reflections on a collective

Reflections on a Collective Impact Initiative UNITED WAY OF BROOME - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (HLC) Reflections on a Collective Impact Initiative UNITED WAY OF BROOME COUNTY All residents are healthy in: Mind Body Spirit Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (HLC) Grant Program Objective 2

  1. Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (HLC) Reflections on a Collective Impact Initiative

  2. UNITED WAY OF BROOME COUNTY All residents are healthy in: Mind • Body • Spirit •

  3. Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (HLC) Grant Program Objective 2 Objective 1 Advocate and encourage the adoption of Support the social, emotional and mental healthy lifestyle behaviors through creation health of all youth, individuals, and families. of structural supports, environmental changes and/or policy initiatives. Objective 3 Objective 4 Increase access to and participation in Increase access to and consumption of physical activity opportunities for youth, healthy foods and beverages for youth, individuals and families . individuals and families .

  4. Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (HLC) Grant Program Common Agenda Mission HLC is a community collaboration that empowers neighborhood residents to adopt healthy lifestyles and achieve positive health outcomes. Vision Engaged and empowered communities that foster healthy environments, healthy relationships and healthy people. Guiding Principles Physical environment is safe, clean, and promotes physical activity and socialization. All residents feel connected regardless of geography or generation. All residents are healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Goal To assist with reducing obesity and associated long term risks for chronic disease in our community; through the promotion of targeted multi-level interventions that improve habits and behaviors related to healthy lifestyles . 4

  5. Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (HLC) Grant Program Focus on the North/East Sides Baseline data collected for this project showed that 74.2% of those surveyed were overweight or obese as opposed to 67.7% of people in a comparison school district. This neighborhood was also selected because it qualifies as a “food desert”. It is an area where it is difficult to buy affordable or quality fresh foods and where more than 70% of people live over a mile from a grocery store. Census tract 13, located on the North Side, has the highest overall poverty rate in Broome County at 69.73% , and a child poverty rate of 84.11% For Comparison: Broome County New York State 17.5% 15.1% 5

  6. UNITED WAY OF BROOME COUNTY Key Ingredients for Early Success • Engagement with the community • Funding Support, community partnerships and leadership • Continued Support by United Way of Broome County as signature Collective Impact Project .

  7. Partnerships

  8. UNITED WAY OF BROOME COUNTY Multi-level Community Based Initiatives Support Healthy Food and Eating • Nutrition Education in Schools • School Wellness Policy Improvements • Summer Food Service Enhancements, Farm to School Purchases, and School Based Gardens • Growth of the VINES Farm Share CSA Program .

  9. UNITED WAY OF BROOME COUNTY Highlights of Eat Well Play Hard Binghamton! Promote Active Living • Reinstatement of the Fresh Cycles Program • Complete Streets Implementation • Engagement of the Pre-Diabetic Population • Out of School time physical activity programming for youth .

  10. UNITED WAY OF BROOME COUNTY Sustainability Challenges/Lessons Learned Consistent Branding and Messaging • Clear and Agreed Upon Goals • Leadership and Staffing Changes • Consistent Evaluation, Data Collection and • Reporting

  11. Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (HLC) Grant Program Shared Measurements • # of individuals served participating in physical activity and/ or wellness program • % of children/adults served who achieve a healthy weight • of children/adults served who adopt healthy behaviors • # of parents, caregivers that engage in parent leadership activities (program planning, Board participation, training in leadership/advocacy, etc.) • # of elementary/middle/high school youth served in out-of-school time programs and/or individualized supports • # of youth who report an improvement in emotional and mental health 11

  12. UNITED WAY OF BROOME COUNTY Direction For The Future Replicate Activities in Other High Needs Areas Data Driven • Expanded Partnerships • Innovative Programming • Revitalize Collaboration •

  13. UNITED WAY OF BROOME COUNTY More Information • Access our website: • Drop-in to our Open Office Hours at Lee Barta Community Center • Monday-Friday from 10:00am – 1:00pm

  14. Thank you!

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