ESRC and the PUBLIC SECTOR: ESRC and the PUBLIC SECTOR: Knowledge Exchange Knowledge Exchange Opportunities Opportunities David Guy April 2008
Knowledge Transfer: The UK Context Knowledge Transfer: The UK Context Drive for international competitiveness Lambert Review of Business-University Collaboration Biggest challenge, boosting demand for research from business Innovation Report – “Competing in the Global Economy” Vision: “be a key global economy” Science and innovation investment framework 2004-2014 Imperatives for research councils: Increase rate of knowledge transfer • Increase interaction with business • Increase collaborative research • Science and Technology Committee (H of C) Review of Knowledge Transfer Warry Report – Economic impact Sainsbury “Race to the Top”
ESRC Knowledge Transfer and Impact ESRC Knowledge Transfer and Impact Strategy Strategy Purpose Achieve and demonstrate a step change in the economic impact of the Science Budget • Knowledge transfer to take centre stage for the research councils • To take forward with the other research councils, with the social science community • and with its user communities Specific emphasis on engagement with the business sector •
ESRC Knowledge Transfer and Impact ESRC Knowledge Transfer and Impact Strategy Strategy Aims The ESRC will create and support increased impact through research • people transfer • infrastructure, data, information resources and methodologies • playing a leadership role by raising awareness within the wider social science community • communicating the impact of the social sciences, specifically developing measures and • analytical tools to identify the impact of its investments
Output 2: Exploitation of knowledge Output 2: Exploitation of knowledge Research councils’ knowledge transfer activities reported: • interaction with business and public services collaborative research • commercialisation of research • cooperative training • people exchanges • Each of the above activities is measured by: ─ scale ─ quality
Challenges Challenges Is the burden of expectation too high? � • Payback for large investment Are dynamics of knowledge exchange fully understood? � • Time • Attribution Are business models sufficiently robust? � Are these sufficient people capacities and competencies? � Barriers? Incentives? �
Knowledge Exchange Exchange Mechanisms Mechanisms & Knowledge Opportunities Opportunities � Seminars and Workshops � Knowledge & People Exchange Mechanisms • Some ESRC-run; others part of national schemes run by government or other bodies • Range of opportunities across academic lifecycle � Package of Opportunities/Scheme to increase rate of knowledge transfer and build a critical mass of expertise/knowledge � Knowledge Transfer Training and Development Opportunities
Seminar and and Workshops Workshops Seminar � Public Policy Seminars • Behaviour Change and Water Efficiency, UK Water Industry Research • Change and Continuity in Scotland’s Fishing Communities, Scottish Government • Active Citizenship and Community Relations, Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action � User Engagement Events • Introductory GRIP Workshop • Attitudes of SMEs managers towards supply chain pressures to demonstrate social and environmental responsibility, University of Southampton Science Park Ltd • The Future of Health Care and Health Technologies, The Tomorrow Project
Knowledge & People People Knowledge Exchange Opportunities Opportunities Exchange Progression route: A life course approach Governm ent Placem ent Fellow ships Business Engagem ent Opportunities Business Placem ent Fellow ships I m pact Grants/ Follow - on-Fund CASE Know ledge Parliam entary & Transfer Governm ent Partnerships Postgraduate Placem ents Departm ental Collaborative Social Science Studentships W orkplace Experience Program m e
Knowledge Exchange Exchange Opportunities Opportunities Knowledge Joint ESRC and Departmental Collaborative Studentships � Encourages greater interaction between academic research and Government and Devolved Administrations � Postgraduate students based in UK academic institutions (ESRC recognised) carry out high quality policy relevant research in conjunction with the host organisation - The PhD topic is defined by the host organisation � The studentship is jointly funded by the ESRC and host organisation � The studentships are jointly supervised by the academic department and host organisation Parliamentary and Government Postgraduate Placements � ESRC funded students in their 2 nd /3 rd year spend three months in a Government Department or Parliamentary Office, where they work as part of a team involved with particular public policy issues � The placement project is defined by the host department/organisation and informs policy makers on the economics and social implications � The placement projects may not be of direct relevance to the students PhD � The student receive a 3 month fully funded extension to their PhD award
Knowledge Exchange Exchange Opportunities Opportunities Knowledge Government Placement Fellowships � Social Science Researchers work within 'partner' organisations on projects put forward by that partner i.e. Government Department; Devolved Administrations; and other similar organisations - also provides opportunities for an employee of a partner organisation to work on a project in a setting where they have access to academic resources � Provide Government Departments with research-informed evidence to develop and review policy � Enable all parties, including ESRC, to develop their understanding of research and policymaking processes and the interactions between them � Fellowships last from between three and 12 months - the cost of the Fellowship is shared equally between the ESRC and the partner Some examples: • HELPING Defra DEVELOP EVIDENCE-BASED POLICYMAKING • HELPING THE PRIME MINISTER’S TEAM TO DEVELOP HEALTH REFORMS • INVESTIGATING CONFIDENCE IN OUR CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM
Knowledge Transfer Transfer Training Training Knowledge and Development Development Opportunities Opportunities and Getting Research into Policy/Practice Workshop � Two day interactive workshop � For ESRC funded researchers undertaking research of potential relevance to policy and practice � Encourages researchers to create a knowledge transfer strategy � Facilitated by external consultants and include input from policy-makers and practitioners
Further information Further information ESRC Knowledge Transfer Guide: ESRC Knowledge Transfer Opportunities:
Thank you Thank you For further information: Publications Guidelines Case studies David Guy
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