semantics practical applications of controlled natural

Semantics Practical applications of controlled natural language with - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Semantics Practical applications of controlled natural language with description logics and OWL. FluentEditor and OASE. Pawe Kapaski 1 Anna Wrblewska, PhD 1,2 Aleksandra Ziba, PhD 1,3 Pawe Zarzycki 1 1 Cognitum 2 Institute of Computer

  1. Semantics Practical applications of controlled natural language with description logics and OWL. FluentEditor and OASE. Paweł Kapłański 1 Anna Wróblewska, PhD 1,2 Aleksandra Zięba, PhD 1,3 Paweł Zarzycki 1 1 Cognitum 2 Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of T echnology 3 Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw Cognitum | Semantics

  2. Agenda • Crisis (Emergency) Management – Controlled Natural Language Component • Ontorion – Semantic Knowledge Management Framework • OASE - semiotic framework for software development Cognitum | Semantics

  3. Problems Addressed – Emergency, Crisis Management (EM) • activity of public administration, a part of national security management • dealing with the strategic organizational management processes (an integrated rescue system) used to – pr prevent critical situations (crises), – pr prep epar are to assume control of crises by way of planned activities, – respo pond nd in case of emergencies, remove their effects and restore the resources and critical infrastructure Cognitum | Semantics

  4. EM Characteristics • Clearly defined orga ganiz izati ationa onal l st struct cture • Legi gisl slati ative ve issues and documentation • Different kinds of information: time me (information can vary in time), sp space ce • Different requirements to information acc ccess ssibil bility ity & & pr prese senta ntation ion (by different actors) • Rescue actions: time pressure, usually lack ck of f necessary reso sour urces ces Cognitum | Semantics

  5. Two Kinds of Knowledge Ontology / Fact-base Meta-ontology - Geo & topological - General knowledge derived information, location from legislative of rescue units, etc. issues, procedures, - Communication via disasters etc. graphical language, - Communication e.g. maps, building via CNL plans etc. (advanced GIS system) - Actors: management - Rescue actors experts Cognitum | Semantics

  6. EM Knowledge Management System - Objectives Comprehensive services enriched by posting / insertion of additiona onal l infor ormat mation ion from om the • environ onme ment The system should allow for the identificati fication on and analysis of new risks ks • Coordin inat ation ion and exchange e of infor ormat mation ion between the coordinator, e.g. at the municipal level • or at the regional level, emergency services and citizens Infor ormat mative ve issues s involving the public: alarm system, forums, educational platform, opinion • monitoring, surveys Traini ning ng & simulat lation ion platform • EM-KMS accessed via spectrum of CNL (Controlled Natural Language) interfaces • can be seen as a commu munica icatio ion n platform orm that allows for constant nt contact act between coordination actors without additional UI layer (and training) It is expected that CNL will force actors of coordination to use the precise • statements as well as strictly defined ed and stand ndar ardiz dized ed termino minology ogy and therefore this tool will have great impact ct on the organizat nizational ional culture e itself Cognitum | Semantics

  7. EM – what knowledge needs to be managed? • What procedures need to be applied? • What actions/tasks are undertaken within the process? • What actors are involved in certain actions (actors’ dependancies, division of responsibilities) ? • Geo related issues: – What is the location of the emergency or crisis event? – Where are the rescue teams during crisis events? – What environmental factors influence the course of crisis events? – Where to find shelter during the crisis event? Cognitum | Semantics

  8. EM Concepts Captured – Meta-ontology (1) • Organiza anizatio tional al str truct uctur ure: e: roles (actors and units) and their relationships • Responsibil nsibilities ities of actor tors s for certain tasks in a particular situation • Aler erts ts about crisis risis situations and danger ers • Informat rmatio ion about crisis isis event nts, s, effects, ects, risks sks and danger ers • Acti tivit vities ies / Proced cedur ures es that are performed in specific situations during prevention, preparation, response to crisis and recovery • Resour urces ces, devices and equipment useful for performing rescue actions Cognitum | Semantics

  9. EM Concepts Captured (2) Treatment system Communication & Infrastructure coordination (resources) (actors, procedures, tasks) Crisis characterization Studied world Crisis events, Environment effects, risks, (people, natural dangers sites, goods) Cognitum | Semantics

  10. EM Model Cognitum | Semantics

  11. EM Meta-ontology Cognitum | Semantics

  12. EM Use Case – Tanker Accident A tanker truck (containing unknown toxic substance) had an accident. Several children of the near kindergarten (outside when the accident happened) feel sick. • What are the dangers? • What services we need to call? Cognitum | Semantics

  13. CNL - SWRL rules If Z is an actor and if a crisis has-type a crisis-type and if Z reacts-to-type the crisis-type then the crisis needs-actor Z. If Z is an actor and if an effect causes a danger and if a crisis induces the effect and if Z assumes a procedure and if the procedure reduces the danger then the crisis needs- actor Z. If Z is an actor and if an effect concerns a people-group and if a crisis induces the effect and if it is true that the people-group has-victims and if Z is Emergency- Medical-Service then the crisis needs-actor Z. Cognitum | Semantics

  14. Reasoned Conclusions CNL resu sult lts: s: Cognitum | Semantics

  15. Performed Tasks & Future Works • English CNL L for OWL - done • Working on SW SWRL rules les in in CNL • GIS S & & me meta ta knowledge integration • Collecting eme mergency gency ma management gement procedur cedures es to be coded in CNL • Working on CNL for Polish ish • Working on CNL dedicated icated for other diciplines: UE policy icy coordin dination ation process on national level, oncology me medical cal guidelines elines Cognitum | Semantics

  16. Ontorion Semantic Knowledge Management Framework Abox Executors Tbox Rules modularizator Hermit Pellet Racer … Cognitum | Semantics

  17. CNL user interface Cognitum | Semantics

  18. noSQL implementation Cognitum | Semantics

  19. Distributed approach Cognitum | Semantics

  20. OASE - Ontology Aided Software Engineering Ontology-Aided Software Engineering (OASE) is a semiotic framework for software development. It extends the existing methodologies with an ability to express the supporting knowledge in (controlled) natural language called OASE-English. Cognitum | Semantics

  21. OASE-Annotator OASE-Annotations and OASE-Assertions allow for the protection of the programmer from breaking the design-time or runtime assumptions and can be checked by the reasoning services (OWL-Reasoner) in terms of consistency and preservation of logical constraints. Cognitum | Semantics

  22. OASE-Diagrammer OASE-Diagrammer adds the ability to use the UML, together with the OASE framework. OASE-Diagrammer is dual to OASE-Annotator. It allows to draw the UML representations of software entities and supports OASE-Annotations. Cognitum | Semantics

  23. OASE-Editor Cognitum | Semantics

  24. Contact Thank you Cognitum | PL , Warsaw +48 22 250 2541 abroad sales representatives: Cognitum | CH , St. Gallen Cognitum | UK , Bristol Cognitum | Semantics


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