2 27 2012


2/27/2012 PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PCORIs Board Represents the Entire Health Care Community About PCORI Patients PCORI is an independent, non-profit organization

  1. 2/27/2012 PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PCORI’s Board Represents the Entire Health Care Community About PCORI Patients • PCORI is an independent, non-profit organization created Caregivers • • PATIENT-CENTERED by Congress in 2010. Physicians, nurses and clinicians • OUTCOMES RESEARCH PCORI’s mission is to fund research that will provide Hospitals and health systems • • INSTITUTE patients, their caregivers and clinicians with the evidence- Health plans • based information needed to make better-informed health Health services researchers • care decisions. State and federal health officials • PCORI is committed to continuously seeking input from • Pharmaceutical, device, and • patients and a broad range of stakeholders to guide its diagnostic manufacturers Gail Hunt, member, PCORI Board of Governors work. Private payers • 1 Employers • 2 1

  2. 2/27/2012 PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PCORI’s Path from Priorities to Research Establishing National Priorities and a Patients can Use PCORI’s Core Duties Research Agenda Establish national research priorities • Developed over five months: • Establish and carry out a research agenda • – Reviewed previous national priority-setting processes and comparative effectiveness research initiatives. Develop and update methodological standards • – Evaluated these against criteria laid out for PCORI in law. Disseminate research findings • – Identified the questions that must be addressed so that patients can make better, more personalized decisions about their health. – Informally vetted with patients, caregivers and other Future priorities and agendas will be informed by the development process, stakeholders through small meetings and focus groups. 3 ongoing stakeholder engagement, and PCORI’s research results. 4 5 2

  3. 2/27/2012 Translating National Priorities into a Translating National Priorities into a Content of Draft Research Agenda Content of Draft Research Agenda Research Agenda Research Agenda PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE � Comparisons of alternative clinical options Assessment Assessment of of Priorities Priorities PCORI Criteria* PCORI Criteria* Please Provide Formal Comment � Identifying patient differences in response to therapy Options for Options for Prevention, Diagnosis, Prevention, Diagnosis, � Studies of patient preferences for various outcomes Assessment of and Treatment and Treatment � Impact on Health of Prevention, Diagnosis, Individuals and Populations � Improved support of patient self-management www.pcori.org Improving Improving • and Treatment Options � Improvability via Research � Coordination of care for complex conditions Healthcare Healthcare � Inclusiveness of Different � Comparing alternative strategies for workforce deployment Systems Systems Now through March 15 Improving Healthcare Populations • Systems � Addresses Current Gaps in � Understanding and enhancing shared decision-making Communication & Communication & Knowledge/ Variation in Care “National Patient and � Alternative strategies for dissemination of evidence • Dissemination Dissemination Communications and � Impact on Health Care System PCORI PCORI Funding Stakeholder Dialogue” Research Research Dissemination Text Performance Research Announcement(s ) event February 27 in Research � Potential to Influence Decision Agenda � Understanding differences in effectiveness across groups Washington, DC Making Addressing Addressing � Understanding differences in preferences across groups � Patient-Centeredness Addressing Disparities Disparities Disparities � Reducing disparities through use of findings from PCOR � Rigorous Research Methods Register to participate in • � Efficient Use of Research Accelerating PCOR and person or by webcast Accelerating Accelerating � Improving study designs and analytic methods of PCOR Resources Methodological PCOR and PCOR and � Building and improving clinical data networks Research Methodological Methodological � Methods for training researchers, patients to participate in PCOR 7 6 Research Research � Facilitating the study of rare diseases 8 * Criteria Provided in PCORI Statute 3

  4. 2/27/2012 PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE PATIENT-CENTERED O UTCO MES RESEARCH INSTITUTE Next Steps Questions about the National Priorities and January 23- January 23 -March 15, 2012 March 15, 2012 • Public Comment Period on draft national priorities and research agenda Research Agenda February 27, 2012 February 27, 2012 • National Patient and Stakeholder Dialogue How well do the priorities cover the research PCORI should do? • March- March -April 2012 April 2012 • Analysis of public comment received April 2012 April 2012 • Adoption of first National Priorities for Research and Research Agenda Are each of the priorities clearly understandable? • May 2012 May 2012 • First Methodology Report posted for public comment What percentage of PCORI’s research budget should be invested in • May 2012 May 2012 each priority area? • Broad funding announcements issued June 2012 June 2012 • Brainstorming workshop to advance agenda specificity If future versions of the research agenda focus on specific conditions • and diseases, how should PCORI choose which ones to target? July 2012 July 2012 • Broad funding applications due Summer 2012 Summer 2012 • Advisory Groups formed to advance agenda specificity How could PCORI address conditions that are rare and understudied? • December 2012 December 2012 • Broad funding awards announced 9 10 4


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