What is What is Secondhand Smoking? Secondhand Smoking? Formerly known as ‘passive smoking’. Secondhand smoking means involuntarily breathing in other people tobacco smoke. Every time someone smokes around a child that child is smoking too. Secondhand smoke is often referred to as Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS).
What’s in Tobacco Smoke? 4,000 toxic chemicals At least 250 are known to be toxic or carcinogenic Carbon monoxide, Ammonia, Hydrogen Cyanide, Benzene, Formaldehyde, Radon, Tar There is no safe level of exposure!
Secon Secondhand dhand smoke is made smoke is made up of up of t two types of sm wo types of smoke oke • Mainstream smoke – breathed in and out by smokers • Sidestream smoke – from the burning tip of a cigarette or cigar most toxic Sidestream smoke accounts for 85% of the smoke in a smoky environment and contains higher concentrations of toxins than Mainstream smoke
Short term Short term expo exposure sure to to Secondhand Smoke Secondhand Smoke causes: causes: Headache, Sore Throat, Nausea, Dizziness, Coughing, Eye Irritation 30 minutes exposure to secondhand smoke reduces the coronary blood flow in a fit and healthy adult – Imagine the effects on a child!
Secon Secondhan dhand smo d smoking king Increases Increases the r the risk isk of: of: Heart Disease, Vascular Disease, Stroke, Lung Cancer, Chronic obstructive airway disease A WHO study (2010) highlighted that around 603,000 People, including 165,000 children, die each year world - wide as a result of exposure to second hand smoke
Secon Secondhan dhand Smoke d Smoke and Child and Children ren 12% of children under 16 (approx 100,000) report exposure in the home to second hand smoke Children from lower income families suffer higher exposure to secondhand smoke in the home (54%) than those from professional households (18%) Exposure is greatest if the mother smokes
Secondhand Smoke and Children Secondhand Smoke and Children Children are more susceptible to the effects of secondhand smoking, because…. their respiratory organs are still developing, they breathe more rapidly so absorb more of the toxic chemicals
Secondhand Smoke and Secondhand Smoke and Children Children 300,000 GP consultations 9,500 Hospital admissions Costs each year (UK) Primary Care contacts: approx £10 million Hospital admissions: £ 13.6 million This is potentially avoidable
Secondhand Smoke and Secondhand Smoke and Children Children 25,000 children (UK) start smoking by the age of 16 • years because of exposure to family smoking If parents/other family members smoke twice as • likely to start themselves The future cost • Treating disease caused by the uptake of smoking by about 23,000 children/year around £5.7 million per year • Lost productivity £5.6 million per year
Secondhand Smoke and Secondhand Smoke and Children Children Cot Death or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Secondhand smoking doubles the risk of cot death • Asthma Secondhand smoking is implicated in the development of • asthma in children. Every year in the UK, between 1,600 and 5,400 new cases of asthma occur Secondhand smoking increases the severity and frequency of • episodes in existing cases Other Other respiratory cond respiratory conditi itions ons Lower respiratory tract infections • Pneumonia • Bronchitis •
Secondhand Smoke and Secondhand Smoke and Children Children Glue Ear Secondhand smoking is responsible for a 20 – 40% • increased risk of Glue Ear in children Glue Ear is a common condition with 15 – 20% of 2 – 5 • year-old children affected at any one time If left untreated Glue Ear can lead to permanent • deafness
Secondhand Smoke and Secondhand Smoke and Children Children Exposure leads to: At least 200 cases bacterial meningitis/year (RCP • 2010) Contributes to learning difficulties, behavioural • problems and language impairment Dental decay • Lower levels of serum Vitamin C • Reduced sense of smell •
Key Key campaign messa campaign messages ges • 85% Secondhand smoke is invisible and has no smell • Harmful chemicals linger in the air long after you think the smoke has gone and can travel from room to room for up to 5 hours • Children have higher breathing rates than adults
Key Key campaign messa campaign message ge “For your kids sake take it right outside”
Air Air Quality Quality Monitors Monitors Count tiny particles of second hand smoke in the air This ‘particulate matter’ is known as PM2.5 Using the monitor to measure the levels of PM25 in a home we can visualise these invisible particles into a graph over time
AQM AQM Pilot Pilot Project Project • Collaboration with ASH Scotland • 5 families engaged • 2 homes now smoke free • 2 no change • 1 smoke free • Process now in place • Promotional materials developed
PM2.5 (micrograms/m 3 ) 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 Air quality in your home – whole time Friday 9:15 12:24 15:33 18:42 SHS 21:51 1:00 4:09 Saturday 7:18 10:27 13:36 16:45 19:54 23:03 SHS 2:12 5:21 Sunday 8:30 11:39 14:48 17:57 21:06 SHS 0:15 3:24 Monday 6:33 9:42 12:51 16:00 19:09 22:18 SHS exposure 25 m g/m 3 daily WHO Guidance 1:27 4:36 7:45 Tuesday 10:54 14:03 17:12 20:21 SHS 23:30 2:39 5:48 Wednesday 8:57 12:06 15:15
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