launch of the lds guidelines

Launch of the LDS guidelines Funds and Programmes Division 19 th - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Launch of the LDS guidelines Funds and Programmes Division 19 th February 2015 Rural Development Programme for 2007 2013 Part-financed by the European Union Technical Assistance The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

  1. Launch of the LDS guidelines Funds and Programmes Division 19 th February 2015 Rural Development Programme for 2007 – 2013 Part-financed by the European Union Technical Assistance The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Co-financing Rate: 75% European Union, 25% Government of Malta Europe Investing in Rural Areas

  2. The Legal Framework LEADER is based on the following regulations: Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 laying down common provisions on the ERDF, the ESF, the CF, the EARDF and the EMFF and laying down general provisions on the ERDF, the ESF, the CF and the EMFF content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32013R1303&from=EN

  3. Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 3 on support for rural development by the EAFRD content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2013.347.01.0487.01.ENG Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 807/2014 on support for rural development by the EAFRD and introducing transitional provisions. content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32014R0807&qid=142175486114 7&from=EN

  4. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 808/2014 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on support for the EAFRD content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32014R0807&qid=142175486114 7&from=EN

  5. The LEADER approach is about proactive ‘animation’ (‘animating a territory’) and developing links between actions for the development of the rural economy. In this way the LEADER approach builds social and economic capital. LEADER is also about the added value that flows from the bottom- up and partnership approach with better identification of local needs and local solutions, more engagement on the part of local stakeholders and greater scope for innovation.

  6. LEADER is characterised by seven features (below) to help ‘actors’ consider the long term potential of their local area.

  7. What is a Local Development Strategy? A local development strategy is defined in the Common Strategic Framework rules as “ a coherent set of operations to meet local objectives and needs, which contributes to meeting the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and which is implemented in partnership at the appropriate level .”

  8. Community-led Local Development Strategies • Article 33 of EC Legislation 1303/2013 lists down the following elements needed to draft a community local led development strategy. These are: (a) the definition of the area and population covered by the strategy; (b) an analysis of the development needs and potential of the area, including an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats;

  9. (c) a description of the strategy and its objectives (d) a description of the community involvement process in the development of the strategy; (e) an action plan demonstrating how objectives are translated into actions; (f) a description of the management and monitoring arrangements of the strategy, demonstrating the capacity of the local action group to implement the strategy and a description of specific arrangements for evaluation; (g) the financial plan for the strategy, including the planned allocation from each of the ESI Funds concerned.

  10. Selection and Evaluation of the Local Development Strategies • Community-led local development strategies shall be selected by a committee set up for that purpose by the managing authority or authorities responsible and approved by the managing authority or authorities responsible. • The first round of selection of community-led local development strategies shall be completed within two years of the date of the approval of the Partnership Agreement.

  11. Population of the area The population of the area shall be not less than 10 000 and not more than 150 000 inhabitants. However, in duly justified cases the Commission may adopt or amend those population limits to approve or amend respectively the Partnership Agreement in the case of that Member State.

  12. What is the purpose of the guidelines? These guidelines offer guidance to LAGS on: • 1) How to design the Local Development Strategy • 2) How to implement the Local Development Strategy

  13. The Strategy Design Participatory Local Development Strategy • Why is it important? • How should LAGs implement this?

  14. Participatory LDS 1) to instil a bottom up process taking into consideration local needs and potential; 2) To actively involve a representative cross-section of the local community. 3) SWOT analysis of the area This process must be described in the LDS itself.

  15. Main contents of the LDS • Definition of the territory and of the population • Analysis of the Territory • Description and objectives of the strategy • Description of the process for engagement in LDS preparation and implementation

  16. • Transposing Needs and Objectives into Projects • Implementation Plan • Financial Plan • Set-up of the Local Action Groups • The Implementation Capacity

  17. The 5 main themes in the RDP 2014 - 2020 The strategies proposed by the LAGs must be linked to the five Malta needs identified in Malta’s Rural Development Programme. The five main themes are: • Theme 1. Water, wastes and energy: improving sustainable use and generating renewable energy • Theme 2. Maltese quality produce: improving quality, traceability, strategic marketing, adding value, branding and promotion

  18. • Theme 3. Sustainable livestock: improving resource efficiency, competitiveness and productivity, and welfare • Theme 4. Landscape and environment: managing habitats and features • Theme 5. Wider rural economy and quality of life: developing rural tourism, rural skills and promoting social inclusion

  19. Setting the indicators Indicators are measurements that provide information about past and current trends and assist project and programme managers in making decisions that affect future outcomes. Indicators measure the success of an action with respect to its target. The usefulness of indicators for monitoring and evaluation is broadly acknowledged. Indicators related to expected output, outcomes and impacts should be used.

  20. LAG structure • The internal LAG structure • The board and staff duties • Segregation of Duties • Other important stakeholders – MA - PA

  21. LAG processes • Defining the eligibility criteria • Defining the principles of the selection process • Call for proposals process • Monitoring and evaluation processes

  22. Budget available for LEADER 2014- 2020 Support for LEADER local development (CLLD) - € 6,500,000 Measure 19 19.1 - Preparatory support - € 150,000 19.2 - Support for implementation of operations under the CLLD strategy - € 4,125,000

  23. 19.3 - Preparation and implementation of cooperation activities of the local action group € 50,000 Inter territorial cooperation € 200,000 Transnational Cooperation € 350,000 19.4 - Support for running costs and animation € 1,625,000

  24. Budget available for LEADER 2007- 2013 Support for LEADER local development (CLLD) - € 3,875,000 • M413 – € 2,935,000 • M421 – Transnational Cooperation - € 165,000 • M431 – Running Costs – € 775,000

  25. Deadline 31 st May 2015

  26. Thank You Managing Authority Funds and Programmes Division


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