ryerson university

Ryerson University 2014-09-23 1 Residential sector, 3 rd largest - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Peta-Gaye Ebanks M.A.Sc. Candidate Supervisor: Dr. Russell Richman Ryerson University 2014-09-23 1 Residential sector, 3 rd largest consumer of energy in Canada, consuming 17% of the total energy used and producing 15% of total GHGs (NRC,

  1. Peta-Gaye Ebanks M.A.Sc. Candidate Supervisor: Dr. Russell Richman Ryerson University 2014-09-23 1

  2.  Residential sector, 3 rd largest consumer of energy in Canada, consuming 17% of the total energy used and producing 15% of total GHGs (NRC, 2009)  In a typical home, 30-50% of the energy used is transmitted through the windows (Gustavsen, Grynninga, Arasteh, Petter Jelle, & Goudey, 2011)  Window frames account for 20 to 30% of the whole window area yet can be responsible for more than 30% of the rate of heat transfer (Gustavsen, Arasteh, Petter Jelle, & Curcija, 2008) 2

  3. 3

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  5.  Long disagreement between both methods; +/- 10% difference (Blanusa, 2001 and Weitzmann et al., 2000) ◦ Calculation methods ◦ Interior and exterior temperatures ◦ Surface film coefficients ◦ Wind velocities ◦ Edge effects 2014-09-23 6

  6. (NFRC, 2010) 7

  7. - -

  8. NFRC center-of-glass U-values: up to 23% higher than CEN • values NFRC frame U-values: 5% lower to 24% higher than CEN • values NFRC whole window U-values: 14% lower to 18% higher • than CEN values (RDH Building Engineering Ltd., 2014) 2014-09-23 9

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  10. 1. What are the differences between the NFRC and CEN calculation methods for determining the U-value for window products? 2. What parameters can be harmonized between the two U-value calculation methods? 3. How are these parameters affected by the different boundary conditions in North America’s eight climate zones? 2014-09-23 11

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  12. Materi erial Fra rame e Exteri erior Fra rame e Glazing Wind Surf rface e Film m SHGC Space cer Therm ermal Cavity y Temp. mp. Materi erial Comb mbination on Speed ed Coeffici cien ents s Meth ethods Conduct ctivity Meth ethod NA 8 Double IGU; Insulated clima mate e high and low A NFRC 101 NFRC Inland NFRC NFRC fiberglass zones es SHGC Triple IGU; high CEN (ISO Solid wood B CEN Coastal CEN CEN and low SHGC 10077-2) Quad IGU; high TBSW C SHGC U-PVC

  13. North h America ca (NFRC) RC) Europe e (CEN) EN) ISO Standa andard d Used ed ISO 15099 ISO 10077 Inter erior Temper mperatu ature 21°C 20°C Exteri erior Temper mperatu ature -18°C 0°C Exteri erior Wind nd Veloci city 5.5 m/s 4 m/s Exteri erior Radi diant ant Mean n T r,m = T exterior T r,m = T exterior Temper mperatu ature e Inter erior Radi diant ant Mean n Temper perat atur ure T r,m = T interior T r,m = T interior 2014-09-23 14

  14. NFRC CEN N Standard NFRC 200-2010 ISO 15099 Inter erior temper mperatu ature 24°C 25°C Exteri erior temper mperatu ature 32°C 30°C Inter erior convec ective e surfa face ce heat 7.7 W/(m2K) 2.5 W/(m2K) transf nsfer er coeff effici cien ent, , hcv,i ,int (NFRC 102 hc int and ASTM E1423) Exteri erior convect nvective e surfa face ce heat 15 W/(m2K) 8 W/(m2K) transf nsfer er coeff effici cien ent, , hcv, , ext Radi diant ant Mean n Temper mperatu ature, e, Tr,m ,m Tex Tex Solar ar irrad adian ance ce, , Is 783 W/m2 500 W/m2 Wind nd Veloci city 2.75 m/s 4 m/s (Chen and Wittkopf, 2011) 2014-09-23 15

  15. Climate ate Zone nes s (inl nland) and) Wint nter er Desi Design n Summ mmer er Annual al Low w Annual al Annual al High h Wind nd Veloci city Temp. mp. (°C) C) Desi sign n Temp. p. Average age Average age Average age (m/s) /s) (°C) C) Temp. mp. Temp mp (°C) C) Temp mp. (°C) C) (°C) C) 1 ** 2 Austin, n, TX -1 37 14.4 20.3 26.2 7.6 3 Atlant anta, a, GA -4 33 11.8 17.0 22.2 7.7 4 Albuq buque uerque, e, NM -6 34 7.5 14.0 20.4 9.3 5 Indi ndian anap apolis, s, IN -14 32 6.6 11.8 16.9 8.4 6 Toront nto, , ON -16 29 5.6 9.2 12.7 9.1 7 Winni nnipeg peg, , MB -30 29 -3.1 2.6 8.3 9.8 8 Yellowk wkni nife, e, NT -40 24 -9 -4.6 -0.2 7.7 Climate ate Zone nes s Wint nter er Summ mmer er Desi Design n Annual al Low w Annual al Annual al High h Wind nd Veloci city y (coas astal al) Desi sign n Temp. mp. (°C) C) Average age Average age Average age (m/s) /s) Temp. mp. (°C) C) Temp. mp. Temp. mp. Temp mp. (°C) C) (°C) C) (°C) C) 1 Miam ami, FL 11 33 21.2 25.1 29.1 7.7 2 Jack ckso sonvi nville, e, FL 0 34 14.3 20.3 26.3 7.3 3 San n Franci ncisco sco, , CA 5 26 10.6 14.1 17.6 10.6 4 New w York k City, y, -8 30 8.3 12.3 16.2 9.6 NY (JFK K airport) 5 Vanco couver uver, , BC -4 24 6.5 10.1 13.7 7.6 6 St. John’s, NFLD -14 23 0.6 4.7 8.7 12.3 7 Whit hiteho horse, YT -35 23 -5.9 -0.7 4.5 8.4 8 Iqa qalui uit, , NU -38 14 -13.6 -9.8 -6.0 11.1

  16.  The NFRC SHGC values were 24- 46% lower than CEN values (standard methods)  NFRC SHGC values were 2-5% higher than CEN values for the triple and quad IGUs (IGU only)

  17. 2 (5%) (67%) (-2%) 1.5 K) g (W/m ² K) NFRC High SHGC (7%) 1 CEN High SHGC (4%) (-3%) Ucog NFRC Low SHGC 0.5 (47%) CEN Low SHGC 0 -40 -30 -18 -10 -5 0 5 10 20 30 40 Double IGUs Temperatu ature re (°C) C) 2 1.5 ²K) NFRC High SHGC g (W/m²K CEN High SHGC 1 (1%) Ucog (-1%) (27%) NFRC Low SHGC (-4%) 0.5 (2%) CEN Low SHGC (0%) (-2%) (0%) (24%) NFRC Quad High SHGC (0%) (-4%) (-3%) (17%) 0 CEN Quad High SHGC -40 -30 -18 -10 -5 0 5 10 20 30 40 Temperatu ature re (°C) C) Triple and Quad IGUs

  18. 2 1.5 2% 2% K) w (W/m²K) 1 3% dow 3% NFRC TC Uwindo 4% CEN TC 0.5 0 Dbl High SHGC Dbl Low SHGC Tpl High SHGC Tpl Low SHGC Quad High SHGC

  19. 2 (-1%) 1.5 (-1%) K) ow (W/m ² K) (-1%) (-1%) NFRC Frame Cavity Method 1 indow CEN Frame Cavity Method U-win 0.5 0 Dbl High SHGC Dbl Low SHGC Tpl High SHGC Tpl Low SHGC

  20.  Radiation coefficient: cannot be interchanged due to temperature dependent variable  Convective coefficient: no significant difference  Higher surface film coefficients contribute to higher U window values  Inland and coastal locations: no significant difference

  21. 23

  22. NFRC FCM U-PVC CEN FCM (4%) NFRC FCM TB Wood CEN FCM (2%) jamb NFRC FCM Solid wood sill head CEN FCM NFRC FCM Fiberglass (-3%) CEN FCM 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Ufram ame (W/m²K) K)

  23. 0.16 Spacer A Head 0.14 alue (W/mK) Spacer A Sill 0.12 Spacer A Jamb 0.1 0.08 Spacer B Head Psi-Valu 0.06 Spacer B Sill 0.04 Spacer B Jamb 0.02 Spacer C Head -40 -30 -18 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 30 40 Spacer C Sill Temperatu ature re ° C 0.16 0.14 0.12 alue (W/mK) Spacer A Head 0.1 Spacer A Sill 0.08 Spacer A Jamb Psi-Valu 0.06 Spacer C Head 0.04 Spacer C Sill 0.02 Spacer C Jamb 0 -40 -30 -18 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 30 40 Temperatu ature re (°C) C)

  24. 2 1.8 1.6 (4%) 1.4 w (W/m²K ) (8%) 1.2 1 (3%) dow (4%) Uwindo 0.8 NFRC (-1%) CEN 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Dbl High SHGC Dbl Low SHGC Tpl High SHGC Tpl Low SHGC Quad High SHGC TB Wood TBSW Frame

  25. 2 1.5 NFRC High SHGC (-5%) (-7%) K) (-4%) w (W/m²K) CEN High SHGC (-5%) 1 dow (-4%) (-7%) NFRC Low SHGC Uwindo CEN Low SHGC 0.5 Climate Zones 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 0 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Temperatu ature re (°C) C) Solid Wood, Triple IGU

  26.  Exterior temperature symmetry  Frame cavity method  Material thermal conductivity  U frame method

  27.  SHGC (with and without the frame)  Ucog method  Climate specific U-values  Single International Calculation Method ( U W- ITN’L )

  28. (Miller, 2010)


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