ì Research Data Management Forum 16 Data (and) Systems, Redux Hilton Grosvenor Hotel, Edinburgh, 21-22 November 2016
Housekeeping ì Fire alarm ì Bathrooms ì Bedrooms ì Drinks, dinner, breakfast and lunch ì Twitter hashtag: #rdmf16
Monday TIME SESSION SPEAKER/CHAIR 16.00 Welcome and introduction Martin Donnelly (DCC) 16.15 Keynote presentation: Research Professor Les Carr (University of Repositories, Research Systems and Southampton) Research Careers - the triple lifecycle challenge? 17.15 Discussion / Q&A Chair: Martin Donnelly (DCC) 17.30 End of formal business 18.30 Networking reception and dinner
Tuesday (a.m.) TIME SESSION SPEAKER/CHAIR 09.10 Introduction to Day 2 Chair: Martin Donnelly (DCC) 09.20 Institutional case study: Systems challenges for Graham Collins (University of 2020 Newcastle upon Tyne) 09.40 Institutional case study: Integrating systems for Mick Eadie (University of data and other content Glasgow) 10.00 Institutional case study: Piloting the integration Rosie Higman (University of of Symplectic Elements with an institutional Cambridge) repository 10.20 Coffee break / breakout group sign-up 10.45 Break-out session 1: 1. Graham Collins/Chris 1. Technology Emmerson (Newcastle) 2. People 2. Rosie Higman (Cambridge) / Hardy Schwamm (Lancaster) 11.45 Report back from groups / discussion Chair: Martin Donnelly (DCC) 12.15 Lunch
Tuesday (p.m.) TIME SESSION SPEAKER/CHAIR 13.00 Institutional case study: Pure for research Federica Fina (University of St data: future developments and Andrews) integrations 13.20 Data, CRIS and other systems James Toon (Elsevier) 13.40 A publisher’s perspective Fiona Murphy (Murphy Mitchell Consulting) 14.00 Break-out session 2: 1. Graham Collins/Chris Emmerson 1. Technology (Newcastle) 2. People 2. Rosie Higman (Cambridge) / 3. Software sustainability/preservation Hardy Schwamm (Lancaster) 3. Jez Cope (Sheffield) 15.00 Report back from groups / discussion Chair: Martin Donnelly (DCC) 15.30 Summary / parting remarks Martin Donnelly (DCC) 16.00 Ends
Breakout groups http://blog.soton.ac.uk/keepit/2 010/01/28/aida-and- institutional-wobbliness/
Breakout groups Topic Chair(s) Rapporteur / Room blogger 1. Technology Graham Collins and Chris Martin Donnelly Clarendon Emmerson (Newcastle) (a.m.) / Chris Emmerson (p.m.) 2. People / organisation Rosie Higman Angus Whyte Lansdowne (Cambridge) and Hardy Schwamm (Lancaster) 3. Software Preservation Jez Cope (Sheffield) TBC Belford and Sustainability
Keynote speaker ì PROFESSOR LES CARR University of Southampton ì
Wrapping up ì Outputs and next steps Slides will be uploaded to the DCC website ì Twitter archive – will tweet link to this next week (with #rdmf16 hashtag) ì Blog posts, inc. breakout group reports ì Join (and contribute to) the RDMF social space: www.dcc.ac.uk/rdmf/ ì ì Feedback forms ì RDMF17 The next meeting will be a one-day event, to be held in London in Spring ì 2017 (details TBC – watch for announcements!) Feel free to suggest topics via the RDMF social space, or your feedback ì forms
ì Research Data Management Forum 16 Data (and) Systems, Redux Thanks, and safe home See you at #rdmf17! Hilton Grosvenor Hotel, Edinburgh, 21-22 November 2016
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