resolution 1540 national action plans and resolution 1540

Resolution 1540: National action plans and Resolution 1540: National - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Workshop on implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004) Resolution 1540: National action plans and Resolution 1540: National action plans and assistance template assistance template Astana, Kazakhstan, 27-29 September 2011 Petr Litavrin, Nicolas

  1. Workshop on implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004) Resolution 1540: National action plans and Resolution 1540: National action plans and assistance template assistance template Astana, Kazakhstan, 27-29 September 2011 Petr Litavrin, Nicolas Kasprzyk 1540 Committee experts E-mail: / Fax: +1 917 367 9358

  2. Outline Outline � Resolution 1540 highlights � The role of the 1540 Committee to facilitate technical assistance � National action plans � Assistance template

  3. Resolution 1540 highlights “[…] some States may require assistance in implementing the provisions of the resolution within their territories and [the Security Council] invites States in a position to do so to offer assistance as appropriate in response to specific requests to the States lacking the legal and regulatory infrastructure, implementation experience and/or resources” (R. 1540, operative paragraph 7) “[the Security Council recognizes] many States continue to require assistance in implementing resolution 1540 (2004) [and emphasizes] the importance of providing States, in response to their requests, with effective assistance that meets their needs” (R. 1977, preambular paragraph 18)

  4. Resolution 1540 highlights “[The Security Council] encourages all States to prepare on a voluntary basis national implementation action plans, with the assistance of the 1540 Committee as appropriate, mapping out their priorities and plans for implementing [resolution 1540], and to submit those plans to the 1540 Committee” (R. 1977, operative paragraph 8) “[The Security Council] encourages States that have requests for assistance to convey them to the 1540 Committee; and encourages them to make use of the Committee’s assistance template to that effect” (R. 1977, operative paragraph 13)

  5. Role of the 1540 Committee to facilitate technical assistance “[The Security Council] urges the 1540 Committee to continue strengthening the Committee’s role in facilitating technical assistance for implementation of resolution 1540 (2004), in particular by engaging actively, with the support of the group of experts, in matching offers and requests for assistance, through such means as visits to States, at the invitation of the State concerned, assistance templates, action plans or other information submitted to the Committee” (R. 1977, operative paragraph 15)

  6. Role of the 1540 Committee to facilitate technical assistance � In October 2010, the 1540 Committee adopted new procedures to improve and accelerate response to assistance requests and facilitate match-making (i.e. assistance requests are distributed to potential providers of assistance within one week after it is received by the Committee; the 1540 Committee experts conduct informal “match- making” on advice of the requesting State) � The 1540 Committee maintains a compendium of assistance requests received/distributed and of actions undertaken, available to assistance providers � List/network of assistance providers identified as such to the 1540 Committee

  7. National action plans � Voluntary nature, at the initiative of the State concerned � Map out priorities and plans for implementing the key provisions of resolution 1540 � Forward-looking, not limited in scope: they might indicate for instance stakeholders at the national level involved in the implementation of resolution 1540, goals pursued and milestones considered, difficulties envisioned, interest for a country visit, assistance needs..

  8. National action plans Why engage in the drafting of a national action plan? � Preparation of an action plan to be submitted to the Committee can facilitate internal stock-taking, contribute to better identification of needs (such as assistance needs; coordination mechanisms needs), facilitate dialogue among all concerned stakeholders � Submission of an action plan can also cast light on efforts undertaken by the concerned State � At this stage, the 1540 Committee has received a few number of action plans (Argentina, Canada, US), which represents an additional incentive

  9. Assistance template � States that have requests for assistance are encouraged to convey them to the 1540 Committee � The assistance template designed by the 1540 Committee can be used to that effect (other possibility: send a written request to the 1540 Committee through the Representation to the UN of the concerned State) � Available on the 1540 Committee website at

  10. Assistance template Categories of assistance that Governments may consider For information, Governments may request various forms of assistance, including from the following categories: Drafting of national reports, legislation or regulations. Implementation of regulations, administrative and/or technical measures consistent wi governmental structures. Training, e.g., for administrators, regulatory and enforcement officials, inter alia , on the use of commodity identification, outreach. Equipment, e.g., detection equipment, licensing software. Summary of assistance requested Please provide a short summary of your request: …………………………………………………………………………………………….... …………………………………………………………………………………………….... ……………………………………………………………………………………………....

  11. Assistance template Areas of requested assistance, based on the operative Specify, as needed, any particular Comments paragraphs (OPs) of UNSCR 1540 application to nuclear, chemical, biological weapons, means of delivery, or related Please indicate if you would like the Committee to keep your request confidential and only share it on a case-by- materials. case basis with your consent Assistance in reporting to the 1540 Committee – OP 4 Drafting and implementation of legislation relevant to preventing non-State actors from acquiring WMD /means of delivery or any other activity set forth in OP 1 Drafting and implementation of legislation to prohibit non-State actors from conducting, attempting to conduct, participating as an accomplice, assisting or financing any activity set forth in OP 2 relating to WMD /means of delivery Development and implementation of measures to account for and secure related materials to prevent the proliferation of WMD/means of delivery as set forth in OP 3(a). Note: Assistance could include equipment or training relating to the development of measures Development and implementation of physical protection measures to prevent the proliferation of WMD/means of delivery as set forth in OP 3(b). Note: Assistance could include equipment or training relating to the development of measures Development and implementation of measures, equipment or training to improve border controls as set forth in OP 3(c). Note: Assistance could include equipment or training relating to the development of measures Establishing and maintaining effective national export and trans- shipment controls over WMD/means of delivery/related materials, as well as controls on providing funds and services relating to such export and trans-shipment such as financing, including the drafting or improvement of relevant legislation - OP 3d Drafting, updating or implementing lists of export controlled items - OP 6 Development of appropriate ways to work with and inform industry and the public regarding their obligations - OP 8(d) Other requests (e.g., for demonstrations of equipment, technical briefings, informal consultations, etc.)

  12. Assistance template III. Funding source Please indicate if you have a preferred funding source (circle appropriate response). If you would like to retain a provider from whom you already receive assistance in other areas, please identify after the relevant heading(s): Self-funded State Partner(s): ..………………………………………………………………………… Inter-Governmental Organization(s) (IGO): ……………………………………………. Non-Governmental Organization(s) (NGO) or other Private Source: ………............. No preference Estimated contribution by your State or other domestic source(s) toward proposed assistance event: % or dollar value (US$) ……………………………………………….……

  13. Thank you for your attention * * * To reach the Chairman of the 1540 Committee: Secretariat of the 1540 Committee Attention: S.E. Baso Sangqu, Chairman, 1540 Committee Secretariat Building, Room S-3055-I United Nations, New York, NY 10017 Fax: +1 212 963-1300; Email: To reach the 1540 Committee Group of experts: UN Innovation Bdg, 42 nd Street and 2 nd Avenue United Nations, New York, NY 10017 Fax: +1 917 367 9355; Email: 1540 Committee website:


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