stop treating soil like dirt

Stop Treating soil Like Dirt! By od Sh . 2 Hello! I am - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Stop Treating soil Like Dirt! By od Sh . 2 Hello! I am Dd Sih I am bee I l o f sane w to m go

  1. Stop Treating soil Like Dirt! By �o���d S���h ��.

  2. 2 Hello! I am D����d S�i�h I am ���� be����e I l��� �o f��� s���a�n���e w��� to ���m ��� g�o� t���g�. Yo� c�� �in� �� �t �����r���t�e��r��.co�

  3. 3 What We Will Cover Def����g W�a� ���l I� Wha� ���t���s So�� How �� ��il� ��d ��i�t��� �o�d ��i�

  4. What is Soil? 4 Wha� �� S�il ���� o�t ��? So�l �� �ad� �u� �� 25% a�r, 25% wa���, 50% mi����l & or����c ma����al The �����re�� t��es �� ��il San�, g�i�t� �ha� �� c�� �e� w��� t�e ��k�� e�� Sil� (w�a� y�� �a�t), s�o��h ��� si��y ��en ��� Cla�, s�i�k� �� f���er� ��d ��� be ���d�� i�t� ���pe�

  5. Sand Silt Clay 5

  6. The Sizes of Different Types of Soil 6

  7. What Determines the Quality of Soil? 7 The ���u�t �� ��n�, si��, an� �l�� ��te���n�� �he ����it� �� y�u� ���l an� �� k���n a� �h� “so�� ��x�u��”. Usi�� t�� US�� �o�l ���tu�� �r�a��l� �� �an de���m��e �h� ���e �f �u� ���l ��pe

  8. USDA Soil Texture Triangle 8

  9. How to determine your 9 soil type Le�r� �h� a�� �f ��� so�� ��r �e�t

  10. The Soil Jar Test 10

  11. How to do the Soil Jar Test 11 Ste� 1: Tak� ��i� s���l� o��� b��o� t�� ��ga��� l��e�, 8 in���s ��e�, t�e� s��ap� � �u� w���h �� �o�l ���m ��e b����m o� �h�� ��le. Tak� ���er�� sa��l�� �r�� a���n� �he ���d��. Ste� 2: Ble�� �n � �u�k�� ��d �i�l � ���s� �ar ���u� h��� f��� Ste� 3: Mar� �h� ���el �� ��ur ��y �a�p�� �� t�e ��r, fi�� t�� ��r ��o-t�i�d� ��l� of ����r

  12. How to do the Soil Jar Test 12 Ste� 4: Sha�� ��go����l�, le� ��t��� fo� 30 se���d� �he� ��r� � �in� �� �he ��� of ��� s�i� Ste� 5: Wa�t ��r�e ����te�, t�e� m��� l��e ���in, af��� m���in� ��c��� li�� yo� ���ul� ��v� ��o c���� la���s, sa��, an� ��l�.

  13. How to do the Soil Jar Test 13 Ste� 6: Es�i��t� ��e p����n�a�� �f e��� p���ic�� �� re����on �� �h� o����na� le��� �f �o�� �n ��e j��. The ���t���es ����e t�� ��l� �in� ��e �l���, as ���s si�� �� pa���c�� �ak�� � �on� ��m� �o ��l�� s���le, es����te ��� p���en���� of ���y �� t�e ��f���en�� ��te� ��c�u���n� ��r �a�d ��� s���

  14. The Soil Jar Test 14

  15. 15 Soil Health is defined as: “The ����ci�� �f � �o�� t� �u�c���� wi���n ��o�y���m� ��d �a�d ��� ap���c��i��s ���t �a� s����in p�o��c���it�, ma����in en����n�e�t�� ��al��� �n� p�o��t� ��an� ��d ��i��l ��a�t�”

  16. 16 What determines a good soil ecosystem Div���� So�l O���ni��s He�l��y So�� I�c�u��s: - Sin��� c��� ba���r�a • Go�d ��i� t���h� (p��si��� c���it���) - Wor�� �n� ��se��s • Suf����en� ��p�� - Mic���c��i� P�r���t� • Pro��� l��e�s �� ��t�i��t� • Go�d ���in��� So�l ����c�u�� • Lar�� ��pu����on� �� b��e��c�a� The ���t�� �o�r ��i� s���c���e, t�e or����s�� be���r ��u� d����si��. • Res����n�e �� w�e�� �n� de���d��i�� • Res���e�t ���n ���av����le co���t�o�� �c���

  17. 17 What Destroys Soil Structure Til���� Com���t�o� Ove��r����g, Le�v�� �o�l ���ti���s The ���t���ti�� �� t�e Ove��r����n�, ex����d �o �h� ���ce� �� so�� �t���tu��. It �e���s Def����ta���� wi�� �n� ��te�. The� li��l� �� �o s���� :Le�d� �� se��l� ���o p���� be����n �o�� p���ic��� de���t��i��t�o�, t�e ca����g �u�f��� �e�l���, fo� ��� an� ��t��. s��e�d �� �es��� l��e co���c��o�, an� Har� ��d �� �ot la��s ��� �o h���� re����d i���l���ti��. ab���b ���er �� ac����t� a�c����at��� Les� ��t�� i� �v�i���l� nu����n�� we��. Res���c� na����l e����on �� ��il. to ���n�� �n� e��s�o� p�a�t� ���t �e��l���en� in����se�.

  18. 18 How to protect your Soil and prevent erosion Pla�� Mul�� Im��ov� D��i��g� Pla���n� �r�e�, g�a�s�� Ad�i�g ���c� ��gu���l� Wit���� ad���a�� an� �h�u�s. The�� ��l� he��s �� ��d �u�r����s d�a���ge, he��� r�i� p�e��n� ��os��� a�d t��o�g� ��co���s��i��. co��� w��� aw�� � he�� h��� t�� �o�l Thi� ��l� ��ig� ��w� w�o�� l��e� �f ���so��. to���h�� t�e ���l a�� p����n� se��� f��� ge���n� wa���d ��a�. Slo�� ab���p��o� �f ���er �� re���� ru�-of�.

  19. 19 How to build Soil Bu�l���g �o�� �s ��e #1 t�i�g ��� ga���n�� �e�d� �� or��� t� �a�� � su���s���l ��op.

  20. 20 How to Improve your soil San�� ���l San� ��r���le� ��� la���, ir����la��y ��ap�� ��t� o� r���. In a ���d� ��il, la��� a�r ���ce� ��t��e� t�� ��n� �ar���l�� a�l�� ��te� �� d��i� v��� q�i��l�. Nut����t� �en� �� d��i� �w�� �it� �h� ���er, of��� b��o�� p���t� �av� � c�a�c� �� a�s��� t���. For ���s ��a��n, sa��y ����s a�� ��u�l�� n���i�n�-po��. A sa��y ���� al�� ��s �o ��c� �i� �n �� �ha� ��c���es ���s��e ��g��i� m����r ve�� q����l�. Bec���e ��n�� s�i�� �s�a��y ���t�i� ��r� ��t��e c��� �r o���n�� ma���r, t�e� d��'t �a�� m��� of � ���m� �t�u�t���. The ���� pa���c��� do�'t s�i�k ����t�e�, ev�� �h�� �he�'re ���.

  21. 21 How to Improve your soil To Im���v� Sa��y ���� • Wor� �� 3 to 4 in���s �� o�g���� ma���r ���h a� ��l�-ro���d ���ur� �� fi���h�� �om���t. • Mul�� �r�u�� y��� �la��s ���h ��a��s, wo�� �h���, ba��, ha� �� s���w. Mul�� r���i�s ����tu�� ��d �o��s ��� so��. • Ad� a� l���� 2 in���s �� o�g���� ma���r �a�� y���. • Gro� ��v�� �ro�� �r ���en ����re�.


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