san francisco labor laws under covid 19

San Francisco Labor Laws Under COVID-19 July 29, 2020 Office of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

San Francisco Labor Laws Under COVID-19 July 29, 2020 Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 1 Webinar Ho Housek ekeep eeping You should see a control panel like this on the right side of your screen The panel should minimize

  1. San Francisco Labor Laws Under COVID-19 July 29, 2020 Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 1

  2. Webinar Ho Housek ekeep eeping • You should see a control panel like this on the right side of your screen • The panel should minimize automatically when you aren’t using it. To minimize or re-open, click the orange arrow. • Use the “Questions” box to ask your questions during the presentation. Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 2

  3. San an Fran ancisco O Office of of Lab abor S or Stan andards E Enfor orcement • OLSE was established in 2001 as the first municipal labor standards enforcement agency in the nation. • OLSE enforces laws that apply to City contractors and lessees (e.g., prevailing wage, minimum compensation ordinance) and laws that apply to all employers in San Francisco (e.g., minimum wage, paid sick leave). • Investigations & enforcement; worker outreach; technical assistance Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 3

  4. To Today’s To Topics • Health Care Security Ordinance Rose Auguste, OLSE • Paid Sick Leave & Public Health Emergency Leave Linshao Chin, OLSE • Employee Protections Ordinance Beverly Popek, OLSE • State and Federal Leave Programs Katie Wutchiett, Legal Aid at Work Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 4

  5. Health Ca h Care S Secur urity y Ordi dina nanc nce ( e (HCS CSO) Rose Auguste Compliance Officer Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (OLSE)

  6. What is the Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO)? The HCSO is a San Francisco labor law that requires covered employers to make health care expenditures (spend money) on behalf of covered employees for health care services 6

  7. Covered Employers • Minimum size threshold based on total number of persons performing work in ALL locations throughout the world, not only San Francisco • For-profit employers: 20+ persons perform work per quarter • Nonprofit employers: 50+ persons perform work per quarter 7

  8. Employer Spending Requirement Employer 2019 2020 Size 100+ $2.93/hr $3.08/hr Workers 20-99 $1.95/hr $2.05/hr Workers *Health C Care E e Expen enditure R e Rates es Change e Annually* Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 8

  9. Employer Spending Requirement Options to satisfy ESR: • Provide health insurance: • Payments for insurance premiums, including medical, dental, and/or vision insurance for covered employees and/or their spouses, partners, children, or other dependents • Contribute to SF City Option • Contribute to a Health Savings Account, Medical Savings Account, or other irrevocable reimbursement account • Combination of these options Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 9

  10. Covered Employees • Employed for at least 90 calendar days for your organization • Work on average at least 8 hours per week in San Francisco in a quarter NOT CO COVERED: • Managers/Supervisors. Must satisfy (1) job duties test and (2) salary requirement. • Medicare or TRICARE • Employees covered by the Health Care Accountability Ordinance (HCAO) • Employees who are receiving health care services through another employer and nd who voluntarily sign an OLSE Employee Waiver Form 10

  11. Common Compliance Issues • Failing to make any health care expenditures for anyone • Spending too little for health insurance • Disregarding part time workers who work 8+ hours/week and may not qualify for employer’s health insurance program • Failing to make health care expenditures for employees with other coverage 11

  12. Frequently Asked Questions During COVID-19 • My hours have been cut and/or I was recently laid off. Am I still covered under the HCSO? • In light of COVID-19, is the OLSE authorizing employer payment extensions for the quarterly payments? • I’ve been working remote outside of CCSF since San Francisco’s Shelter in Place order. Am I covered under the HCSO? 12

  13. HCSO Resources • Sign u n up for HCSO updates for HCSO updates • OL OLSE/H /HCSO Web ebsi site • Rules & Regulations • Administrative Guidance • OLSE Official Notices • Employee Voluntary Waiver Form • Em Email u us: HCSO@sf • Cal Call u us: (415 415) 554 554-789 7892 Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 13

  14. Paid Si Sick Le Leave Ordinance (PS PSLO) Linshao C Chin, O OLSE C Compliance O Officer Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 14

  15. Pai aid S Sick k Leave Or e Ordinan ance O e OVER ERVI VIEW • Applies to every worker in San Francisco • Employees accrue 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked • For a small employer with less than 10 employees, employees accrue up to 40 hours of sick leave • For a large employer with 10 or more employees, employees accrue up to 72 hours of sick leave • CA sick leave law (for all workers in the state) Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 15

  16. Use o of Paid Sick ck L Leave • An employee may use paid sick leave when they are ill or injured or for the purpose of the employee's receiving medical care, treatment, or diagnosis • Sick leave can also be used to aid or care for the following persons - Child; parent; legal guardian or ward; sibling; grandparent; grandchild; and spouse, registered domestic partner under any state or local law, or designated person. Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 16

  17. Paid S Sick Lea eave a and t the e Coronavirus • Updated guidance released March 24, 2020 (updated guidance supersedes March 16, 2020 guidance) • Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 17

  18. Employer er Verification on o of Pai aid Sick L k Leave Effective immediately, OLSE Rule 2.3 requiring doctor’s notes is suspended and replaced with the following: • Employers may not require a doctor’s note or other documentation for the use of paid sick leave taken pursuant to the Paid Sick Leave Ordinance during the duration of the Local Health Emergency regarding Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019. • This Rule suspension is temporary, effective only for the duration of the above-referenced Local Health Emergency. Rule 2.3 will revert automatically to the version in effect prior to this guidance upon expiration of the Local Health Emergency, unless OLSE revokes it sooner. Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 18

  19. Fu Further er guidance e on t the u e use o e of Paid S Sick L Lea eave: e: Visit Call the multilingual PSL hotline at (415) 554-6271 Email Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 19

  20. Public He Health Emer ergen ency L Leave e Or Ordinance ( ce (PHE HELO) Linshao C Chin in, O , OLSE SE C Com omplia liance O Office icer Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 20

  21. Ba Back ckground • Starting April 17, 2020, businesses with 500 or more employees worldwide must provide two weeks (up to 80 hours) of paid Public Health Emergency Leave (PHEL) to each employee who performs work in San Francisco. • The ordinance will expire on August 16, 2020 unless reenacted by the Board of Supervisors , or upon the termination of the Public Health Emergency, whichever occurs first. Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 21

  22. Feder eral al a and State S e Supplemen ental al L Lea eave • Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) requires companies with fewer than 500 employees to provide paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave. leave • CA Supplemental Paid Sick Leave for Food Sector Workers at Companies with 500 or More Employees (Executive Order N-51-20) Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 22

  23. Us Use o of Public He Heal alth Emer ergen ency L y Leave Employees may use PHELO if they are unable to work or telework due to any of the following: (1) The employee is subject to an individual or general government quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19, including shelter-in-place orders. This includes an employee who is a member of a “vulnerable population” - (1) 60 years old and older; (2) have certain health conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and weakened immune systems; or, (3) who are pregnant or were pregnant in the last two weeks. (2) The employee has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine. (3) The employee is experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19 and seeking a medical diagnosis. Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 23

  24. Us Use o of Public He Heal alth Emer ergen ency L y Leave Employees may use PHELO if they are unable to work or telework due to any of the following: (4) The employee is caring for a family member who meets one of the categories listed on the previous slide. (5) The employee is caring for a family member if that person’s school or place of care has been closed, or the care provider of that person is unavailable, due to the Public Health Emergency. (6) The employee is experiencing any other substantially similar condition specified by the Local Health Officer or federal law. Office of Labor Standards Enforcement 24


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