SECMACE: Scalable and Robust Identity and Credential Infrastructure in Vehicular Communication IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITS), vol. 19, no. 5, May 2018 Mohammad Khodaei, Hongyu Jin, and Panos Papadimitratos Networked Systems Security Group 1 / 54
Introduction Vehicular communication systems (VCS) Illustration: C2C-CC 2 / 54
Introduction VCS security and privacy requirements ∗ Vehicular communication Warning: Emergency vehicle approaching Authentication & In area (X,Y,Z); RSU integrity Warning: Ambulance Non-repudiation approaching RSU ! ! at (x,y,z) Authorization & access ! control Conditional anonymity Unlinkability (long-term) Slow down and yield ∗ Securing vehicular communications-assumptions, requirements, and principles , ESCAR 2006 3 / 54
Introduction VCS security and privacy: Basic ideas ∗ Payload ¡ ¡ Loca%on : ¡( x V , y V , z V ) ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Time : ¡ t V ¡ ¡ Signature ¡with ¡k V ¡ ¡ Cert CA (V,K V ,A V ,T) ¡ Warning: ¡ Warning: ¡ Accident ¡at ¡(x,y,z) ¡ Accident ¡at ¡(x,y,z) ¡ ! ! Vehicle V Vehicle U Ephemeral pseudonymous credentials; conditional anonymity Digitally signed V2X communications Hybrid approach: combination of anonymous and pseudonymous authentication ∗ Secure vehicular communication systems: design and architecture , IEEE CommMag 2008 4 / 54
Introduction VCS security and privacy: Basic ideas (cont’d) First ¡demo, ¡2008 ¡ Final ¡event, ¡2015 ¡ 5 / 54
Introduction VCS security and privacy: Basic ideas (cont’d) RCA A certifies B A B Cross-certification Communication link Message dissemination Domain A Domain B Domain C RA LTCA LTCA LTCA RA PCA X-Cetify PCA PCA LDAP LDAP RA 3/4G RSU B 6 / 54
Introduction VCS security and privacy: Basic ideas (cont’d) Vehicles registered with one Long Term CA (LTCA) (home domain) Pseudonym CA (PCA) servers in one or multiple domains Vehicles can obtain pseudonyms from any PCA (in home or foreign domains) Establish trust among entities with a Root CA (RCA) or with cross-certification Resolve a pseudonym with the help of a Resolution Authority (RA) 7 / 54
Introduction VCS security and privacy: Basic ideas (cont’d) Adversaries Malicious users/vehicles/nodes (On-Board Units (OBUs)) Arbitrary behavior “Sybil” users (each posing as multiple users) Collusion Selfish users Honest-but-curious system infrastructure (security & privacy infrastructure servers) Correct protocol execution Curious to infer private user information 8 / 54
VPKI Designing the VCS security infrastructure Focus: Vehicular Public-Key Infrastructure (VPKI) Design, analyze, implement and evaluate the VPKI Management of credentials: provisioning, revocation, resolution Protocols for all vehicle-to-VPKI and intra-VPKI interactions Challenges: complexity and constraints Security and privacy Multiple and diverse entities, global deployment, long-lived entities Short-lived credentials, very large numbers Cost-driven platform resource constraints 9 / 54
VPKI Designing the VCS security infrastructure: goals Resilience to honest-but-curious VPKI entities Eradication of Sybil-based misbehavior Standard-compliant implementation Scalability Multi-domain operation Efficiency Revocation and resolution 10 / 54
VPKI Designing the VCS security infrastructure: System instance A certifies B A B RCA Communication link Home Domain (A) Foreign Domain (B) LDAP RA RA F-LTCA H-LTCA I. f-tkt req. PCA PCA 1. LTC 2. n-tkt II. f-tkt III. n-tkt 3. psnym req. IV. psnym req. 4. psnyms acquisition V. psnyms acquisition 11 / 54
VPKI Designing the VCS security infrastructure: Pseudonym acquisition policies t start t end Unused Trip Duration Pseudonyms User-controlled policy (P1) } } } } } τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P Γ P2 Γ P2 Oblivious policy (P2) } } } } } } τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P Γ P3 Γ P3 Γ P3 Expired Pseudonym Universally fixed policy (P3) } } } } } } } } τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P System Time P1 & P2: Requests could be user “fingerprints” : exact times of requests throughout the trip P3: Request intervals falling within “universally” fixed intervals Γ P 3 ; pseudonym lifetimes aligned with the PCA clock 12 / 54
VPKI Ticket and pseudonym acquisition V LTCA PCA 1 . H ( PCA ID � Rnd 256 ) , t s , t e , LT C v , N, t 2 . Cert ( LT C ltca , tkt ) 3 . tkt, N + 1 , t v , ..., ( K n 4 . tkt, Rnd 256 , t s ′ , t e ′ , { ( K 1 v ) σ k 1 v ) σ kn v } , N ′ , t 5 . Cert ( LT C pca , P i v ) v } , N ′ + 1 , t 6 . { P 1 v , . . . , P n 13 / 54
VPKI Ticket acquisition protocols Protocol 1 Ticket Request (from the LTCA) Protocol 2 Issuing a Ticket (by the LTCA) 1: procedure R EQ T ICKET ( P x , Γ Px , t s , t e , t date ) 1: procedure I SSUE T ICKET ( ( msg ) σ v , LTC v , N, t now ) if P x = P 1 then 2: Verify ( LTC v , ( msg ) σ v ) 2: ( t s , t e ) ← ( t s , t e ) 3: IK tkt ← H ( LTC v || t s || t e || Rnd IK tkt ) 3: else if P x = P 2 then 4: ζ ← ( SN, H ( Id PCA � Rnd tkt ) , IK tkt , Rnd IK tkt , 4: ( t s , t e ) ← ( t s , t s + Γ P 2 ) t s , t e , Exp tkt ) 5: else if P x = P 3 then ( tkt ) σ ltca ← Sign ( Lk ltca , ζ ) 6: 5: P 3 ) , t date + Γ i +1 ( t s , t e ) ← ( t date + Γ i P 3 ) return (( tkt ) σ ltca , N + 1 , t now ) 7: 6: end if 8: 7: end procedure ζ ← ( Id tkt - req , H ( Id PCA � Rnd tkt ) , t s , t e ) 9: ( ζ ) σ v ← Sign ( Lk v , ζ ) 10: “ticket identifiable key” ( IK tkt ): it binds a ticket to the return (( ζ ) σ v , LTC v , N, t now ) 11: 12: end procedure corresponding Long Term Certificate (LTC) A faulty LTCA cannot resolve an LTC other than the one Run over Transport Layer Security (TLS) with mutual the ticket was issued for authentication 14 / 54
VPKI Pseudonym acquisition protocols Protocol 3 Pseudonym Request (from the PCA) Protocol 4 Issuing Pseudonyms (by the PCA) 1: procedure R EQ P SNYMS ( t s , t e , ( tkt ) σ ltca ) 1: procedure I SSUE P SNYMS ( psnymReq ) for i:=1 to n do 2: psnymReq → ( Id req , Rnd tkt , t s , t e , ( tkt ) σ ltca , 2: { ( K 1 v , ..., ( K n Begin v ) σ k 1 v ) σ kn v } , N, t now ) 3: Generate ( K i v , k i v ) 4: Verify ( LTC ltca , ( tkt ) σ ltca ) 3: ( K i v ← Sign ( k i v , K i H ( Id this - PCA � Rnd tkt ) ? v ) σ ki v ) 5: = H ( Id PCA � Rnd tkt ) 4: [ t s , t e ] ? End 6: = ([ t s , t e ]) tkt 5: psnymReq ← ( Id req , Rnd tkt , t s , t e , ( tkt ) σ ltca , 7: for i:=1 to n do 6: { ( K 1 v , ..., ( K n v ) σ k 1 v ) σ kn v } , N, t now ) Begin 7: Verify ( K i v , ( K i v ) σ ki v ) return psnymReq 8: 8: IK P i ← H ( IK tkt || K i v || t i s || t i 9: end procedure e || Rnd IK i v ) 9: ζ ← ( SN i , K i v , t i s , t i v , IK P i , Rnd IK i e ) 10: ( P i Run over TLS with unidirectional (server-only) v ) σ pca ← Sign ( Lk pca , ζ ) 11: End 12: authentication return ( { ( P 1 v ) σ pca , . . . , ( P n v ) σ pca } , N + 1 , t now ) 13: 14: end procedure “pseudonym identifiable key” ( IK P i ): it binds a pseudonym to the corresponding ticket A faulty PCA cannot resolve pseudonyms other than the ones issued for the ticket 15 / 54
VPKI Roaming user: Foreign ticket authentication 16 / 54
VPKI Ticket and pseudonym acquisition in a foreign domain 17 / 54
VPKI Pseudonym revocation and resolution RA PCA LT CA 1 . P i , N, t 2 .Update CRL 3 . tkt, N + 1 , t 4 .SN tkt , N ′ , t 5 .Resolve LT C v 6 .LT C v , N ′ + 1 , t 18 / 54
Analysis & evaluation Security analysis Communication integrity, confidentiality, and non-repudiation Certificates, TLS and digital signatures Authentication, authorization and access control LTCA is the policy decision and enforcement point PCA grants the service Discovery of available servers: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Concealing PCAs, F-LTCA, and actual pseudonym acquisition times Sending H ( PCA id � Rnd 256 ) , t s , t e , LTC v to the H-LTCA A PCA verifies whether [ t ′ s , t ′ e ] ⊆ [ t s , t e ] Thwarting Sybil-based misbehavior An LTCA never issues valid tickets with overlapping lifetimes (for a given domain) A ticket is bound to a specific PCA A PCA keeps records of used tickets 19 / 54
Analysis & evaluation Pseudonym linkability based on timing information τ P = 5 min. τ P = 5 min., Γ P 2 = 15 min. τ P = 5 min., Γ P 3 = 15 min. 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 System Time [min.] System Time [min.] System Time [min.] (a) P1: User-controlled policy (b) P2: Oblivious policy (c) P3: Universally fixed policy P1 & P2: Distinct lifetimes per vehicle make linkability easier (requests/pseudonyms could act as user ‘fingerprints’ ) P3: Uniform pseudonym lifetimes eliminate the timing fingerprints 20 / 54
Analysis & evaluation Experimental setup VPKI testbed LTCA PCA RA Clients Implementation in C++ VM Number 2 5 1 25 OpenSSL: TLS and Elliptic Curve Digital Dual-core CPU (Ghz) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 BogoMips 4000 4000 4000 4000 Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)-256 Memory 2GB 2GB 1GB 1GB according to the standard [1] Database MySQL MySQL MySQL MySQL Web Server Apache Apache Apache - Emulated Threads - - - 400 21 / 54
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