KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SECMACE: Scalable and Robust Identity and Credential Management Infrastructure in Vehicular Communication Systems M. Khodaei, H. Jin and P . Papadimitratos Networked Systems Security Group (NSS) In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (April 2018)
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Vehicular Communication (VC) Systems Figure: Photo Courtesy of the Car2Car Communication Consortium (C2C-CC) 3/42
Security and Privacy for VC Systems 1 Basic Requirements ◮ Message authentication & integrity ◮ Message non-repudiation ◮ Access control ◮ Entity authentication ◮ Accountability ◮ Privacy protection Vehicular Public-Key Infrastructure (VPKI) ◮ Pseudonymous authentication ◮ Trusted Third Party (TTP): ◮ Certification Authority (CA) ◮ Issues credentials & binds users to their pseudonyms 1P . Papadimitratos, et al. “Securing Vehicular Communications - Assumptions, Require- ments, and Principles,” in ESCAR, Berlin, Germany, pp. 5-14, Nov. 2006. 4/42 P . Papadimitratos, et al. “Secure Vehicular Communication Systems: Design and Architec- ture,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 100-109, Nov. 2008.
Security and Privacy for VC Systems (cont’d) ◮ Sign packets with the private key, corresponding to the current valid pseudonym ◮ Verify packets with the valid pseudonym ◮ Cryptographic operations in a Hardware Security Module (HSM) 5/42
State-of-the-art Standardization and harmonization efforts ◮ IEEE 1609.2 [1], ETSI [2] and C2C-CC [3] ◮ VC related specifications for security and privacy-preserving architectures Projects ◮ SEVECOM, EVITA, PRECIOSA, OVERSEE, DRIVE-C2X, Safety Pilot, PRESERVE, CAMP-VSC3 Proposals ◮ V-Token, CoPRA, SCMS , SEROSA, PUCA 6/42
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Problem Statement and Motivation The design of a VPKI ◮ Resilience ◮ Stronger adversarial model (than fully-trustworthy entities) ◮ User privacy protection against “honest-but-curious” entities ◮ User privacy enhancement and service unlinkability (inference of service provider or time) ◮ Pseudonym acquistion policies ◮ How should each vehicle interact with the VPKI, e.g., how frequently and for how long? ◮ Should each vehicle itself determine the pseudonym lifetime? ◮ Operation across multiple domains, thus a scalable design ◮ Efficiency and robustness 8/42
Security and Privacy Requirements for the VPKI Protocols ◮ Authentication, communication integrity and confidentiality ◮ Authorization and access control ◮ Non-repudiation, accountability and eviction (revocation) ◮ Privacy ◮ Anonymity (conditional) ◮ Unlinkability ◮ Thwarting Sybil-based misbehavior ◮ Availability 9/42
Adversarial Model External adversaries Internal adversaries Stronger adversarial model Protection against honest-but-curious VPKI entities ◮ Correct execution of protocols but motivated to profile users ◮ Concealing pseudonym provider identity and acquisition time, and reducing pseudonyms linkability (inference based on time) Multiple VPKI entities could collude 10/42
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Secure VC System RCA A certifies B A B Cross-certification Communication link Message dissemination Domain A Domain B Domain C RA RA LTCA RA LTCA LTCA ◮ Root Certification Authority (RCA) X-Cetify PCA PCA PCA ◮ LDAP LDAP Long Term CA (LTCA) ◮ Pseudonym CA (PCA) 3/4/5G RSU {Msg} (P iv ) , {P i v } (PCA) ◮ Resolution Authority (RA) ◮ Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) {Msg} (P iv ) , {P i v } (PCA) B ◮ Roadside Unit (RSU) ◮ Trust established with RCA, or through cross Figure: VPKI Overview certification 12/42
System Model A certifies B A B RCA Communication link Home Domain (A) Foreign Domain (B) LDAP RA RA F-LTCA H-LTCA I. f-tkt req. PCA PCA 1. LTC 2. n-tkt II. f-tkt III. n-tkt 3. psnym req. IV. psnym req. 4. psnyms acquisition V. psnyms acquisition Figure: VPKI Architecture 13/42
Pseudonym Acquisition Policies t start t end Unused Trip Duration Pseudonyms User-controlled policy (P1) } } } } } τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P Γ P2 Γ P2 Oblivious policy (P2) } } } } } } τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P Γ P3 Γ P3 Γ P3 Expired Pseudonym Universally fixed policy (P3) } } } } } } } } τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P τ P System Time ◮ P1 & P2: Requests could act as user “fingerprints” ; the exact time 14/42 of requests and all subsequent requests until the end of trip could
Vehicle Registration and Long Term Certificate (LTC) Update V H - LT CA 1 . LK v , Lk v 2 . ( LK v ) σ Lkv , N, t 3 . Cert ( LT C ltca , LK v ) 4 . LT C v , N + 1 , t 15/42
Ticket Acquisition Protocols Protocol 2 Issuing a Ticket (by the LTCA) Protocol 1 Ticket Request (from the LTCA) 1: procedure I SSUE T ICKET ( ( msg ) σ v , LTC v , N , t now ) 1: procedure R EQ T ICKET ( P x , Γ Px , t s , t e , t date ) Verify ( LTC v , ( msg ) σ v ) 2: if P x = P 1 then 2: IK tkt ← H ( LTC v || t s || t e || Rnd IK tkt ) 3: ( t s , t e ) ← ( t s , t e ) 3: ζ ← ( SN , H ( Id PCA � Rnd tkt ) , IK tkt , Rnd IK tkt , 4: else if P x = P 2 then 4: t s , t e , Exp tkt ) ( t s , t e ) ← ( t s , t s + Γ P 2 ) 5: ( tkt ) σ ltca ← Sign ( Lk ltca , ζ ) 5: else if P x = P 3 then 6: return (( tkt ) σ ltca , N + 1 , t now ) 6: P 3 ) , t date + Γ i + 1 ( t s , t e ) ← ( t date + Γ i P 3 ) 7: 7: end procedure end if 8: ζ ← ( Id tkt - req , H ( Id PCA � Rnd tkt ) , t s , t e ) 9: ◮ “ticket identifiable key” ( IK tkt ) binds a ticket to the ( ζ ) σ v ← Sign ( Lk v , ζ ) 10: return (( ζ ) σ v , LTC v , N , t now ) 11: corresponding LTC 12: end procedure ◮ Preventing a compromised LTCA from mapping a ◮ Run over Transport Layer Security (TLS) with mutual different LTC during resolution process authentication 16/42
Pseudonyms Acquisition Protocols Protocol 3 Pseudonym Request (from the PCA) Protocol 4 Issuing Pseudonyms (by the PCA) 1: procedure R EQ P SNYMS ( t s , t e , ( tkt ) σ ltca ) 1: procedure I SSUE P SNYMS ( psnymReq ) for i:=1 to n do psnymReq → ( Id req , Rnd tkt , t s , t e , ( tkt ) σ ltca , 2: 2: { ( K 1 v , ..., ( K n Begin v ) σ k 1 v ) σ kn v } , N , t now ) 3: Generate ( K i v , k i v ) 4: Verify ( LTC ltca , ( tkt ) σ ltca ) 3: ( K i v ← Sign ( k i v , K i H ( Id this - PCA � Rnd tkt ) ? v ) σ ki v ) 5: = H ( Id PCA � Rnd tkt ) 4: [ t s , t e ] ? End 6: = ([ t s , t e ]) tkt 5: psnymReq ← ( Id req , Rnd tkt , t s , t e , ( tkt ) σ ltca , 7: for i:=1 to n do 6: { ( K 1 v , ..., ( K n v ) σ k 1 v ) σ kn v } , N , t now ) Begin 7: Verify ( K i v , ( K i v ) σ ki v ) 8: return psnymReq 8: IK P i ← H ( IK tkt || K i v || t i s || t i 9: end procedure e || Rnd IK i v ) 9: ζ ← ( SN i , K i v , t i s , t i 10: v , IK P i , Rnd IK i e ) ◮ Run over TLS with unidirectional (server-only) ( P i v ) σ pca ← Sign ( Lk pca , ζ ) 11: End 12: authentication return ( { ( P 1 v ) σ pca , . . . , ( P n v ) σ pca } , N +1 , t now ) 13: 14: end procedure ◮ “pseudonym identifiable key” ( IK Pi ) binds a pseudonym to the corresponding ticket ◮ Preventing a compromised PCA from mapping a different ticket during resolution process 17/42
Ticket and Pseudonym Acquisition V H-LTCA PCA 1 . H ( PCA ID � Rnd 256 ) , t s , t e , LT C v , N, t 2 . Cert ( LT C ltca , tkt ) 3 . tkt, N + 1 , t 4 . tkt, Rnd 256 , t s ′ , t e ′ , { ( K 1 v , ..., ( K n v ) σ k 1 v ) σ kn v } , N ′ , t 5 . Cert ( LT C pca , P i v ) v } , N ′ + 1 , t 6 . { P 1 v , . . . , P n 18/42
Roaming User: Foreign Ticket Authentication V LDAP H - LT CA 1 . LDAP Req. 2 .LDAP Search 3 . LDAP Res. 4 . H ( F - LT CA ID � Rnd 256 ) , t s , t e , LT C v , N, t 5 . Cert ( LT C ltca , f - tkt ) 6 . f - tkt, N + 1 , t 19/42
Native Ticket and Pseudonym Acquisition in the Foreign Domain V F - LT CA PCA 1 . f - tkt, H ( PCA ID || Rnd ′ 256 ) , Rnd 256 , N, t 2 .Cert ( LT C ltca , n - tkt ) 3 . n - tkt, N + 1 , t 256 , t s ′ , t e ′ , { ( K 1 v , ..., ( K n 4 . n - tkt, Rnd ′ v ) σ k 1 v ) σ kn v } , N ′ , t 5 . Cert ( LT C pca , P i v ) v } , N ′ + 1 , t 6 . { P 1 v , . . . , P n 20/42
Pseudonym Revocation and Resolution RA PCA LT CA 1 . P i , N, t 2 .Update CRL 3 . tkt, N + 1 , t 4 .SN tkt , N ′ , t 5 .Resolve LT C v 6 .LT C v , N ′ + 1 , t 21/42
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