senior safety team

SENIOR SAFETY TEAM Constable Amanda Bitter #1872 Constable Bussie - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SENIOR SAFETY TEAM Constable Amanda Bitter #1872 Constable Bussie Wood #1971 Social Worker Chantal Bennett #5911 York Regional Police 905-830-0303 extension 6697 November 22nd, 2017 Presentation Overview Role of Senior Safety Officers and

  1. SENIOR SAFETY TEAM Constable Amanda Bitter #1872 Constable Bussie Wood #1971 Social Worker Chantal Bennett #5911 York Regional Police 905-830-0303 extension 6697 November 22nd, 2017

  2. Presentation Overview  Role of Senior Safety Officers and Social Workers  YR Senior Safety Model  Case Example

  3. Introduction to Senior Safety Officers  2 Full Time Officers  Offer Presentations to our Older Adult friends and In Service Training on Elder Abuse  Host three events per year; Spring and Fall Senior Citizens Academy and Seniors Day in June  Liaise with community partners and families regarding scams/fraud and elder abuse 3

  4. Introductio ion t to the S Socia cial W l Work rkers o of YRP RP The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in relationships and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Sarah Amon #5910 – Children’s and Adult’s Mental Health Chantal Bennett #5911 – Vulnerable Clients, Senior’s Mental Health and Project Lifesaver We both work with YRP to assist clients who are frequently involved with YRP due to mental illness, vulnerability and/or cognitive impairment and connect them with appropriate community agencies and services Goal of our team: 1. Assist individuals 2. Reduce repeat calls 3. Reduce the amount of inappropriate calls made to 911 4

  5. Senior Safety Team: Social Worker Perspective Overall goal: Optimize the client’s ability to enjoy good health, improve their overall quality of life, reduce the need of hospitalization and enable them to live as independently for as long as possible Legislation considered : Mental Health Act and Health Care Consent Act Assessment of client’s: • Physical, Mental and Psycho-social health • Family dynamic and cultural considerations • Ability to function well and to independently perform the basic activities of daily life • Living arrangements, social network, access to support services • Identification of current problem or anticipated future problems

  6. Senior Safety Team Model: Police Perspective • Assess client in home safety, working smoke alarms/Co2 detectors • Next of kin information/POA/SDM • Criminality – Types of Abuse (i.e. Neglect) • Capacity • Effectively caring for oneself • Mens rea • Legislation considered : Mental Health Act, Retirement Home Act, Substitute Decision Act

  7. Team Approach • Home Visits • In office collaboration • Greater diagnostic accuracy • Education • Community partner and family member engagement • Further follow-up

  8. Contact Details Chantal Bennett #5911 PC Amanda Bitter #1872 • 905-830-0303 x 6697 905-830-0303 x 6815 PC Bussie Wood #1971 • 905-830-0303 x 6697


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