh water environment, not a salt water one.

  3. “ Long term agricultural use has left our land depleted. Erosion, over-use of chemicals, damage to soil structure, and loss of soil nutrients & organic matter have impacted the majority of agricultural lands. ”

  4. What is it? Revitagro T M contains liquefied oxidized lignite as a source of humic and fulvic acids, and has not been chemically altered by alkali extraction. The product contains both dissolved and suspended particles similar to the humic material found in organic-rich soils. These valuable compounds are essential for a healthy and productive soil environment.

  5. About Revitagro TM Revitagro T M can be used in any type of horticultural applications - from gardens, turf, greenhouses, and acreages – to large-scale agricultural applications. The product was developed to improve yield and replenish soil conditions. SHAC Revitagro T M is a CFIA approved soil amendment product

  6. Revitagro TM Research In various research trials, SHAC Revitagro T M has been found to:  Improve water retention in soil and drought resistance in plants  Increase retention of nutrients in the soil  Limit the effects of salinity in affected areas Copies of the research reports or technical bulletin are available upon request.

  7. Benefits of Humic and Fulvic Acids • Improved moisture retention in soil • Better drought resistance in plants • Helps retain fertilizers in soil column • Improved growth and increased yield • Improved tilth and soil structure • Increased nutrient uptake • Increased rates of germination • Improved root development

  8. As a liquid product, Revitagro T M How to Apply allows for more simplified incorporation into the soil than granular humate products. The product may be added to liquid delivery systems – simply follow label instructions and be sure to jar-test and/or spot-test if using in conjunction with other products. Revitagro TM is safe to use and has been tested non-toxic at recommended rates. There are no special precautions or safety equipment required.

  9. Improve soil conditions naturally and sustainably In addition to implementing sustainable agricultural practices, the application of SHAC Revitagro TM is an effective option for improving the structure and fertility of agricultural soils

  10. Meet Our Family In addition to Revitagro TM , SHAC Solutions Inc. manufactures a complete line of products for use in water, wastewater, feed, and manure. Please contact your dealer or distributor for more information.

  11. Please ase visit t us at shac.ca for more inf nformatio mation


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