
Robotics Part I: From Control to Learning Model-based Control - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Robotics Part I: From Control to Learning Model-based Control Stefan Schaal Max - Planck - Institute for Inte lm igent Systems Tbingen, Germany & Computer Science, Neuroscience, & Biomedical Engineering University of Southern

  1. Robotics Part I: From Control to Learning Model-based Control Stefan Schaal Max - Planck - Institute for Inte lm igent Systems Tübingen, Germany & Computer Science, Neuroscience, & Biomedical Engineering University of Southern California, Los Angeles

  2. Grand Challenge #I: The Human Brain How does the brain learn and control complex motor skills? Applications: Facilitate learning, neuro-prosthetics, brain machine interfaces, movement rehabilitation, etc.

  3. Example Application: 
 Revolutionary Prosthetics A Key Question for Research: How does the brain control 
 muscles and coordinate movement?

  4. Grand Challenge #II: Humanoids Can we create an autonomous humanoid robot? Applications: assistive robotics, hazardous 
 environments, space exploration, etc.

  5. Example: The Hollywood View of Assistive Robotics From the movie “I, Robot”

  6. The Hollywood Future Is Not So Far ...

  7. The Hollywood Future Is Not So Far ...

  8. Outline • A Bit of Robotics History • Foundations of Control • Adaptive Control • Learning Control - Model-based Robot Learning

  9. Robotics–The Original Vision Karel Capek 1920: 
 Rossum’s Universal Robots

  10. Robotics–The Initial Reality

  11. Some History Bullets 1960 1968 1750 Artificial intelligence teams at Stanford Research Unimation takes its first multi-robot order from General Swiss craftsmen create automatons with clockwork Institute in California and the University of Edinburgh Motors. mechanisms to play tunes and write letters. in Scotland begin work on the development of machine vision. 1969 1917 Robot vision, for mobile robot guidance, is demonstrated at The word "robot" first appears in literature, coined 1961 the Stanford Research Institute. in the play Opilek by playwright Karel Capek, who George C. Devol obtains the first U.S. robot patent, derived it from the Czech word "robotnik" meaning No. 2,998,237. 1969 "slave." Unimate robots assemble Chevrolet Vega automobile bodies 1961 for General Motors. 1921 First production version Unimate industrial robot is The term robot is made famous by Capek's play installed in a die-casting machine. 1970 R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots). General Motors becomes the first company to use machine 1961 vision in an industrial application. The Consight system is 1938 The MH-1, Mechanical Hand with sensors, is installed at a foundry in St. Catherines, Ontario, Isaac Asimov coins the term robotics in his science developed at MIT by Ernst. Canada. fiction novels, and formulates the Three Laws of Robotics which prevent robots from harming 1962 1970 humans. Consolidated Diesel Electric Company (Condec) and The Russian lunar rover Lunakhod, wheels about on the Pullman Corporation enter into joint venture and form moon. 1954 Unimation, Inc. (Unimation stood for "Universal The first United Kingdom robotics patent, No. Automation"). 1970 781465, is granted in England on March 29. The first American symposium on robots meets in Chicago. 1963 1956 The Versatran industrial robot became commercially 1971 The Logic Theorist, an artificial intelligence machine available. Japan establishes the Japanese Industrial Robot Association capable of proving logical propositions point-by- (JIRA), and becomes the first nation to have such an point, is unveiled at Dartmouth College. 1964 organization. The first Tralfa robot is used to paint wheelbarrows in a 1958 Norwegian factory during a human labor shortage. 1972 Joseph F. Engelberger sets up a business in his The SIRCH machine, capable of recognizing and orienting garage called Consolidated Controls, making 1966 randomly presented two-dimensional parts, is developed aircraft components. Joseph F. Engleberger and The first prototype painting robots are installed in at the University of Nottingham, England. George C. Devol name their factories in Byrne, Norway. first robot "Unimate." The first Unimate is installed 1972 at a General Motors plant to work with heated die- 1966 Kawasaki installs a robot assembly line at Nissan, Japan, casting machines. founds Unimation, the first The robotic spacecraft "Surveyor" (United States) using robots supplied by Unimation, Inc. commercial company lands on the moon. to make robots. Unimation stood for Universal 1973 automation. 1968 "The Industrial Robot," the first international journal of "Shakey," the first complete robot system is built at robotics, begins publication. Stanford Research Institute, in California.

  12. Some History Bullets 1977 1983 1973 The British Robotics Association (BRA) is founded. Westinghouse Electric Corporation buys Unimation, Inc., The ASEA Group of Vasteras, Sweden, introduces its which becomes part of its factory automation enterprise. all- electric IRb 6 and IRb 60 robots, designed 1978 Westinghouse later sells Unimation to AEG of for automatic grinding operations. The first PUMA (Programmable Universal Assembly) robot Pennsylvania. is developed by Unimation for General Motors. 1974 1984 Hitachi uses touch and force sensing with its Hi-T- 1978 Robot Defense Systems introduces the Prowler Hand robot, allowing the robot hand to guide pins The Machine Intelligence Company is organized by ("Programmable Robot Observer with Local Enemy into holes. Charles A. Rosen and associates. Response"), the first in a series of battlefield robots. 1974 1979 1984 The Robotics Industries Association is founded. Japan introduces the SCARA (Selective Compliance Intelledex Corporation introduces the Model 695 lite assembly Assembly Robot Arm); Digital Electronic Automation robot, based on the Intel 8086 and 8087 microprocessor 1975 (DEA) of Turin, Italy, introduces the PRAGMA robot, chips. Its software is called Robot Basic, a Cincinnati Milacron introduces its first T3 robot for which is licensed to General Motors. specialized version of Microsoft's Basic. drilling applications. 1980 1993 The ASEA 60kg robot is the first robot installed in an Robotics languages are developed to ease programming The University of Michigan's CARMEL robot wins first place at iron foundry; the Cincinnati Milacron T3 becomes the bottlenecks. the 1992 Robot Competition sponsored by the American first robot to be used in the aerospace industry. Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 1981 CARMEL stands for computer-aided robotics for maintenance, 1976 IBM enters the robotics field with its 7535 and 7565 emergency, and life support. The SRI International's robot The Trallfa spray-painting robot is adapted for arc Manufacturing Systems. "FLAKEY" wins second place. Both welding at the British agricultural implement firm of microcomputer- controlled machines use ultrasonic sonar Ransome, Sims and Jefferies. 1982 sensors. The Pedesco robot (Pedesco, Scarborough, Ontario) is 1976 used to clean up after a nuclear fuel spill at an atomic 1997 Remote Center Compliance evolves from research power plant. A task too dangerous for direct human The Honda Humanoid Robot is introduced at Charles Stark Draper Labs, Cambridge, Mass. contact. Dynamics of part mating are developed, allowing 2002 robots to line up 1982 The Roomba Robot is the first household robot to be sold parts with holes both laterally and rotationally. Stan Mintz and five co-employees of Hewlett-Packard more than one million times Company left to form Intelledex Corporation, a 1976 manufacturer of light assembly robots, for such tasks as 2005 The robotic spacecraft "Viking" (United States) lands installing Autonomous Car Navigation in complex terrain in the DARPA on the Martian surface. integrated circuits. Grand Challenge 1977 1981-1984 California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Rehabilitation robots are enhanced by mobility, voice Laboratory (JPL) demonstrates a robotic hand- communication, and safety factors. Greater emphasis is eye system can be integrated with a self- placed on machine vision, tactile sensors, and languages. propelled vehicle for planetary exploration. Battlefield and security robots are developed. (Mars Rover) 1983

  13. Robotics–What We Might Want

  14. Some History of Robot Juggling

  15. Outline • A Bit of Robotics History • Foundations of Control • Adaptive Control • Learning Control - Model-based Robot Learning

  16. Control Diagrams: Perception-Action-Learning Learning ( ) x = f x , u , t , ε x System Model: ! ( ) Observation Model: y = h x , u , t , ε y

  17. Control Policies • The General Goal of Control: Control Policies ( ) ( ) = π x t ( ) , t , α u t But how should control policies be represented?

  18. Representing Control Policies • Feedforward Control: - Control policy does not receive feedback from the robot/environment Open Loop Control Desired Behavior u x Controller Robot • Feedback Control – Control policy does receive feedback from the robot/environment Closed Loop Control Desired Behavior u x Controller Robot

  19. Representing Control Policies: Types of Feedback Control • General Feedback Control: Feedback Control Desired Behavior u x Nonlinear Robot Controller (Policy) • Negative Feedback Control Negative Feedback Control u fb x desired x Feedback ∑ Robot Controller + – • Negative Feedback and Feedforward Control Neg. Feedback & Feedforward Control Feedforward Controller u ff + u fb x desired Feedback x ∑ ∑ Robot Controller + + –

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