return to school 2020 2021

Return to School 2020-2021 Governing Board Presentation 6/23/2020 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Return to School 2020-2021 Governing Board Presentation 6/23/2020 Motto: Our Kids * Our Community REACHING Core Values: for the Future! R elationships Mission: AJUSD provides our students with a E quity caring and inclusive educational

  1. Return to School 2020-2021 Governing Board Presentation 6/23/2020

  2. Motto: Our Kids * Our Community REACHING Core Values: for the Future! R elationships Mission: AJUSD provides our students with a E quity caring and inclusive educational experience A ccountability that fosters academic excellence, social and emotional development and provides a C aring challenging learning environment that will H onesty prepare them for a productive and fulfilling future. I nclusive N urturing Vision: AJUSD empowers students by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and ingenuity G rowth to pursue their dreams and make a positive difference in the world.

  3. Return to School Task Force (RSTF) Sub Committees Facilities and Health and Technology Operations Wellness Curriculum and Cabinet Transportation Instruction

  4. Plan Timeline Phase 2 Phase 1 Phase 3 Phase 4 July 21, 2020 School Year 2020-2021 June-July 2020 March -May 2020 Continue to Teacher RSTF committee Review Professional work First Day of Guidelines and Development School Update Plan as Reviewing Guidance and Planning / Needed Collaborating with Neighboring Districts Surveys LOREM

  5. Feedback from Families

  6. Survey Window June 13-June 18 Number of 818 Participants to Date Number of AJHS 375 Families that CCJH 233 Participated PTES 149 (each family was DVES 174 asked to have FPES 153 one response) TLC 47

  7. How comfortable do you feel having your child(ren) returning to school given the current COVID19 updates? 1 Not safe/many concerns 2 3 4 5 Very safe/few concerns

  8. Limit Visitors on Campus A B Daily Health Screening of Employees C Daily Health Screening of Students Employees wearing masks D E Students wearing masks Social distancing of at least F 6 feet Limited use of common G areas H Modified recess I Students eating in the classroom

  9. Questions/Comments

  10. Return to School Models: Brick and Mortar -- students attend school all five days of the ● week (preschool - 12th grade) Hybrid -- students attend school 2 specific days of the week and ● do online learning from home for the other 3 days (preschool - 12th grade) Online -- students do all their learning online from home (preschool ● - 12th grade)

  11. Choice of School Models

  12. Calendar Modifications to consider for first quarter (July 21 - September 25) Week of July 21 (all early release days) this allows rooms to be cleaned as well ● as allowing everyone to acclimate being back around everyone / Time would need to be made up by removing 4 early release Wednesday PD days During the Week of July 21 if all days are early release teachers will use the ● time to virtually meet with families individually as a Meet your Teacher option/Cancel parent teacher conferences during September and use those days as instructional minutes Removing the first quarter early release Wednesdays to capture instructional ● minutes in case of closure later in the school year 2021 Calendar

  13. Student Hours: Elementary: Core Instruction, Specials, Social and Emotional Learning, Reteach ● 20 minute Lunch ● 45 minutes of Recess throughout the day (classes will be sent out individually ● based on a schedule to include lunch recess) Secondary: Core Instruction, Electives ● 30 minute Lunch ●

  14. Teacher Hours: Teacher Professional Day: 6.25 hours with students ● Instruction, Recess/Transitions ○ 30 minute duty free lunch ○ Up to 45 minutes of Arrival/Dismissal Duty to support the health/safety of ● all students Up to 5 hours per week for professional responsibilities* ● Meetings: Staff, PLC, MTSS, SpEd, Professional Development ○ *if less time is needed/teachers will have time for planning

  15. Questions/Comments

  16. Full Time In Person Model Elementary School Temperature Checks--temperature checks will be done on all staff/students upon ● arrival at school as well as up to three more times during the day. Social Distancing-- social distancing will be used outside of the classroom, common area ● use will be limited. Classroom furniture will be spaced and students facing in one direction. Hand-washing-- Students will wash hands upon arriving at school. Hand washing ● protocols will be practiced. Hand washing/sanitizing will be done throughout the day. Face Masks-- Face masks/shields will be worn by staff and students. ● Cleaning Protocols-- Increased protocols throughout the district. ● Class Groupings-- Students will be contained in their home rooms with outside teachers ● coming to them. There will be no mixing of classes to reduce possible exposure.

  17. In Person Preventative Measures: Limited Visitors on Campus: Visitors on campus will be restricted and the use of volunteers will be postponed. Student Materials: Students will not share materials; they will each have their own instructional materials, including devices. School Events: No scheduling of large events, school assemblies or field trips through the first quarter (Oct. 11) This will continue to be evaluated and online, virtual events may be planned at the discretion of each school.

  18. Elementary In School Model Students return to school full time ● Students remain in their homeroom cohort for the day ● Class sizes may be reduced due to families choosing online instructional options ○ Specialized instruction will be provided (EL, SpEd, Related Services) ○ Students will report to the classroom each morning when arriving ○ Breakfast will be served in the classroom ○ Recess breaks will be given per class throughout the day ○ Instruction to include core instruction, reteach, and social / emotional ● learning (SEL)

  19. Full Time In Person Model Secondary School Temperature Checks--temperature checks will be done on all staff/students upon ● arrival at school as well as up to three more times during the day. Social Distancing-- social distancing will be used outside of the classroom, common area ● use will be limited. Classroom furniture will be spaced and students facing in one direction. Hand-washing-- Students will wash hands upon arriving at school. Hand washing ● protocols will be practiced. Hand washing/sanitizing will be done throughout the day. Face Masks-- Face masks/shields will be worn by staff and students. ● Cleaning Protocols-- Increased protocols throughout the district. ● Class Groupings-- The secondary sites are working on limiting students exposure by ● creating groupings through the campus.

  20. In Person Preventative Measures: Limited Visitors on Campus: Visitors on campus will be restricted and the use of volunteers will be postponed. Student Materials: Students will not share materials; they will each have their own instructional materials, including devices. School Events: No scheduling of large events, school assemblies or field trips through the first quarter (Oct. 11) This will continue to be evaluated and online, virtual events may be planned at the discretion of each school.

  21. Full Time in Person Model Secondary Students return to school full time ● Students ● Class sizes may be reduced due to families choosing online instruction options ○ Accommodations and services will continue to be provided ○ Special Education teachers will be assigned to grade levels/teams ○ Lunches / transitions will be done to align with social distancing guidelines ○ All students will report directly to first hour upon arriving at school ○ Use of common areas will be limited ○ Instruction to include core instruction, electives, and social / emotional ● learning (SEL)

  22. Transportation All staff will be trained to clean/sanitize the buses between the routes. ● Drivers and students will be reminded of safety precautions. ● Expectations of students following health and safety precautions in place ● for continued riding of the bus. Due to the close proximity of the bus; both drivers and students will be ● required to wear masks during transit. Parents will be notified of time changes on routes due to cleaning and ● disinfecting. Health screenings will be done of students before they get on the bus ● Any student exhibiting symptoms will be returned if parents are at the bus stop or ○ quarantined on a front seat bus as needed until they arrive at the school health office.

  23. Questions/Comments

  24. Hybrid Model / Online Learning Kindergarten - 6th grade Odysseyware ● Students will be engaged through online curriculum and virtual meetings with ○ grade level teachers. More information once parents register for either of these models. ○ 7th grade - 12th grade Edgenuity ● Students will be engaged through online curriculum and virtual meetings with ○ content area teachers. Provides flexibility in the learning day for secondary students. ○ More information once parents register for either of these models. ○

  25. Digital Learner Experience Daily schedule with live teacher led experiences. ● Class meetings and social/emotional learning support. ● Small group / individual support as needed. ● Blended learning with new updated online platform. ● Teachers specialized in the grade / content areas. ● Accommodations and services to be continued (Gifted, EL, SpEd) ● Special area and elective opportunities based on the child’s grade level. ● Students are still allowed to participate in extracurricular activities as ● offered to all students.


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