Municipal Biosolids as a P source Phosphorus Workshop Ryerson University June 19, 2014 Michael Payne Black Lake Environmental
What are Biosolids? Biosolids • result from municipal wastewater treatment • have undergone some form of treatment / stabilization contain nutrients, organic matter and micronutrients also contain trace amounts of other elements and micro organisms Estimated that Canadians generate 660,000 tonne (dry wt) per year 2
Influent Sources ~90% 3
Types of Sewage Biosolids Lime Stabilized Liquid aerobic Dewatered Pelletized Liquid anaerobic Composted 4
How are Biosolids Used in Ontario? Biosolids are typically: landfilled incinerated land applied • Agricultural Land • Forestry • Land Reclamation • Landfill Closure • Urban 5
Phosphorus Availability Will vary depending on treatment method • Biological nutrient removal • Chemical removal • Further processing Total P typically in 4% range (dwb) • Varies with influent sources Availability • Ontario assumes 40% available in the year of application & another 40% over time 6
Limiters to Utilization Public Perception • Contaminants: metals, legacy chemicals, PPCP’s, pathogens • Odour • “Ick” & “NIMBY” factor Weather 7
Encouragers Economics Organics diversion mindset Further processing Marketing Science 8
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