Rural Education Activities Programmes
13 REAPs throughout Aotearoa NZ
REAP Aotearoa NZ: Leadership to and with the 13 REAPs Sound infrastructure which supports proactive quality education opportunities to the whole community Represents the work of REAPs at a national level
REAP Aotearoa NZ Progresses community development through quality lifelong education in rural Aotearoa.
We understand: the links between lifelong education and strong, resilient, and progressive communities that rural communities require tailored provision to enable equitable access to learning
Work hard alongside our communities to identify local knowledge, strengths, needs, and aspiration Broker responsive, lifelong learning opportunities for individual, whanau, and community benefit.
Delivering education opportunities to our rural communities Make a difference to the lives and long term plans of rural people Working collaboratively with local partners including Iwi and Hapu
Work across the education spectrum Early childhood Schools Adult and Community Education (ACE) Intensive Literacy Programme Variety of other community based activities
ACE Generally considered to be “Informal” education The three priorities of ACE funding are to: target learners whose initial learning was not successful raise foundation skills strengthen social cohesion, enhancing a learner’s ability to participate in society and economic life.
Literacy and Numeracy - focus area for REAPs All ACE programmes embed LN strategies into their delivery Build on learner strengths (not weaknesses)
What is a typical REAP learner? someone who “failed” at compulsory education does not have a formal qualification (or at least only has a low level qualification) low levels of literacy and/or numeracy low confidence
Our points of difference: Part of a unique system Able to respond quickly to support rural learners of any age and stage, as soon as their needs are identified We link people with each other and with meaningful, relevant learning opportunities Provide learning opportunities directly to learners, or we use our skills and experience to broker opportunities for them using other local or national providers
Respond to gaps in lifelong education, taking a complementary and supplementary approach to create collaborative and non-competitive learning solutions Tailor education solutions that build social capital and create more resilient individuals, families, whanau and communities – with all the benefits of building peoples’ skills so they can determine their future Because many of the communities we work with and alongside are M ā ori, REAPs pride themselves on their commitment to the principles of partnership and protection implicit in Te Tiriti o Waitangi Our ways of working with tangata whenua are guided by our Hauhake M ā ori caucus — a cultural resource that supports all REAPs
We want to work with other like minded organisations who put learners at the centre We have strong connections with our communities We know what works in our communities
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