Scenario Developing for life cycle design and analyses Waldo Galle Transform research team, part of æ-lab Department of architectural engineering Supervised by Niels De Temmerman Vrije Universiteit Brussel Presented at the International Symposium on Reversible Building Design Hogeschool Zuyd, Maastricht June 10th, 2016 transform veranderingsgerichtbouwen TRANSFORM RESEARCH TEAM Vrije Universiteit Brussel
In February 1951 the Popular Mechanics Magazine presents the “Hiller Hornet”, a personal helicopter “ready for the civilian market”. Luckily, as this prediction turned out to be a mistake, new houses were not equipped with helicopter garages. After all, the future cannot be predicted. Scenario Developing for life cycle design and analyses Waldo Galle Transform research team #2 SOURCE
The only certainty is that the future is uncertain. Because the future cannot be predicted we build in a Therefore, we design in a transformable way. transformable way: multi- purpose assets, movable structures and demountable building elements. These strategies demonstrate the understanding that our requirements will always change. Their aim is to create buildings that support that change efficiently. Multipurpose assets Movable structures Reversible design SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE KPW Architecten (2015). Roovers, K., Alegria Mira, L., & De Paduart, A. (2012). Re-design for Temmerman, N. (2013). From Surface change: a 4 dimensional renovation OVAM (2015). to Scissor Structure. In Proceedings of approach towards a dynamic and the First Conference Transformables . sustainable building stock (doctoral (pp. 275-280). Sevilla: Starbooks. thesis). Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Scenario Developing Brussels. for life cycle design and analyses Waldo Galle Transform research team #3
Scenario Developing Although transformable buildings allow us to anticipate change without predicting the for life cycle design and analyses future one should look forward in time when evaluating their long-term advantage. Therefore Scenario Developing What are scenarios? arouses our interest. Although scenarios are commonly used in How to build them? other sectors, they have been rarely adopted during the design or assessment of buildings. Scenario Developing for life cycle design and analyses Waldo Galle Transform research team #4
What are scenarios? Scenarios express how a building Scenario are stories, exploring imaginable but divergent futures. might change. They take into account the owners’ knowledge about future requirements and Plausible versus possible scenarios the designers’ insight in the Probable or preferable scenarios building’s adaptability. Subjecting subsequently each design alternative to those imaginable futures allows appraising their robustness and saying “I am prepared for whatever happens ”. Scenario Developing SOURCE Adapted from Hancock, T., & Bezold, C. (1994). Possible for life cycle design and analyses futures, preferable futures. The Healthcare Forum Journal , 37 (2), 23 – 9. Waldo Galle Transform research team #5
SOURCE Scenarios express how a building might change. They take into account the owners’ knowledge about future requirements and the designers’ insight in the building’s adaptability. Subjecting subsequently each design alternative to those imaginable futures allows appraising their robustness and saying “I am prepared for whatever happens”. Scenario Developing for life cycle design and analyses Waldo Galle Transform research team #6
SOURCE What are scenarios? Scenarios, being narrative by Scenarios, narrative by nature relate easily to architecture and its users. nature, relate easily to architecture and its users. For example Friedman (2002) developed scenarios resembling the growth of a household. To each of the subsequent expansions relate changing requirements. Thinking in terms of scenarios allows evaluating the house’s potential to change and fulfil those requirements. Adaptable homes need to be able to respond to a situation commonly occurring nowadays where a child grows up and leaves the original household to form his or her own household, but then, after divorce, may return later to the original household, only to remarry and leave again. Scenario Developing SOURCE Friedman, A. (2002). The Adaptable House Designing Homes for Change . New for life cycle design and analyses York, McGraw Hill. Waldo Galle Transform research team #7
SOURCE Scenarios, being narrative by nature, relate easily to architecture and its users. For example Friedman (2002) developed scenarios resembling the growth of a household. To each of the subsequent expansions relate changing requirements. Thinking in terms of scenarios allows evaluating the house’s potential to change and fulfil those requirements. Scenario Developing for life cycle design and analyses Waldo Galle Transform research team #8
SOURCE What are scenarios? Divergent scenarios support Scenarios support the design process and evaluation. qualitatively the design process. They raise awareness about the uncertainty the future holds and Raise awareness about an uncertain future facilitate the co-creation of Allows co-creating design solutions alternative design solutions. Support decision making Thereafter, scenarios allow evaluating quantitatively the variability of the long-term impact of those solutions. The resulting insights support the final choice that has to be made. In reaction to the various household types KPW Architecten encountered during the development of scenarios, they shifted their design process from just ‘programming’ to the implementation of a ‘building strategy’, i.e. a family tree of apartment types expressing how dwellings can transform during future refurbishments. Scenario Developing SOURCE KPW Architecten (2015). for life cycle design and analyses OVAM (2015). Waldo Galle Transform research team #9
SOURCE What are scenarios? Divergent scenarios support Scenarios support the design process and evaluation. qualitatively the design process. They raise awareness about the uncertainty the future holds and Raise awareness about an uncertain future facilitate the co-creation of Allows co-creating design solutions alternative design solutions. Support decision making Thereafter, scenarios allow evaluating quantitatively the Conventional external wall variability of the long-term impact of those solutions. The Initial € 208/m² resulting insights support the Scn. 1 € 426/m² final choice that has to be made. Scn. 2 € 516/m² Scn. 3 € 590/m² Transformable external wall € 301/m² Initial Scn. 1 € 453/m² Scn. 2 € 501/m² Scn. 3 € 620/m² SOURCE Galle, W., Vandenbroucke, M., & De Temmerman, N. (2015). Life Cycle Scenario Developing Costing as an Early Stage Feasibility Analysis: The Adaptable Transformation of Willy for life cycle design and analyses Van Der Meeren’s Student Residences. Procedia Economics and Finance , 21 , 14 – 22. Waldo Galle Transform research team #10
Scenario Developing Before scenarios can support the design process of transformable buildings in a qualitative and for life cycle design and analyses quantitative way they should be developed deliberately. According to the method Schwartz describes in his book What are scenarios? The art of the long view three major steps can be How to build them? distinguished. Scenario Developing for life cycle design and analyses Waldo Galle Transform research team #11
SOURCE How to build scenarios? First, the scenarios’ building Identify the scenarios’ building blocks. blocks have to be identified. Known unknowns such as demographic evolutions are Known unknowns well-studied and can be Unknown unknowns predicted with historic data. Unknown unknowns are in contrast unpredictable. Different trend reports might however inspire their identification. These critical uncertainties determine the differences between the developed scenarios. The ageing of our population, constantly declining family and household sizes and raising housing demand are known unknowns. During long-term surveys these evolutions could be observed and translated into diverse models. Such models allow to project future changes with a defined level of certainty. Scenario Developing SOURCE Author unknown (2014). Population structure and the for life cycle design and analyses demographic transition model. Via Waldo Galle Transform research team #12
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