Relationship-Centered Communication 2014 Disclosures Relationship-Centered Communication All proceeds from I M P R O V I N G P A T I E N T A N D C L I N I C I A N sales go directly to E X P E R I E N C E S the Academy of C A L V I N C H O U , M D , P H D Communication P R O F E S S O R O F C L I N I C A L M E D I C I N E in Healthcare U C S F The Most Com m on Procedure • How many patient Relationship-Centered interactions in your career? Care leads to > 200,000 in a lifetime • Less training, practice, and Better Outcom es… feedback than other less common procedures AACH 1
Relationship-Centered Communication 2014 For Clinicians & Team s For Patients Diabetes Pain management Engagement Adherence to Satisfaction medications Workload stress Satisfaction with Medical malpractice care experiences Safran et al, J Fam Pract 1998; Stewart et al, J Fam Pract 2000; Levinson et al, Health Affairs 2010; Dwam ena et al, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; Hojat et al, Acad Med 2013; Kennedy et al, Pat Experience Levinson et al, JAMA 1997; Krasner et al, J 2014 JAMA 2009 For Institutions Like any procedure… Skills can be learned and H/ CG-CAHPS taught Work Environment Mastery requires deliberate practice and Job Satisfaction feedback Ericsson, Acad Med 2004; Tulsky, J Pall Med 2005; Dwam ena et al, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; Archer, Med Educ, 2010 AACH 2
Relationship-Centered Communication 2014 Specific Skills to Adopt Collaborative Agenda-Setting Elicit a LIST of all items Set a specific agenda: state your goals and ask Collaborative agenda- the patient to prioritize setting Great for Empathic statements Patients: more concerns Teach-back voiced; better physical and behavioral health outcomes Providers: decreased door- knob questions; higher Alam o, 2002; Brock 2011; Heritage, 2007; patient ratings Mauksch, 2001; Kaplan 1989 Em pathic Statem ents Em pathic Statem ents Partnership Empathy Appreciation Respect Legitimization Support Chou and Cooley 2018; Epstein 2017; Hart 2006; Kinsm an 2010; Riess 2012; Roter 1995 AACH 3
Relationship-Centered Communication 2014 Em pathy Saves Tim e The ART of Teach-back ASK the patient to Addressed Didn’t em otional address summarize cues em otional REFLECT or reinforce cues what the patient says Internists 17.6 min visits 20.1 min visits TELL any additional Surgeons 12.5 min visits 14 min visits necessary material Schillinger et al, 2003; Schenker et al, 2011 Levinson et al, JAMA 2000; Hojat et al, Acad Med 2011 Where to hone these skills Recap UCSF: Center for Collaborative Enhancement of agenda-setting Communication in Healthcare (CECH) Empathic ZSFG: Improving Patient statements Experiences Through Communication Teach-back Perhaps your own Great for patients institution and for us National courses through the Academy of Can be taught and Communication in practiced Healthcare AACH 4
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