WHAT WE DO? • Provide property expertise and experience to:- – Meet The Parent Council’s key property goals. Work with other parts of the Parent Council to aid delivery (Fundraising). (Fundraising). – Improve school facilities and fabric for children and teachers. – Pull together skills and expertise of Sciennes Parents (and third parties) to plan, finance and deliver goals.
What is required? Key Issues • Space – Lack of playground / outdoor etc space and facilities. – Lack of land to deliver new classrooms / – Lack of land to deliver new classrooms / Diningroom / sportshall facilities.
Work in Progress • Extension of playground by closing Sciennes Road. – Facilities team and Playground Committee meet bi- monthly with local councillors. monthly with local councillors. – We have prepared plans and costings for the extension of the playground through the road closure. – New plans being prepared / meetings with CEC Transport Planners being arranged / Question mark over ownership of land / Compulsory purchase?
• Sick Kids – Sick Kids to start disposal in 2017 – Prior to marketing the council and NHS Lothian will complete a Design Brief and engage with neighbours (including the School). neighbours (including the School). – We are engaged with the Councillors in this regard. – We are also engaged with the advisors for NHS Lothian so we are aware when the process will start.
School School Council Action Plan 2013-14 “I’m always on the look-out for examples of how survey feedback informs and influences decision- making and this seems like an ideal case in point. This is a really good example of a parent council consulting with and feeding back to the wider parent body” David Maguire, CEC Principal Officer for Engagement and Involvement
School Council Action Plan 2013-14
Communications Group 2013-14 Parent Rep School Coms Group Network Partnership School Council School Council IT Sessions Website Feedback Tree
Introduction • The Heath and Wellbeing Group (HWBG) was set up in response to the parent survey. • The group met 4 times during the year (Nov, Dec, Jan and April) • A number of outcomes were secured but the group constantly struggled with low numbers. • Current Chairperson moves on in June, no volunteers to continue running the group.
Survey Feedback Feedback was grouped into 4 major areas: Improve the quality of school lunches (fresh food cooked on site), involve children in preparing food, more time to Healthy Eating eat lunch, dining hall for packed lunch pupils, banning unhealthy snacks/fizzy drinks... Health and Health and Reduce the number of competitive events in school, finding Reduce the number of competitive events in school, finding ways to encourage self confidence... Wellbeing Access to Use more outdoor space (e.g. the meadows), more lessons held outdoors in good weather)… outdoor space Increase opportunities for sport, more use of the swimming Sport pool...
Key Outcomes: Healthy Eating •School restricted by size of serving hatch / centralised meal provision. •Re-introduce parents attend school lunch with P1’s at start of year. •Count-down announcements as lunch time progresses to inform pupils how much time they have. time they have. •Banning unhealthy snacks was felt to be a parental issue (not school to police). •Many suggestions on the internet for “healthy snacks/packed lunches (web links) •Desire for “healthy snacks” more powerful if led by pupils. Miss Pearmain currently considering possibility of pupil led HWBG. •Not all kids having packed lunches WANT a lunch hall – they are happy in their classrooms (“It’s quieter.”)
Health and Key Outcomes: Wellbeing •Numerous instances of the same child being selected as School Council/ ECO Rep in consecutive years. (System required to ensure a system to pass information to each new class teacher. Miss Peramain raising with SMT) •The Raising Kids With Confidence course ran at Sciennes again this year and was again over-subscribed. Course run by a charity but depends on volunteers to again over-subscribed. Course run by a charity but depends on volunteers to facilitate the course. A number of parents have now volunteered for training – intention to deliver the course again. •Created checklist of suggested strategies for supporting your child if they are experiencing a social problem at school for child to follow if they are having problems in the play-ground (web-links).
Access to Key Outcomes: outdoor space •Trips out of the school premises require a minimum number of adults to be present. Suggested creating a list of “parent helpers” who are able and willing to assist at short notice (action carried forward into Sport Group). •Access to outdoor space grouped with Sport for discussion (as volunteer rota would apply to both.
Key Outcomes: Sport •Increased Swimming Lessons– these have taken place using funds raised by the Swimathon. •School very restricted by physical space available in the building. •School very restricted by physical space available in the building. •Noted there is no formal written Sport Policy (volunteer required). •Key parents have excellent sports experience but currently fully committed to the Commonwealth Games. •Decision to treat sport as a separate group. Due to lack of resouce and change of chairperson, this has been shelved until next year – assuming there is the parental desire to take this forward.
Conclusion • HWBG in its current form has addressed as many of the issues at it can. • Group has lacked volunteers, and as of June, there is no chairperson. no chairperson. • The issues around sport and outdoor space remain outstanding. In the autumn, if there is a desire amount parents to take this forward, consider reforming the group as a sport group (or similar).
Eco Group Assisted eco-reps with the display board Involvement with a few eco-rep activities as required Taken 7 P3 groups for 40 minutes of gardening in the raised beds. Planted vegetables to be used by next year’s P3s in the Autumn ‘food Planted vegetables to be used by next year’s P3s in the Autumn ‘food and farming’ project. The eco-group will meet early in the Autumn term to discuss next year’s activities. We have one new member keen to help next year (taking it to 3).
PTA Mission • Mission – To engage as many people as possible, doing or giving as much as they are able, to raise funds and increase opportunities benefiting the pupils of opportunities benefiting the pupils of Sciennes, all in accordance with the School’s aims and objectives
Objectives. Specific Objectives set School Council Action Plan September 2013 a) review the current after school music clubs with a view to setting up further clubs if interest is there by - ongoing b) explore the possibility of further language after school clubs by ongoing c) develop and agree a fundraising strategy by 30 September 2013 d) subsidising residential school trips for parents on low income and to come up with new ideas for fundraising -ongoing e) continue to provide detail of what money spent on- ongoing f) include swimming and sport in fundraising strategy -ongoing f) include swimming and sport in fundraising strategy -ongoing
Engaging as Many People as possible possible doing or giving as much as they are able
Summer Fair Volunteers 2014 In total there were 78 volunteers • registered. 66 to organise and man stalls • 12 to organise displays and activities • Plus 3 active members of staff : • Mr John Reid, Mrs Angela Christie & • Mrs Alison Noble
To raise funds A1 7000 6000 5000 4000 4000 2012/13 3000 2013/14 2000 1000 0 Wine Quiz Xmas Fair Ceilidhs Discos Summer Fair
Slide 23 A1 Aileen, 11/06/2014
Where have the increases been
Grant Application Strategy � Identify and engaged with stakeholders � Identify and engage Grant applications team � Identify potential sources of grants � Identify projects � Identify projects Led By Tanya Boughtflower
increase opportunities benefiting the pupils of Sciennes,
all in accordance with the School’s aims and objectives
School Council Clubs (2013-14) • School Council webpage has been updated and includes all relevant details • Endeavoured to align SC Clubs & Active School term dates • PVG being coordinated for all out of school activities NEW CLUBS THIS YEAR: • Recorder • Introduction to Music • Vocal Acappella • Bike Club • Handcrafts
Next Year … • Continue to encourage SC Clubs and Active Schools to align dates • Consider opportunities to showcase Sciennes SC Club talents to celebrate the accomplishments of the pupils.
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