indian rural panel uncovering the farmer s mindset

Indian Rural Panel Uncovering the Farmers Mindset By Exclusive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Indian Rural Panel Uncovering the Farmers Mindset By Exclusive Indian Research partner with IRIS Date : 23 rd September, 2017 Indian Rural Panel Uncovering Farmers Mindset_777_520 1 Content Overview of Indian agriculture and

  1. Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering the Farmer’s Mindset By Exclusive Indian Research partner with IRIS Date : 23 rd September, 2017 Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 1

  2. Content Overview of Indian agriculture and need for having a farmer panel Current panel scenario in India and Q&Q’s engagement Understanding mammoth task of the panel - depth and width of the panel Detailed methodology – Panel Set up and Unique Features Current Status of Panel Challenges faced Future and Scope of the panel Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 2

  3. Overview of Indian agriculture and need for having a farmer panel Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 3

  4. Indian Agriculture – An Overview 43% 17% 38% 70% 58% Land Share Workforce Sector Share Export Share Population Livelihood under Agriculture Employed in agriculture and to GDP Including agriculture and Dependent on agriculture allied activities related goods and allied activities 127 Agro-climatic zones in India – based on natural resources, major crops, farming systems, production Diversity in Indian constraints and socio-economic conditions Agriculture 3 Agriculture Seasons – Kharif – June to November, Rabi – December to March and Zaid – April to June 4 Categories of Crops Grown – Food crops (Cereals, pulses), Cash Crops (Sugarcane, Oilseeds, Cotton, Jute, Tobacco), Plantation crops (Tea, Coffee, Coconut, Rubber) and Horticultural crops (Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Spices) Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 4

  5. Need of Farmer Panel and Q&Q’s Engagement Indian Agriculture Industry – Home to top International Agri Input Companies including Seeds, fertilizers and Pesticides. India is the 4 th largest producer of Crop Protection Chemicals after US, Japan and China. CAGR for Indian agro chemical industry is at 11%. Currently No panel in India which encompasses entire geography and all crops grown in the country!!!!! ● Diversity in Indian agriculture (type of crops grown, land holding pattern, socio-economic conditions of the Indian WHY Q&Q?? farmer) makes it difficult for the Agri Input companies to Q&Q has been engaged in Agriculture based MR since 2004. ascertain size of the industry. Client base includes major agri input companies both national and multi Regular requirement of market information by ● national. Agri-input companies about the products, brands sold and how Only MR firm in India with large pool of agri qualified professionals. farmers use their products . ● One time Adhoc studies are not able to provide correct An Indian company with in depth knowledge of complex Indian farming scenario. picture of Volumes of agri input consumed and market share of brands Have presence across the length and width of the country along with language proficiency in major Indian languages. NEED FOR A DEDICATED FARMER PANEL Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 5

  6. Understanding Mammoth Task of the Panel Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 6

  7. Client’s Expectation from Panel BUSINESS OBJECTIVES • In-depth understanding of the market – crop pattern including crop shifts, agri input usage and reasons thereof. • Competition Brand Tracking • Understanding market share (by volume and value) of the pesticide brands consumed in the area. Q&Q contacted by one of the India’s • Timing the promotional campaigns for various products biggest Agriculture input producing company for setting up the farmer panel in the portfolio. across South India as a pilot which • Understand the issues with regards to resistance contributes to 36% pesticide usage in the development against pesticides. country. • Identifying incorrect usage of the pesticides Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 7

  8. Width and Depth of Panel in Pilot Stage Sample Coverage : Fa Farmer Pa Panel spread across – Farmers Number of Total 5 states State empaneled Territories Sample /Territory AP 31 80 2480 80 Territories Karnataka 20 80 1600 Telangana 15 80 1200 Tamilnadu 13 80 1040 62 Districts Kerala 1 80 80 Total 80 6400 6400 farmers Manpower Involved (OPERATIONS TEAM): Operations 4 physical visits to each farmer along with 8-10 tele calls, team headed by one Project Operations In-charge depending on crop duration No. of State No. of Operations State Interviewer Operations Supervisors Team/State 35 qualifier crops ( Kharif crops– i.e. crops that are s Manager AP 31 6 1 38 sowed and harvested in Kharif –June to Nov) Karnataka 20 4 1 25 Telangana 15 3 1 19 1 crop season ( Kharif ) Tamilnadu 13 3 1 18 Kerala 1 Total 80 16 4 100 Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 8

  9. Methodology of Setting up Panel Identifying Recruitment of Designing Training of the Recruitment of territory Operations team Research tools and team Panel boundaries members Software 1 investigator recruited per 3 level trainings organized– Territories based on client’s Recruitment started A total of 11 QNRs designed territory 1. Training of research team + marketing structure immediately after training to capture entire cropping Operations head along withDiary placement season 2. Training of State Operations Diary for farmer to write his Each investigator have 80 Manager+ Supervisors Farmers recruited based on daily farming practice Few combinations – farmers inhis panel 3. Training of investigators criteria set by client 1 territory = 1 district 1 territory = >1 district Software designing – Investigators recruited from Not more than 2-3 farmers 1 Territory = ½ or 1/3rd First two trainings organized at • Development of tablet current team + fresh recruited per village district HO (MUMBAI) – Training by based APP recruitments Project in-charge • Development of online 10-15% buffer recruited web basedportal Each territory mapped on over and above sample of Investigator trainings organized For 5 investigators, 1 80/territory physical map of state and for a batch of 15-20 investigator supervisor assigned Procurement of Tablets/ boundaries drawn each across 5 locations – SIMS and APP download Before final recruitment, AP – 2 locations • back checks by supervisor Investigator - 3 years of KAR / TEL / TN – 1 location • to ensure right recruitment experience in Agri MR each Dry run of APP for testing Supervisor – 4 yrs Training by State Operations Initial back checks done by experience manager research team Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 9

  10. Calendar of Events JUNE APR-MAY JULY OCT - NOV DEC NOV - JAN AUG - SEP • 2 nd Data • 3 rd Data Preparatory phase • Team Training • Recruitment of • Final Data • Data analysis and • Recruitment of Farmers Collection visit • Development of Collection visit collection visit reporting • 1 st data Farmers • Follow up calls Questionnaires, • Follow up calls collection visit • Collection of software • Follow up call to secondary data • Chalking out empaneled from territories farmer government boundaries • Prelim report to • Recruitment of team client • Logistics Planning Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 10

  11. Uniqueness of Panel by Q&Q Largest farmer panel in India constituting 21000 farmers across 20 states and 160 districts Not crop specific , covers all the crops grown by the farmer for commercial purpose. Each farmer in our panel has 2-3 crops on an average. Empaneled farmer visited at least 4 times in the entire season and not at the end of season Multiple telecalls for health check – reducing drop outs First farmer panel in India to use technology (Tablets + web portal) to collect information Two times reporting to client – aiding them to decide on marketing plan for oncoming crop stage Farmers maintaining diary – noting down farming operation/activity carried out by him by date for all crops grown - No information loss Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 11

  12. Quick Glance through Software Used 1 Farmer Dairy (placed with Brand Code Books (given to 2 Tablets used for the study 3 the farmer, to note down day investigator to locate brand names to day farming activities) and enter by code in the tabs) Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 12

  13. Quick Glance through Software Used To ensure greater accuracy and precision the entire panel data is being managed on a Software designed specifically for the panel. Complete details of all the farmers at one go- List of all 4 the recruited farmers as well as terminated farmers can be viewed at one go in each of the territory Tracking of details captured from each 5 respondent- Software keeps a track of number questionnaires canvassed to each of the respondent and number of questionnaires pending; thereby ensuring that no information is missed from any of the farmer Indian Rural Panel – Uncovering Farmer’s Mindset_777_520 13


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