receptivity and knowledge transfer in statistical

Receptivity and knowledge transfer in statistical governance issues - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Receptivity and knowledge transfer in statistical governance issues in international context: An early stage research idea Marika Pohjola NTTS Conference (Brussels 10-12 March 2015) Session 14 A The research issue How is receptivity reflected

  1. Receptivity and knowledge transfer in statistical governance issues in international context: An early stage research idea Marika Pohjola NTTS Conference (Brussels 10-12 March 2015) Session 14 A

  2. The research issue How is receptivity reflected in knowledge transfer processes in the EU / ESS - African Statistical Charter Signatory Country Co-operation as concerns monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of implementation of the UN Fundamental principles of official statistics ?

  3. Starting points  Sharing of experiences, lesson-drawing, and promotion of good practices takes place in global statistics expert networks  ”Soft “contents of transfer (norms and knowledge) vs. “hard” transfers (policy tools and practices; standards and methodologies)  “Statistical governance issues”: reference frameworks for monitoring and evaluation • In the ESS the process includes self-assessments, peer reviews and improvement action plans • <> the broader statistical governance framework which encompasses i.a. relevant legislation  Processes of knowledge transfer can be studied when concepts are emerging and policies being formulated

  4. Outlined analytical approach  Focus of attention is on statistics expert network actors in the ESS – the African Statistical Charter Signatory Country Co-operation, in project and programme level.  Cognitions, motivations, and resources are defined as the actor core characteristics. These are influenced by the case-specific context, the structural governance context and a less specified wider context (i.a culture, economic and technical developments, political system) (The Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT) by H. Bressers (2013))  Perceptions, attitudes and agendas for change concerning instrument / tool logic, mechanism & calibrations and integration of monitoring and evaluation reference frameworks into main stream policies are studied.  Focusing on nature of processes rather than on ultimate results.

  5. Receptivity  “Receptivity” is suggested to be a key capability, and goes both ways  Awareness (information search), assessment, acquisition and application  Receptivity is dependent on the way new information can be associated and exploited around existing knowledge, activities and objectives. • New actors (“external change agents”) may introduce new problem perceptions, propose new instruments and tools; new responsibilities to the existing context • Creating synergy with existing elements and structures is generally aimed at. (The Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT) by H. Bressers (2013))

  6. Research strategy, methods, results  A small- N case study approach  Using mixed-methods approach, valuing both objective and subjective knowledge, applying quantitative & qualitative research methods  Case-selection, research design, data collection, analytical and interpretative issues  The analysis aims to describe collective experiences and various differences  Cognitive mapping contributes also towards greater conceptual clarity and technical specificity in statistical governance issues in the efforts of ensuring the integrity of statistical systems.

  7. Thank you Marika Pohjola (

  8. References Bressers, Hans. In: Water Governance, Policy and Knowledge Transfer. International Studies on Contextual Water Management, Routledge, 2013. Howlett, Michael and Cashore, Benjamin. The Dependent Variable Problem in the Study of Policy Change: Understanding Policy Change as a Methodological Problem. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 2009, Vol. 11, No 1. Jeffrey, P. and Seaton, R.A.F. A Conceptual Model of ‘Receptivity’ Applied to the Design and Deployment of Water Policy Mechanisms. Environmental Sciences 2004, Vol. 1, No. 3. Mossberger, Karin and Wolman, Harold. Policy transfer as a form of prospective policy evaluation: Challenges and recommendations. Public Administration Review 2003, Vol 63., No,. 4.


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