Auke Slotegraaf Astronomical Society of Southern Africa Deep Sky Observing Section How to see the deep sky a practical workshop to help you get the most out of your telescope time Southern Star Party seeing the deep-sky Bonnievale, South Africa How to get the most out of your precious telescope time 2011 March 05 Auke Slotegraaf ASSA Deep-sky Sec�on introduction practical perception practical history communication practical a checklist practical
deep sky observing astronomy as experience, in addition to measurement units words: WOW!, ooooh! etc. ;-) astronomy as experience introduction practical perception practical history communication practical a checklist practical
deep sky observing vision percep�on introduction practical perception practical history communication practical a checklist practical
deep sky observing I’m a proud member of the perception is more than vision practical AWB introduction perception practical history communication practical a checklist practical
h y s i p c a • l s � m u l u s → p h e n o m e n o l o g i c a l e x p e r percep�on i e n c e A collec�on of processes that organize input .
a l c p i s h y y h s i p o l o g i c a l a ff e c � v e n e u r o l o g i c a l c o g percep�on n i � v e A collec�on of processes that organize input
a l c p i s h y y h s i p o l o g i c a l a ff e c � v e op�cs of the eye n e wavelength of light u r chemistry of photo-receptors o l o g i c a l c o g percep�on n i � v e A collec�on of processes that organize input
a l c p i s h y y h s i p o l o g i c a l a ff e c � v e rhodopsin concentra�on n e dark adapta�on u r averted vision o l o g i c a l c o g percep�on n i � v e A collec�on of processes that organize input
a l c p i s h y y h s i p o l o g i c a l a ff e c � v e n e u r o l o g i c a l c o g percep�on n i � v e A collec�on of processes that organize input
a l c p i s h y y h s i p o l o g i c a l a ff e c � v e a�en�on n e organiza�on u r a�tude set o l o cogni�ve schema g i c learning a l c o g percep�on n i � v e A collec�on of processes that organize input
“There is nothing more painful for me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery – and then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” — Jesse Jackson cogni�ve schemas
cogni�ve schemas
cogni�ve schemas
Sir John Herschel & the Whirlpool Galaxy
a l c p i s h y y h s i p o l o g i c a l a ff e c � v e a�en�on n e organiza�on u r a�tude set o l o cogni�ve schema g i c learning: a l “ change in response poten�ality ” c o g percep�on n i � v e A collec�on of processes that organize input
“Seeing is in some respects an art which must be learnt... Many a night have I been prac�cing to see, and it would be strange if one did not acquire a certain dexterity by such constant prac�ce.” — William Herschel, 1782 learning to see
What kind of constant prac�ce should an observer embark on, in order to construct a richer cogni�ve schema, so that the result of percep�on can be a more meaningful and rewarding phenomenological experience? learning to see
observing checklist star clusters nebulae What are your first impressions? How easy is it to see? (visibility; magnitude) What are your first impressions? What shape is the cluster? How easy is it to see? (visibility; magnitude) How big is the cluster? What shape is the nebula? Are individual stars seen? How big is the nebula? Are the stars concentrated towards the centre? How does the brightness change (brightness profile) How does the brightness change (brightness profile)? Is there a nuclear region? How many stars can you see? Are the edges sharp or diffuse? What is the range of their brightness? Are there areas of uneven brightness? Is there an obvious central or other prominent star? How well does the nebula stand out? Do any of the stars have a par�cular colour? What colour is the nebula? Are any of the stars double? Are there stars very near/within the nebula? Are there chains, rows, or clumps of stars? How does it relate to the surrounding star field? Rate your confidence in this observa�on.
rough sketches
differences similari�es
A good descrip�on should allow the reader to re-create a mental image of what was seen at the eyepiece. communica�on
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