school board meeting

School Board Meeting Draft 2018-2019 RPS District Calendar March 5, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

School Board Meeting Draft 2018-2019 RPS District Calendar March 5, 2018 2018-2019 Calendar Committee Members Committee Members A Richmond Public Schools committee was comprised of teachers, administrators, and parents. The following are the

  1. School Board Meeting Draft 2018-2019 RPS District Calendar March 5, 2018

  2. 2018-2019 Calendar Committee Members Committee Members A Richmond Public Schools committee was comprised of teachers, administrators, and parents. The following are the committee members: - Eric Rhoades, Director, Curriculum and Instruction - Stefanie Ramsey, Instructional Specialist, Health, Physical, and Driver Education - Abe Jeffers, Assistant Superintendent of Schools - Anthony Leonard, Assistant Superintendent of Schools - Decardra Jackson, Director of Assessment Literacy and Research - Gregory Dorazio, Communications & Media Relations Specialist - Daniela Jacobs, Principal, William Fox ES - Latonya Waller, Principal, Boushall MS - J. Austin Brown, Principal, Richmond Community HS - Sandra Wheeler, Community Partnerships - A. Ramon Moore, President, REA President - Patricia Woodberry, SPACE (Teacher) - Kathy Peasley, Teacher, Mary Munford ES (Teacher) - Ms. Sarah Gross, Chair, Virginia PTA (Parent)

  3. Calendar Development Process The Code of Virginia requires that the start date of school must follow the Labor Day holiday and the school calendar have 180 student instructional days . Preliminary feedback was shared with a committee that includes representative calendars from other school divisions in the metro-Richmond area . In addition, regional schools such as CodeRVA, Maggie Walker Governor’s School, and Appomattox Governor’s School are considered as well. The Region has decided to have Spring Break during the first week of April to allow for consistency from year to year. The Committee met on the following dates and locations: ● November 1, 2017 at 4:30p at Vatex, Hermitage Road ● November 15, 2017 at 4:30pm at Vatex, Hermitage Road ● November 29, 2017 at 4:30pm Web Meeting

  4. Community Feedback The Office of Communication and Media Relations will post the draft 2018-2019 RPS District Calendar on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 for public comment. The public comment will be collected through January 30, 2018. The draft calendar and public comment will be provided to the School Board on February 5, 2018 for information and February 20, 2018 for approval. Results (64 Comments Total): - 43 out of 64 - Winter Break comments (i.e., split weeks) - 15 out of 64 - Teacher work days (i.e., full v. half day) - Most comments were positive regarding the placement of Spring Break - Parent/Teacher conference dates (i.e. - timing of dismissals) - Professional development (August PD days, February PD)

  5. Draft 2018-2019 RPS District Calendar July 4 Independence Day August 20-24 New Teacher Institute 27-31 Staff PD and Work Days September 3 Labor Day 4 School Opens October 5 Interim Report Sent Home 8 Student Holiday/Staff Planning and Development November 5 Half Day/PT Conferences/End of Nine Weeks 6 Student Holiday/Election Day/PT Conference Day December 10 Interim Report Sent Home 20 Student Half Day 21-31 Winter Break

  6. Draft 2018-2019 RPS District Calendar January 1-2 Winter Break 3 Schools Re-Open Following Winter Break 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 28 Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day February Student/Staff Holiday (Make-Up Day) 18 March 6 3 Hour Early Dismissal/PT Conference Day 29 Student Half Day/Teacher Work Day April 1-5 Spring Break 19 Student Half Day/Teacher Work Day 22 Student/Staff Holiday (Make-Up Day) May 10 Interim Report Sent Home 27 Memorial Day Holiday June 7 Last Day for Seniors 14 Student Half Day/Teacher Work Day 18 Last Day for Teachers

  7. Draft 2018-2019 RPS District Calendar Considerations: The following days can be reconsidered as either half days or full days - Dec. 21 - Half Day - Jan. 28 - Full Day Feb. 18 - President’s Day - Full Day - - April 22 - Full Day Questions


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