BOE Budget Workshop Tuesday April 14, 2015 2015-2016 Budget Development
Estimated Expenditures 2015-2016 As of 4/14/15 Adopted Proposed Percent 2014-15 2015-16 Difference Change Salaries 59,170,294 61,013,117 1,842,823 3.11% Benefits 34,559,191 33,012,633 -1,546,558 -4.48% Special Education 10,095,250 10,346,750 251,500 2.49% Debt Service 6,993,432 6,927,557 -65,875 -0.94% Transportation 7,357,065 7,630,567 273,502 3.72% Building & Grounds 2,548,000 2,914,500 366,500 14.38% Technology 2,316,893 2,452,436 135,543 5.85% BOCES w/o Spec Ed & Tech 2,556,105 2,698,613 142,508 5.58% Supplies & Equipment 2,235,195 2,119,195 -116,000 -5.19% Other 2,540,902 2,585,969 45,067 1.77% 130,372,327 131,701,337 1,329,010 1.02%
2015-2016 Contractual Salary (As of 4/14/15) 2015-2016 2015-2016 Collective Bargaining Unit Increase ($) Increase (%) RCSD Teachers Association* - 409.20 FTE +$1,015,824 2.38% (Triborough) RCSD Custodial & Maintenance Organization* - 52.00 FTE +$63,879 2.29% (Triborough) RCSD Educational Secretaries Association* - 49.00 FTE +$48,601 2.01% (Triborough) RCSD Professional Supervisory Organization* - 12.00 FTE +$36,012 2.00% (Elimination of salary schedule and steps, 2% flat increase per year, 5-year agreement) RCSD Supervisors of Business – 7.00 FTE +$35,731 2.00% (Elimination of salary schedule and steps, 2% flat increase per year, 3-year agreement) RCSD Registered Professional Nurses Association* - 12.00 FTE +$20,451 2.84% (Triborough) RCSD Association of Aides and Monitors* - Estimated 59.50 FTE +$781 0.07% (Triborough) Individual Contract Employees – 11.00 FTE [Subject to BOE Approval] +$31,544 2.00% (No salary schedule, no steps) TOTAL Contractual Salary +$1,252,823 2.11% * Contractual increase based on Triborough Amendment to the Taylor Law. Contractual step movement for all members who are not on the top step of the salary schedule.
2015-2016 Additional Instructional & Support Staff Salary (As of 4/14/15) Projected Positions Cost Instructional Staff • Bilingual Teachers (2.00 FTE) $200,000 • ESL Teacher (1.00 FTE) $100,000 • Music Teacher (1.00 FTE) $100,000 Total Projected Cost of Instructional Staffing Additions $400,000 Projected Positions Cost Support Staff • School Community Liaison (1 Full-Time) $40,000 • Elementary Literacy Aides (9 Part-Time) $90,000 • PPS Chairperson (Currently 0.5 FTE; increase to 1.0 FTE) $40,000 • $20,000 Human Resources Clerical Support (1 Part-Time) Total Projected Cost of Support Staffing Additions $190,000
Recommended Staffing Additions 2015-2016 Budget April 14, 2015
Instructional Positions • Bilingual Teachers (2.0 FTE) – Elementary Level – Mandated (unfunded) due to change in NYS regulations regarding instruction of English as a Second Language (now referred to as English as New Language: ENL) students – Provides stronger support to growing ESL/ENL population in our District – Projected Salary/Benefit Cost: $200,000 • ESL Teacher (1.0 FTE) – Suffern High School – Mandated (unfunded) due to change in NYS regulations regarding grouping of ESL/ENL students, and push-in and pull-out support – Projected Salary/Benefit Cost: $100,000
Instructional Positions (Continued) • Music Teacher (1.0 FTE) – Suffern High School – Necessary due to continued increase in Band, Orchestra, Choir enrollment (projected increase of approximately 85 students) – Will decrease size of lesson groups (currently 30-40 students) and improve instructional experience for students – Will allow for differentiation of instruction for Guitar courses – Projected Salary/Benefit Cost: $100,000
Support Positions • School Community Liaison (Spanish) – District-wide position – Provides support for Spanish-speaking students and families in all of our schools – Allows for those students and families to access all aspects of our District’s offerings – Support services include: • Translation of District communications • Interpreter services during registration, student/parent/teacher meetings • Collaboration with faculty, PTA, community groups regarding transition of Spanish-speaking students and families into our District – Projected Salary/Benefit Cost: $40,000
Support Positions (Continued) • Literacy Aides (9 positions; all Part-Time) – All elementary schools – Provide support during ELA instruction in primary level classrooms – Continued change in needs displayed by newly-registered students requires greater support in our primary classrooms – Projected Salary Cost: $90,000 (no benefits associated with these positions) • Clerical Support (1 position; Part-Time) – Human Resources Office – Review and improve condition of all personnel files/digitize file contents – Projected Salary Cost: $20,000 (no benefits associated with this position)
Support Positions (Continued) • PPS Chairperson Position (Increase to 1.0 FTE) – Currently 0.5 FTE – Chairing responsibilities of all 504 meetings have returned to PPS office • Approximately 180 meetings per year – New mandate that all ENL students have annual meeting • Approximately 150-160 meetings per year – Projected Salary Cost: $40,000 (benefits already associated with this position)
2015-2016 Additional Instructional & Support Staff Salary (As of 4/14/15) Projected Positions Cost Instructional Staff • Bilingual Teachers (2.00 FTE) $200,000 • ESL Teacher (1.00 FTE) $100,000 • Music Teacher (1.00 FTE) $100,000 Total Projected Cost of Instructional Staffing Additions $400,000 Projected Positions Cost Support Staff • School Community Liaison (1 Full-Time) $40,000 • Elementary Literacy Aides (9 Part-Time) $90,000 • PPS Chairperson (Currently 0.5 FTE; increase to 1.0 FTE) $40,000 • $20,000 Human Resources Clerical Support (1 Part-Time) Total Projected Cost of Support Staffing Additions $190,000
2015-2016 Budgeted Salary (As of 4/14/15) 2015-2016 2015-2016 Salary Increase ($) Increase (%) Contractual Staff Salary $1,252,823 2.11% Additional Instructional Staff Salary $400,000 0.68% Additional Support Staff Salary $190,000 0.32% TOTAL $1,842,823 3.11%
Estimated Expenditures 2015-2016 As of 4/14/15 Adopted Proposed Percent 2014-15 2015-16 Difference Change Salaries 59,170,294 61,013,117 1,842,823 3.11% Benefits 34,559,191 33,012,633 -1,546,558 -4.48% Special Education 10,095,250 10,346,750 251,500 2.49% Debt Service 6,993,432 6,927,557 -65,875 -0.94% Transportation 7,357,065 7,630,567 273,502 3.72% Building & Grounds 2,548,000 2,914,500 366,500 14.38% Technology 2,316,893 2,452,436 135,543 5.85% BOCES w/o Spec Ed & Tech 2,556,105 2,698,613 142,508 5.58% Supplies & Equipment 2,235,195 2,119,195 -116,000 -5.19% Other 2,540,902 2,585,969 45,067 1.77% 130,372,327 131,701,337 1,329,010 1.02%
2015-2016 Budgeted Benefits (As of 4/14/15) Adopted Proposed Percentage 2014-15 2015-16 Difference Change TRS 8,892,116 7,265,006 -1,627,110 -18.30% ERS 1,809,455 1,647,121 -162,334 -8.97% Health 17,652,331 17,652,331 - - FICA/Medicare 4,966,889 5,250,015 283,126 5.70% Other Benefits 1,238,400 1,198,160 -40,240 -3.25% TOTAL 34,559,191 33,012,633 -1,546,558 -4.48% Estimated based on Triborough as of 4/14/15
Estimated Expenditures 2015-2016 As of 4/14/15 Adopted Proposed Percent 2014-15 2015-16 Difference Change Salaries 59,170,294 61,013,117 1,842,823 3.11% Benefits 34,559,191 33,012,633 -1,546,558 -4.48% Special Education 10,095,250 10,346,750 251,500 2.49% Debt Service 6,993,432 6,927,557 -65,875 -0.94% Transportation 7,357,065 7,630,567 273,502 3.72% Building & Grounds 2,548,000 2,914,500 366,500 14.38% Technology 2,316,893 2,452,436 135,543 5.85% BOCES w/o Spec Ed & Tech 2,556,105 2,698,613 142,508 5.58% Supplies & Equipment 2,235,195 2,119,195 -116,000 -5.19% Other 2,540,902 2,585,969 45,067 1.77% 130,372,327 131,701,337 1,329,010 1.02%
Anticipated Revenues 2015-2016 As of 4/14/15 Adopted Proposed Dollar Percent 2014-15 2015-16 Difference Difference Fund Balance 3,100,000 2,100,000 -1,000,000 -32.26% Health Services 450,000 400,000 -50,000 -11.11% Interest on Investments 50,000 50,000 - - Rentals 100,000 100,000 - - Unclassified Revenues 2,659,555 2,659,555 - - State Aid 12,215,841 13,411,861 1,196,020 9.79% Building Aid 3,746,434 3,746,434 - - BOCES Aid 2,008,026 2,024,709 16,683 0.83% Use of Reserves 780,290 320,618* -459,672 -58.91% Tax Levy 105,262,181 106,888,160 1,625,979 1.54% Total Revenue & Fund Balance 130,372,327 131,701,337 1,329,010 1.02% * Reserve usage required to balance budget
2015-2016 Budgeted Fund Balance Planned Deficit for 2014-15: Fund Allocation Liquidation of Tax Certiorari Purchase Orders (one-time revenue) (-1,000,000)* Reserve Usage (-780,290) Total Planned Deficit (-1,780,290) * Per District’s Corrective Action Plan in response to the 2013 NYS Comptroller’s Audit Report.
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