draft reopening plan

Draft Reopening Plan as submitted to RIDE 7.17.20 Our Charge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Westerly Public Schools Draft Reopening Plan as submitted to RIDE 7.17.20 Our Charge Develop multiple plans for a SAFE SAFE 2020-2021 School Year Full Return for All (with the exception of those at high risk) Partial Return Limited Return

  1. Westerly Public Schools Draft Reopening Plan as submitted to RIDE 7.17.20

  2. Our Charge Develop multiple plans for a SAFE SAFE 2020-2021 School Year Full Return for All (with the exception of those at high risk) Partial Return Limited Return Distance Learning for All

  3. The “Buckets” Health and Safety Instruction Social-Emotional and Mental Health Support Reopening Operations

  4. Health and Safety (COVID -19 Control Plan) Face masks and coverings Social distancing and organizing personnel Responding to a positive case or outbreak Minimizing access by COVID-19-positive or symptomatic individuals Communication with staff and students Cleaning and decontamination

  5. Health and Safety (COVID -19 Control Plan) Face masks and Coverings Face masks and Coverings Recommended for all settings. Required where stable groups are impossible Are to be worn when six (6) feet of social distancing cannot be maintained Staff to wear face coverings with the exception of those in consistent stable groups or those whose health would be further compromised by the use of a face covering WPS will acquire additional face coverings for students and/or staff who may forget them or not have their own Any visitors or vendors will be required to wear face coverings

  6. Health and Safety (COVID -19 Control Plan) Social Distancing and Organizing Personnel Social Distancing and Organizing Personnel To the maximum extent possible, plans and schedules provide for social distancing while traveling to school and home, entering and exiting buildings, receiving instruction, eating breakfast and lunch, recess, etc. Social distancing combined with the establishment of stable groups Six feet of distance where at all possible, fourteen feet of distance between stable groups

  7. Health and Safety (COVID -19 Control Plan) Responding to a Positive Case or Outbreak Responding to a Positive Case or Outbreak Superintendent will immediately contact the RIDOH to both notify and receive direction from RIDOH Required to immediately leave school grounds (if on campus) No return to school or work until documentation from a medical provider indicates testing was negative and there are no other restrictions, there is no evidence of illness restricting attendance, or it is documented that the individual is no longer contagious

  8. Health and Safety (COVID -19 Control Plan) Identify all members of the student or staff member’s stable group(s), any secondary stable groups to which the student or staff member belongs as well as all building spaces likely to have been visited by the student or staff member over the previous forty-eight (48) hours All families of students and staff belonging to the stable group(s) notified Any decisions regarding closure/moving to distance learning made in consultation the RIDOH Building spaces sanitized in accordance with CDC guidance

  9. Health and Safety (COVID -19 Control Plan) Minimizing access by COVID Minimizing access by COVID-19 19-Positive or Symptomatic individuals Positive or Symptomatic individuals Stay Home if Sick - until documentation from a medical provider indicates that COVID testing was negative and there are no other restrictions, there is no evidence of illness restricting attendance, or it is documented that the individual is no longer contagious Daily wellness screenings and attestation before leaving for school/entering building Immediate isolation of anyone who becomes sick during school/work day

  10. Health and Safety (COVID -19 Control Plan) Communication with Staff and Students Communication with Staff and Students Communications throughout Summer 2020 Professional Development Days (2) Prior to Opening Posting of notices re: Face Coverings, Distancing, Hand Washing, Foot Traffic Patterns, Stay at Home Sick Policy, etc. First days/weeks - Operations (i.e. how we move about the buildings and keep each other safe), Assessing Learning Loss and SE Wellness, Relationships, Relationships (and more Relationships)

  11. Health and Safety (COVID -19 Control Plan) Cleaning and Decontamination Cleaning and Decontamination Hand-washing facilities and/or hand sanitizer available in classrooms, restrooms and other spaces throughout buildings as well as on all buses WPS custodial staff will clean all buildings daily in accordance with CDC guidelines. Staff augmented as necessary Custodial staff will be trained on cleaning and disinfecting procedures in accordance with CDC guidelines

  12. Instruction ● Instruction (remote and in-person) - Full, Partial, Limited ● Remediation and Intervention ● Special Education Services ● Staff Supports ● Family and Community Engagement (communication and partnerships)

  13. Instruction Full Return- Think “September 2019” except for medically compromised Partial Return - Partial return would mean that elementary and transition grades would re-enter in-person and that we would prioritize in-person re-entry for vulnerable subpopulations. Remaining groups would begin the year with distance learning Limited Return - Limited in-person return would mean that the general population would resume Distance Learning in the fall and that we would prioritize in-person, brick and mortar school for some elementary or transition grades. It would also prioritize re-entry for our most academically vulnerable subpopulations as well (e.g. students with disabilities, multi-language learners) Distance Learning - Think April 2020, but building upon our learning and emerging trends and evidence around best practices

  14. Instruction Assessing Student Readiness for SY 20-21 (learning loss, SE wellness) Interventions, Supports Grading, Attendance Policy/Practice Shifts

  15. Instruction Special Education Services Special Education Services IEP and Service Provision reviews to assess delivery of services and make adjustments as necessary based on individual needs Ongoing consideration of needed changes due to any evolving needs

  16. Instruction Staff Supports Staff Supports Assessment of Adult Learning Needs - Technology, Best Practice, Emerging Knowledge/Trends Provision of training and support around trauma, SEL and culturally responsive education Provide for Ongoing Feedback

  17. Instruction Family and Community Engagement Family and Community Engagement Provide for Ongoing Feedback Communication Strategies - student progress, changes in health and safety guidelines, distance learning Relationships, Relationships and more Relationships

  18. Social -Emotional and Mental Health Support Designated District Mental Health Liaison to coordinate supports and efforts of RIDOH and Community Partners - Dr. J on Kimpton Engage HR Office and Union Leadership in identifying and making easily available resources for staff self-care, resiliency strategies and mental health supports

  19. Reopening Operations ● Facilities and Maintenance ● Operations (Budget, Staffing, Scheduling, Food Services) ● Transportation ● Technology ● Family and Community Engagement (communication and partnerships)

  20. Reopening Operations Facilities and Maintenance Facilities and Maintenance Auditing materials and supplies Ordering/procuring as possible - cleaning, PPE Training staff/Reviewing Policies on Cleaning and Disinfecting Identifying additional staffing needs/contingencies Establish procedures for entering exiting, moving around buildings (these exist within building specific plans)

  21. Reopening Operations Operations (Budget, Staffing, Scheduling, Food Services) Operations (Budget, Staffing, Scheduling, Food Services) Change in Revenues, Expenditures COVID specific funding (CARES, ESSER Funds, emergency funding, etc.) Staffing Needs - custodial, supervision Create schedules with the plan of how to approach all three in-person reopening scenarios. Policies for drop off, pick up, meals, passing times that support social distancing and other health and safety guidelines provided by RIDOH and RIDE

  22. Reopening Operations Transportation Transportation Plan for distancing (capacity), Cleaning, Training Staff Coordinating drop off/pickup with building leaders Promote options other than bus transportation (driving, car-pooling, walking) Families must register for bus transportation

  23. Reopening Operations Technology Technology Assess software, hardware, and connectivity needs for fall learning (for staff and students) Budget for additional technology needs Maintain inventory of Chromebooks, hot spots, other tech Plan for continued (improved) HQ customer service around connectivity, devices, etc.

  24. Reopening Operations Family and Community Engagement Family and Community Engagement Assess staff and student perceptions of return to school. Provide for ongoing feedback loop (surveys, stakeholders groups, portal) Plan for communications to stakeholders - timely, accurate, translated, right dosage Plan to process feedback, push-back and concerns

  25. Building -Level Plans ● Full Re-entry (i.e. as close to September 2019 as possible) ● Limited Re-entry ● Partial Re-entry ● Full Distance Learning

  26. PreK In All Stable group of no more than 15 students and three adults in any pre-K am or pm classroom Restrooms assigned by classroom Motor skill development on playground and B203 (converted space for inside motor skill development). Times remain the same for both am and pm with cleaning in between sessions Limited access to materials, limited number of students at stations


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