responsive return plan presentation

Responsive Return Plan Presentation Board of Education Meeting July - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Haslett Public Schools Responsive Return Plan Presentation Board of Education Meeting July 27, 2020 7:00PM Haslett Public Schools Responsive Return Plan Presentation (RRP) Overview of RRP Preparation Staff Survey Data Parent

  1. Haslett Public Schools Responsive Return Plan Presentation Board of Education Meeting July 27, 2020 7:00PM

  2. Haslett Public Schools Responsive Return Plan Presentation (RRP) ● Overview of RRP Preparation ● Staff Survey Data ● Parent Questionnaire Data ● MI Safe Schools Return to School Roadmap ● HPS Learning Plan Options

  3. RRP Development Process ● State Return to Learning Advisory Council Provided feedback and suggestions to Governor ○ Governor Whitmer developed MI Safe Schools Return to School Roadmap ○ ● Ingham ISD Education Reimagined Team ○ Developed supporting resources for districts to use in their planning ○ Aligned Professional Learning options for summer 2020 HPS RRP Administrative Team ● Three subcommittees-Operations, Academics and Whole Child ○ Employee Survey ● ○ Get feedback from staff on return plan and instructional delivery ● Parent Survey Determine actual numbers for proposed learning options ○

  4. Where we started….. The HPS Administrative Team used the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching Planning Guide: Scenarios and Considerations for 2020-21 to develop our District Framework. From this District Framework, our committees developed our Responsive Return Plan guide. Example of RRP guide for Secondary Buildings.

  5. Options that were considered ❏ Full-time in person instruction at all levels ❏ Different models of hybrid instruction (half day cohorts, full day cohorts) ❏ Full-time online instruction ❏ Full-time online instruction with in-person instruction for various groups

  6. Priorities for Fall Instruction ❏ Health and safety of students and staff ❏ Rigorous, high-quality instruction for all students ❏ Equity and access for all students ❏ Family preference of instructional delivery model ❏ Teacher and staff preference of instructional delivery model *It has become clearly obvious that we are not able to satisfy ALL of these priorities with a single model or with a combination of models.

  7. Staff Survey Data

  8. Staff Survey-Role in the District

  9. Staff Survey-Hybrid Model/Level of Comfort

  10. Staff Survey-Online Model/Level of Comfort

  11. Staff Survey-Online vs Hybrid Model/Level of Comfort

  12. Staff Survey-Mitigation Strategies/Level of Comfort

  13. Staff Survey-Challenges or Concerns

  14. Staff Survey-Designing and Delivering Online Instruction

  15. Staff Survey-Designing and Delivering Online Instruction

  16. Parent/Student Survey Data

  17. Parent/Student Survey-District Overview Option 1- Face to Face/Hybrid Option 2- 100% Virtual/Online Option 3 - Not returning to HPS 85 % Participation 1745 Families 2300 students

  18. Parent/Student Survey-Elementary Option 1- Face to Face/Hybrid Option 2- 100% Virtual/Online Option 3 - Not returning to HPS

  19. Parent/Student Survey-Secondary Option 1- Face to Face/Hybrid Option 2- 100% Virtual/Online Option 3 - Not returning to HPS

  20. MI Safe Schools: Michigan 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap Phase 1-3 - No In-person Instruction Phase 4 - In-person instruction is permitted with required safety Protocols Phase 5 - Schools open for in-person instruction with minimal required safety protocol Phase 6 - Open for in-person instruction. No restrictions

  21. Phase 4 - REQUIRED Protocol for In-Person Instruction ❏ Facial coverings* ❏ Adequate supplies for healthy hygiene (soap, hand sanitizer, towels, tissue, signage) ❏ Teach handwashing protocol ❏ Cooperate with local health department regarding screening of staff and students ❏ Cooperate with local health department and implement protocol for students and staff who exhibit symptoms of COVID ❏ Cooperate with local health department for responding to positive tests among staff and students ❏ Prohibit indoor assemblies with students from more than one classroom *MEDICAL EXCEPTIONS APPLY

  22. Phase 4 - REQUIRED Protocol for In-Person Instruction (Cleaning) ❏ Cleaning protocol for frequently touched surfaces AT LEAST every four hours ❏ Libraries, computer labs, and other hands on classrooms MUST be cleaned EVERY class period ❏ Student desks wiped down after EVERY class period ❏ Playground structures must undergo normal routine cleaning ❏ Ensure safe and correct use and storage of cleaning supplies and adequate ventilation ❏ Staff MUST wear gloves, surgical masks, and face shield when performing ALL cleaning activities

  23. Phase 4 - REQUIRED Protocol for In-Person Instruction (Transportation) ❏ Hand sanitizer MUST be supplied and used BEFORE entering the bus ❏ Facial coverings MUST be worn on the bus* ❏ Buses cleaned and disinfected BEFORE and AFTER every route ❏ Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces prior to ALL routes ❏ Create a plan for getting students home safely if they are not allowed to ride the bus, due to illness during the day ❏ Weather permitting, consider leaving bus window open during routes to increase air circulation, if appropriate and safe. *MEDICAL EXCEPTIONS APPLY

  24. Phase 4 - STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Protocol for In-Person Instruction ❏ Facial coverings considered for preK-5 students and students with special needs in classrooms ❏ Keep students’ personal items separate AT ALL TIMES and limit use of classroom materials ❏ Space desks six feet apart OR as far apart as feasible, facing in the same direction ❏ Teachers should maintain six feet of spacing between themselves and students ❏ No guests (including family members) allowed in the building. If they MUST enter, they must be screened for symptoms, wear face covering, and wash/sanitize hands prior to entering. ❏ Post signage for social distancing in ALL applicable areas of the building

  25. Phase 4 - STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Protocol for In-Person Instruction ❏ Designate a quarantine area and a staff person to care for ill students with proper protocol followed ❏ Symptomatic students sent home and kept home until they have tested negative or completely recovered following CDC guidelines ❏ Staff conduct daily self examinations prior to coming to work ❏ Develop protocol and procedures for symptomatic students and staff, including notification of families and staff ❏ Notify health department of possible cases of COVID ❏ With confirmed cases, possible exposed areas should be shut down for 24 hours before cleaning to minimize the risk of any airborne particles

  26. Phase 4 - STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Protocol for In-Person Instruction ❏ Systemically review medical plans of students with special healthcare needs and update as needed ❏ Create a process for students/families and staff to self identify as high-risk for severe illness due to COVID-19 and have a plan to accommodate alternative learning arrangements and work assignments

  27. Phase 4 - STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Protocol for In-Person Instruction (Mental Health) ❏ Encourage schools to implement a mental health screening for all students by trained professional ❏ Train staff on identifying and rapid referral of at-risk students ❏ Provide ongoing PD for staff on social emotional learning, trauma informed practices, identification protocol, and self care ❏ Establish a comprehensive crisis management plan ❏ Compile and regularly update comprehensive list of wellness resources for staff and students ❏ Ongoing protocol for school staff to evaluate physical and mental health ❏ Provide resources for staff self care

  28. Phase 4 - STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Protocol for In-Person Instruction (Mental Health) ❏ Designate a mental health liaison who will work across the school, local public health agencies, and community partners ❏ Leverage MDE resources for student and staff mental health and wellness support ❏ Activate communication to address mental health concerns resulting from COVID-19 (hotline or designated email) ❏ Communicate with families regarding return to school transition on all aspects of mental health

  29. Phase 4 - RECOMMENDED Protocol for In- Person Instruction ❏ Open classroom windows as much as possible, with consideration for students with allergy-induced asthma ❏ Cohort students and isolate in specific areas of the building, as much as possible ❏ Specials (elective courses) should be brought to the classroom, as much as possible ❏ Cohorts on alternating days, for social distancing ❏ Efforts should be made to keep students six feet apart in hallways ❏ Staff to monitor arrival and dismissal, discourage congregating, and recommend going from vehicle directly to classrooms and vice-versa

  30. Phase 4 - RECOMMENDED Protocol for In- Person Instruction ❏ Physical education should be held outside with social distancing (6 feet apart) ❏ Hallway traffic flow in one direction OR divided with either side following the same direction ❏ Entrances and exits should be kept separate to keep traffic moving in the same direction ❏ Monitoring form (paper or electronic) for screening employees ❏ Families are encouraged to screen their child(ren) BEFORE coming to school. Students that exhibit symptoms should be kept home and to follow up with primary care provider


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