SDC Conference Keppel Awards Presentation December 4, 2008 Photos by IMLS
SDC Conference Remarks, Dr. Anne-Imelda Radice, Director of IMLS
SDC Conference The following states received the Keppel Award for FY 2007 public libraries data submission: AR, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MT, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OR, PA, RI, TN, TX, UT, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY Unable to attend: • Nicolle Steffen, SDC Colorado (Keith Lance accepts in her place) • Betty Kingery, SDC Hawaii • Anastasia “Stacy” Bruhn, SDC Montana • Geraldine Hutchins, SDC New Mexico
SDC Conference Dianne Carty (SDC, MA), Kim Miller (IMLS), Patty O’Shea (Census), and Dr. Radice
SDC Conference Patty O’Shea, Keith Curry Lance accepting on behalf of Nicolle Steffen (SDC, Colorado), and Dr. Radice
SDC Conference Patty O’Shea, Diana Very (SDC, Georgia), and Dr. Radice
SDC Conference Patty O’Shea, Peter Haxton (SDC, Kansas), and Dr. Radice
SDC Conference Patty O’Shea, Beth Bisbano (SDC, Pennsylvania), and Dr. Radice
SDC Conference Patty O’Shea, Genny Carter (SDC, Tennessee), and Dr. Radice
SDC Conference Patty O’Shea, Robert Geiszler (SDC, Vermont), and Dr. Radice
SDC Conference Patty O’Shea, Susan Vittitow (SDC, Wyoming), and Dr. Radice
SDC Conference Patty O’Shea, Terri Assaf accepting on behalf of Nancy Robertson (Chief Officer, Michigan), and Dr. Radice
SDC Conference Patty O’Shea, Holly Van Valkenburgh accepting on behalf of Daphne Arnaiz-DeLeon (Chief Officer, Nevada), and Dr. Radice
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