Safely Forward: FUSD Return to School Plan for 2020-2021 (DRAFT) Message about the FUSD Return to School 2020-2021 Plan The Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD) has developed plans for In-Person Learning, Flexible Remote Learning, and Distance Learning instruc�onal and opera�onal models, which priori�ze quality learning experiences for all students and their safety. These plans are based on guidance from the Arizona Department of Educa�on’s Roadmap to Reopening School, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance, local public health service guidance, legal counsel, and the input of students, families, and staff. Condi�ons related to COVID-19 likely will con�nue to be fluid throughout the 2020-2021 school year. We have developed a plan flexible enough to respond to these changing condi�ons and meet the diverse needs of our student and family preferences. This will be a living document that will con�nue to be updated based on the most current informa�on. We look forward to welcoming FUSD’s students back to school and a successful 2020-2021 school year. Commitments and Guidance FUSD is commi�ed to fulfilling its mission and vision so that all students are provided a high-quality educa�on that prepares them for future success regardless of the instruc�onal model they are served in during the next school year. Mission The Flagstaff Unified School District provides all students with a high-quality educa�on through diverse pathways to foster success in college, career, ci�zenship, and life. Vision We will provide a challenging and suppor�ve learning community in which our students may explore and develop their unique interests and skills in order to reach their highest poten�al. The Return to School Plan 2020-2021 is based on the following commitments: ● Provide con�nuity of learning that is engaging to students ● Prepare safe learning environments for students and staff, which mi�gates their risk of exposure to COVID-19 in our schools and worksites ● Offer students and families flexibility and choice 1
Our team has reviewed feedback received from staff, students, and families through the remote learning surveys sent out in May. Based on this feedback, we were able to take away some key pieces of informa�on. They include: ● Enhance access to digital learning offerings for all students ● U�lize a video conferencing applica�on to allow for group/class interac�on of students and educators ● Create a clear system for teacher to parent communica�on that is universal between all schools ● Increase expecta�ons for student a�endance, engagement, consistent grading, and address learning loss from this spring ● Provide addi�onal training for staff on digital instruc�onal strategies ● Bolster resources to support students’ social emo�onal needs Since the beginning of school closures, FUSD has held regular team mee�ngs composed of leaders from across the District to priori�ze and coordinate next steps and review guidance from the following sources: ● Centers for Disease Control and Preven�on (CDC) ● Local health agencies ● Arizona Department of Educa�on Roadmap to Reopening Schools ● Arizona School Risk Reten�on Trust, Inc. (the Trust) ● Udall Shumway, LLC As we prepare for In-Person Learning, Flexible Remote Learning, and Distance Learning instruc�onal and opera�onal models to offer students and parents, Team FUSD considered factors related to Health and Safety, Instruc�on/Con�nuity of Learning, Social Emo�onal and the Unique Needs of Students, Technology and Communica�on, Professional Learning and Staff Supports , and Opera�ons and Schedules . Timelines and Next Steps On Monday, June 8, 2020, a work session with the FUSD Governing Board was held to guide our team in looking back at our experiences of remote learning and opera�ons this spring and in looking forward to the 2020-2021 school year. The Return to School Plan 2020-2021 is based on these discussions. Upon adop�on by the FUSD Governing Board of the plan for the next school year, informa�on will be shared with students, families, and staff, and opportuni�es will be made to address ques�ons. Choose Your Path in FUSD Informa�on about the instruc�onal and opera�onal models offered by FUSD and the process for families to select the preferred instruc�onal model for their students will be available upon approval of this plan. At this �me, this process is tenta�vely scheduled to begin on July 7, 2020. Follow-up informa�on about how to register and verify enrollment will come from FUSD schools. To best meet the needs of students and families, it is cri�cal that families provide informa�on to FUSD in advance of the start of the school 2
year to enable school staff to be prepared and have resources allocated to meet the needs of students prior to the first day of school, scheduled for August 13, 2020. Instruc�onal and Opera�onal Models At A Glance ● In-Person Learning ○ Preschool - grade 12 ○ Enrolled in a FUSD school ○ Five (5) days per week with early dismissals on Wednesdays (grades 6-12) and Fridays (K-5) according to FUSD calendar ○ Ability to transi�on Flexible Distance Learning at intervals due to school closures ○ Preven�ve Safety Measures ○ Instruc�on in core content and Specials/Elec�ves ○ Social Emo�onal Support ○ Accommoda�ons and services provided (e.g., special educa�on services as determined by the IEP team, gi�ed, English Language Learners) ○ Breakfast and Lunch provided ○ 1:1 iPad technology devices offered ○ Modified extracurricular ac�vi�es and events ● Flexible Remote Learning ○ Kindergarten - Grade 12 ○ Enrolled in a FUSD school but learning takes place at home ○ Begin school year in Flexible Remote Learning with opportunity to transi�on to In-Person Learning during the school year due to student health or parent/family preference ○ Five (5) days per week according to FUSD calendar ○ Access instruc�on in FUSD core content with digital or alterna�ve resources (may be supported by a different teacher than In-Person Learning teacher) ○ Par�cipa�on and a�endance of students is expected and student progress will be supported with feedback and grades ○ Virtual interac�on with staff and students using group video conferencing ○ Social Emo�onal Support ○ Accommoda�ons and services provided (e.g., special educa�on services as determined by the IEP team, gi�ed, English Language Learners). Special educa�on services will be determined by the IEP team) ○ 1:1 iPad technology devices offered - internet hotspots available as needed ○ Modified extracurricular ac�vi�es and events offered at home FUSD school ● FUSD Distance Learning with Northern Arizona Distance Learning (NADL) ○ Grades 5 - 12 (5th and 6th grade if, approved - currently grades 7-12) ○ Enrolled in Northern Arizona Distance Learning (NADL) for at least one semester ○ NADL is approved for Arizona Online Instruc�on (AOI) - courses are aligned to state and na�onal standards; all credits (both Core and Elec�ve) will transfer to any FUSD school. (All Arizona colleges, universi�es, military programs, and NCAA recognize credits earned through NADL.) 3
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