serial verb constructions in indonesian an hpsg analysis

Serial Verb Constructions in Indonesian: An HPSG Analysis and Its - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Serial Verb Constructions in Indonesian: An HPSG Analysis and Its Computational Implementation David Moeljadi and Viola Ow Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Chulalongkorn International

  1. Serial Verb Constructions in Indonesian: An HPSG Analysis and Its Computational Implementation David Moeljadi and Viola Ow Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Chulalongkorn International Student Symposium on Southeast Asian Linguistics, Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Building, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University 9 June 2017 Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions 9 June 2017 1 / 25

  2. Outline 1. Serial Verb Constructions in Indonesian 2. Indonesian data 3. Analysis and computational implementation 4. Conclusion and future work Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions 9 June 2017 2 / 25

  3. Serial Verb Construction (SVC) no overt syntactic marking , conjunction, or other morpheme to 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) (Kroeger 2004 [9], Aikhenvald and Dixon 2006 [2]) specifjc combinations of verbs are permissible difgerent languages impose difgerent restrictions as to which indicate the semantic relation between the verbs meaning and context a type of syntactic feature encompass a broad range of semantic relationships , based on verb has a single intonation contour share at least one semantic argument no t separated by any conjunctions referring to a single (possibly complex ) event neither of which is an auxiliary a single monoclausal structure a sequence of two or more juxtaposed verbs 3 / 25

  4. SVC in Indonesian Englebretson (2003: 128-133)[7] 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) clearly that it is SVC. 2014[3], Mintz 2002[11]) note this phenomenon but do not mention Indonesian reference grammars (Sneddon et al. 2010[16], Alwi et al. share at least one argument at least two adjacent verbs 1999: 470)[1] of a single verb clause, and not a sequence of clauses’ (Aikhenvald occur in the same, single intonation unit : ‘the intonation properties refer to closely related events surface form of the constructions) without intervening material (occuring contiguously , focusing on the 4 / 25

  5. Indonesian language SVO word order, nominative-accusative alignment pattern 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) (cf. Englebretson (2003) uses a corpus of colloquial “Low” variety) We analyzed SVC in the Standard “High” variety of Indonesian Diglossic: “High” and “Low” varieties [13] [15] Morphologically mildly agglutinative: prefjxes, suffjxes, … bahasa Indonesia “the language of Indonesia” Latin script L2 speakers: more than 156 million (2010 census data) L1 speakers: around 43 million the common language for hundreds of ethnic groups in Indonesia [3] the sole offjcial and national language of the Republic of Indonesia, > Malayic > Standard Malay, Indonesian, other Malay varieties [10] Austronesian language family > Western Malayo-Polynesian language 5 / 25

  6. SVC in Englebretson (2003) and other previous works I Budi 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) “Budi tries to chase Adi.” Adi Adi. meN-chase mengejar meN-try mencoba Budi (1) “need”, suka “like (to do something)”, tahu “know how to”, … orientation verbs : ingin “desire”, berhak “to have rights”, perlu “attempt”, mulai “begin”, … commitment verbs : mencoba “try”, menolak “refuse”, berusaha (Arka 2000); V2 = (in)transitive verbs (Englebretson 2003)/commitment verbs and orientation verbs V1 = the head, ‘control verbs’, complement-taking predicates/modality controller) in a matrix clause (controlled argument) and an expressed or unexpressed argument (the dependence between an unexpressed argument in an embedded clause control construction (Arka 2000)[4]: a relation of referential 1 6 / 25 1 Serial verbs as putative complements

  7. SVC in Englebretson (2003) and other previous works II appear 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) “It appears that Budi chases Adi.” Adi Adi. meN-chase mengejar tampak 2 Budi Budi (2) V1 = the head, ‘raising verbs’; V2 = (in)transitive role to the ‘raised’ argument the matrix verb, where the matrix verb does not assign any thematic with an embedded clause is syntactically expressed as the argument of raising (Arka 2000): the argument that is ‘thematically’ associated 7 / 25

  8. SVC in Englebretson (2003) and other previous works III V1 = head, intransitive; V2 = (in)transitive 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) “Budi goes home to get money.” money uang. meN-take mengambil go.home pulang Budi Budi (4) V1 enables V2 to happen, V1 must be done fjrst Purpose serialization 8 / 25 Budi 1 Manner serialization V1 = head, intransitive; V2 = (in)transitive V2 expresses how V1 is done (3) Budi berjalan 2 walk menggunakan meN-use tongkat. stick “Budi walks using a stick.” 2 Serial verbs with other semantic relationships (Englebretson 2003)

  9. SVC in Englebretson (2003) and other previous works IV V1 and V2 occur rapidly and repetitively, appearing to be simultaneous 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) “They beat up and gang up Budi.” Budi Budi. meN-gang.up mengeroyok meN-beat memukul 3 pl Mereka (6) V1 = (in)transitive, V2 = (in)transitive Coordinated actions 3 Budi Periphrastic causative construction usually non-standard in Indonesian and does not occur in formal Indonesian, except for the lexicalized beri tahu “inform” ( beri “give”, tahu “know”) (5) Budi kasih 4 give mati die mereka. 3 pl “Budi kills them.” 9 / 25

  10. SVC in Englebretson (2003) and other previous works V (predicated by V2) which is caused by that action 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) “Budi kills Adi until Adi dies.” Adi Adi. die mati meN-kill membunuh Budi Budi (8) V1 = transitive and V2 = intransitive a combination of an action (predicated by V1, the head) and a result 10 / 25 Budi 1 ‘ origin ’ or ‘ source ’ (Alwi et al. 2014)[3] V1 = head, intransitive; V2 = (in)transitive V1 happens after V2 (7) Budi pulang ‘ resultative ’ (Kridalaksana 1989)[8] go.home bertamasya. picnic “Budi goes home from picnic.” (ambiguous, can mean “Budi goes home to picnic”) 2 3 Other semantic relationships not mentioned in Englebretson (2003)

  11. Extracting SVCs from corpus the Nanyang Technological University — Multilingual Corpus 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) If V2 expresses the manner of V1, V1+V2 is a manner SVC If V1 is a raising verb like tampak “appear”, V1+V2 is a raising SVC If V1 is a control verb like mencoba “try”, V1+V2 is a control SVC guidelines for Indonesian SVCs. 11 / 25 of verbal multi-word expressions [5] The PARSEME annotation guidelines: state-of-the-art for annotation story, Japanese short story (NTU-MC) [17] ▶ a parallel English-Chinese-Japanese-Indonesian corpus ▶ 2,975 Indonesian sentences ▶ three sources: Singapore tourism board website, Sherlock Holmes short ▶ Part-of-speech (POS) tagged → V-V can be extracted ▶ We modifjed the guidelines for English and wrote suggested PARSEME ▶ for each extracted V-V: If V2 indicates the purpose of V1, V1+V2 is a purpose SVC, etc.

  12. Distribution of Indonesian SVCs in corpus 3.4% 9 June 2017 Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) (out of 45 possible Indonesian SVCs extracted) Table: Distribution of Indonesian SVCs in the corpus 100.0% 29 Total 0.0% 0 resultative 0.0% 0 source 1 Type of SVC 3 Number Percentage control 21 72.0% manner 10.3% coordinated action raising 2 6.9% purpose 2 6.9% 12 / 25

  13. Examples of Indonesian SVCs found in corpus I pass “…I go home by passing through that…yard.” (SID: 10500) manner (11) Waktu time terasa feel berlalu dengan …itu… with lambat slow sekali. very Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions 9 June 2017 that yard (9) halaman …Holmes Holmes …mencoba meN-try membuka meN-open palang shutter itu… that “…Holmes …tries to open that shutter …” (SID: 10417) control (10) …saya 1sg pulang go.home melalui pass.through 13 / 25 “It feels that time passes very slowly.” (SID: 10585) raising

  14. Examples of Indonesian SVCs found in corpus II step- head.towards kamar room ayah father tiri kami… run 1pl.excl “I soon run towards our stepfather’s room…” (SID: 10193) coordinated action Moeljadi & Ow (LMS, NTU) Indonesian Serial Verb Constructions 9 June 2017 menuju berlari (12) pertolongan… …tangannya hand- 3sg menggapai-gapai reach.out mencari seek help soon “…his hands reach out to seek help…” (SID: 10183) purpose (ambiguous, can be classifjed into coordinated action ) (13) Saya 1sg segera 14 / 25

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