phosphorus workshop ryerson university june 19 2014

Phosphorus Workshop Ryerson University June 19, 2014 Michael Payne - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Municipal Biosolids as a P source Phosphorus Workshop Ryerson University June 19, 2014 Michael Payne Black Lake Environmental What are Biosolids? Biosolids result from municipal wastewater treatment have undergone some form of

  1. Municipal Biosolids as a P source Phosphorus Workshop Ryerson University June 19, 2014 Michael Payne Black Lake Environmental

  2. What are Biosolids?  Biosolids • result from municipal wastewater treatment • have undergone some form of treatment / stabilization  contain nutrients, organic matter and micronutrients  also contain trace amounts of other elements  and micro organisms  Estimated that Canadians generate 660,000 tonne (dry wt) per year 2

  3. Influent Sources ~90% 3

  4. Types of Sewage Biosolids  Lime Stabilized  Liquid aerobic  Dewatered  Pelletized  Liquid anaerobic  Composted 4

  5. How are Biosolids Used in Ontario?  Biosolids are typically:  landfilled  incinerated  land applied • Agricultural Land • Forestry • Land Reclamation • Landfill Closure • Urban 5

  6. Phosphorus Availability  Will vary depending on treatment method • Biological nutrient removal • Chemical removal • Further processing  Total P typically in 4% range (dwb) • Varies with influent sources  Availability • Ontario assumes 40% available in the year of application & another 40% over time 6

  7. Limiters to Utilization  Public Perception • Contaminants: metals, legacy chemicals, PPCP’s, pathogens • Odour • “Ick” & “NIMBY” factor  Weather 7

  8. Encouragers  Economics  Organics diversion mindset  Further processing  Marketing  Science 8


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