second harvest food bank of santa clara and san mateo

Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties Cindy McCown Vice President of Community Engagement and Policy Second Harvest Food Bank SHFB Today Three Key Facts Big! Focused on nutrition Highly efficient New

  1. Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties Cindy McCown Vice President of Community Engagement and Policy

  2. Second Harvest Food Bank SHFB Today – Three Key Facts • Big! • Focused on nutrition • Highly efficient

  3. New Strategic Plan Vision: A Hunger-Free Community Mission: Lead our community to ensure that anyone who needs a healthy meal can get one.

  4. HUNGER & EDUCATION combining OPENING TARGETED summer NUTRITION PANTRIES feeding with EDUCATION at schools ENRICHMENT /screening and colleges ACTIVITIES ADDING exploring collaborating MEALS NEW SCHOOL with outside of BREAKFAST NEW school day models PARTNERS

  5. 47 % 50 % 35 % 23 % choose between S E LL OR EAT FOOD WATE R paying for PAW N PA ST ITS DOW N FO O D O R personal property E X PIR ATIO N FO O D & paying for S O THE Y DATE DR INKS E DUCATIO N CA N EAT E XPE NS ES Sobering Local Sobering Local Da Data ta

  6. RESEARCH Food Insecure Kids show more PERFORM hyperactivity/ STRUGGLE POORLY inattention to follow on language and comprehen- directions POOR sion tests MEMORY School FACE DELAYS problems suffer higher in social increase with Are more frequency of emotional, child’s BMI likely to be cognitive CHRONIC OBESE and motor ILLNESS development


  8. Connecting People to Food

  9. WHAT’S NEXT? leverage identify build on client- new kinds best practices centric of research partners across u.s. find “sweet spot” source / explore between distribute Disrupt targeted efforts to food ourselves influence capture in different food waste and advocacy forms and solve hunger

  10. Opportunities • Full participation of the all federal nutrition programs for children – Join our planning efforts! • Advocate with elected representatives for system changes and investments • Investments in providing more healthy food • Food security screening as part of the medical records • Leverage shared goals • Increased access

  11. Questions

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