sdc s vsd typolo logy tool l

SDCs VSD Typolo logy Tool l Webin inar the webinar starts at - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SDCs VSD Typolo logy Tool l Webin inar the webinar starts at 11:00 am (CET) Welcome elcome by by the the Team eam Sonila Limaj Brigitte Colarte-Drr Roman Troxler Matthias Jaeger Presenter, Q & A sessions Presenter

  1. SDC’s VSD Typolo logy Tool l Webin inar … the webinar starts at 11:00 am (CET)

  2. Welcome elcome by by the the Team eam Sonila Limaj Brigitte Colarte-Dürr Roman Troxler Matthias Jaeger Presenter, Q & A sessions Presenter Presnter, Q & A sessions Presenter, video Adrien Rebord Carmen Eckert Katharina Walker Annett Hilpert Chat moderator Technical support Moderator Moderator

  3. Webinar Overview Objectives Programme • Present, disseminate and validate • Welcome by e+i focal point the tool • Introduction to the VSD • Learn from your experiences and Typology Tool (video) explore opportunities to apply the • Case study Albania tool • Extensions of the tool • Provide input for the • Q & A e-discussion (13 to 16 November) • Your ideas for e-discussion topics

  4. Tec echnical hnical tips tips If you have comments or questions during the presentation, post them in the chat. If you can’t hear or see: close and restart webinar, and close other programs. This webinar is being recorded and will be shared for further learning purposes.

  5. VSD in different policy areas

  6. Intr Introduction oduction Video on ideo on the the VSD VSD Typolog ypology Tool ool Matthias Jäger , consultant & key expert in the development team of the VSD typology tool

  7. Q & A – session 1 Please write your questions in the chat

  8. Case Study Case Study Albania Albania : Applica pplication tion of of the the VSD Typ VSD ypolog ology y Too ool l (Basic (Basic Too ool l 1/3) 1/3)

  9. 3 SDC supported VSD / Employment Promotion Projects in Albania: Skills Development for Employment (SD4E) Programme (MACRO & MESO LEVEL): ❖ Supportive framework conditions (policies, laws, bylaws, communication platforms) ❖ Capacitated key actors in VET and Employment for high quality and demand-driven services ❖ Sustainable and inclusive economic development in the country and smooth process of EU accession Skills for Jobs (S4J) Project (MICRO LEVEL): ❖ Innovative technology, supportive learning environment, new ways in teaching and learning ❖ Business and school cooperation (training programs for teachers, WBL, sponsorships) ❖ Career guidance, life long learning opportunities and support on labor market insertion of VET graduates RISI Albania (MACRO, MESO & MICRO LEVEL): ❖ Business growth and expansion in economic growth sectors (engines for job creation) ❖ Access of young people to quality labor market information and services (career guidance, job-matching) ❖ Closing skill gaps through non-formal private training

  10. Positioning the 3 Projects in the Typology Tool Results of a consultation process with project managers and key staff facilitated by Annett Hilpert, International Consultant & Sonila Limaj, SD4E

  11. Impact on Education System VET SYSTEM REFORM VET ACCESS & INCLUSION SD4E S4J RISI SD4E RISI S4J 10% 10% 10% 30% 50% 50% Economic Policy Orientation Social Policy Orientation LABOUR MARKET INTEGRATION INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS S4J SD4E SD4E RISI RISI S4J 10% 20% 20% 20% 30% 40% Impact on Employment & Productivity

  12. VSD Type 1: VET SYSTEM REFORM (KEY INTERVENTIONS BY PROJECT) Impact on Education System Capacitate management Coordinate and improve VET Piloting and WBL between Policy & Regulatory organizational consolidating WBL VET providers Framework for VET development and companies Introduce VET Capacitate early S4J provider management Restructuring of adopters in new ways Multilayer Capacity information system Ministry and of learning to coach Building for Ministry Capacitate the VET Agencies Service others SD4E & Agency Staff School Developing Portfolio Introduce state-of-the art Units Curricula teaching & learning Adapting School development Albanian methods, including Curricula to driven by labor National Model for Qualification blended learning National National Model for market dynamics Accreditation of VET Economic Policy Orientation Framework Qualification VET and sectors Providers Standards development Innovative teaching methodologies in Sector Skills Councils RISI National Model for private non -formal for selected Effective M&E System Continuous Teacher training industries to support Policy Training Soft skills Implementation Capacitate Faculty development of Social Sciences on Job related non- through non-formal Career Advisors formal training offer training Preparation

  13. Impact on Education System VSD Type 2: VET ACCESS & INCLUSION C4VSD and exit strategies for Outreach campaigns Career guidance for dropouts targeting girls and 9th VET trainees graders SD4E S4J Foster an Inclusive Career orientation for 9th Learning Environment graders and career guidance Leverage Lessons Gender focal point for VET students and Learnt into Systemic and ensuring gender graduates (VET system) Level emancipation Inclusive non – formal training offer Social Policy Orientation Career Guidance on RISI Municipality Level Inclusive Career Guidance through Career Guidance on media University Level

  14. VSD Type 3: INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS Engage enlightened Exposure to the world employers in sponsorship of work through Economic Policy Orientation agreements with VET gradual skills providers development schemes Develop a roadmap and SD4E Training of instruments for systemic private Piloting various models of mentors in sector engagement in VET apprenticeship with selected S4J companies (training programme design, sectors (Tourism & Hospitality, ICT, training implementation, Textile, Construction) Cost-Benefit Analysis of assessment) Establishment of a Introduce Private Sector Technical teacher training from business industry Engagement in VET industry leaders and network/center for standard associations apprenticeships Establish a Platform for online AAFA scaling up best practices in platforms in WBL / dVET VET Strengthen the capacity of business associations RISI Job creation measures in selected sectors (Agro- Processing, Tourism, ICT) Advisory service and intermediation to small businesses with growth potential Impact on Employment & Productivity

  15. VSD Type 4: LABOUR MARKET INTEGRATION Social Policy Orientation Mentorship and placement S4J Compile a National support for VET-graduates SD4E Portfolio of Self- Employment Programmes Improve the national Short term Job matching Labour Market courses platform Information System Develop a balanced (LMIS) portfolio of Active Labour Market Programmes (ALMP) RISI Develop Action Plans & Case Management Mechanism for Upgrade the outreach different categories of public and private of job seekers job matching services Impact on Employment & Productivity

  16. Outlook: Further Refinement and Application of the Tool • Extent the Inventory by reflecting the entire donor landscape in VSD and Employment Promotion in Albania in this tool (participatory process) • Enhance communication and cooperation among sister projects and other donor interventions • Harmonize the intervention portfolio , avoid overlaps and generate synergies and ensure an effective use of resources

  17. 2 Extentions of the Basic Tool (1/3) 2 crucial elements of VSD: FOCUS Tool 2/3: Governance in VSD Tool 3/3: Collaboration with the Private Sector Recommended procedure: First position your project in one (or more) of the 4 quadrants in the basic tool and then take a focused look at the aspects of governance and private sector involvement.

  18. Tool 2/3: Governance in VSD – a mandatory transversal theme 3 Analytical Categories Equality & to reflect the issue of Non- Participation Governance in the Discrimination Typology Tool Matrix: Six Governance ❖ Regulatory and Transparency Principles Structural Framework Rule of Law ❖ Stakeholders / Actors (interest, power, capacities) Effectiveness ❖ Core Governance & Efficiency of Processes and Accountability State Principles Obligations

  19. Tool 3/3: Private Sector Involvement in VSD Analytical Categories to reflect Private Sector Involvement in the Typology Tool Matrix: Stakeholder in the Governance Co-Financier Four Key of VET Systems Functions of the Vested Interest Private Sector Host of Client of Training Training

  20. Q & A – session 2 Please write your questions in the chat

  21. Your ideas for e-discussion topics • Visit the Shareweb pape • Participate in the e-discussion: 13 to 16 November Please write your ideas for e- discussion topics in the chat

  22. Thank you! dgroups … see you in the e-discussion


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