rcc meeting of apeis sdb sdb rcc meeting of apeis

RCC meeting of APEIS- -SDB SDB RCC meeting of APEIS So Won Yoon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

March 11, 2005 ,NIES, Tsukuba, Japan RCC meeting of APEIS- -SDB SDB RCC meeting of APEIS So Won Yoon Seoul National University, Korea Tae Yong Jung IGES, Japan Dong Kun Lee Seoul National University, Korea Table of Contents 1. Structure

  1. March 11, 2005 ,NIES, Tsukuba, Japan RCC meeting of APEIS- -SDB SDB RCC meeting of APEIS So Won Yoon Seoul National University, Korea Tae Yong Jung IGES, Japan Dong Kun Lee Seoul National University, Korea

  2. Table of Contents 1. Structure of Environmental Innovation Options (EIO) 2. List of (EIO) : Transport & Residential sector 3. Diagram & Illustration 4. Example of EIO 5. Analysis (samples) <2>

  3. 1. Structure of EIO - Transport Sector � Public transport � Eco education � Road Infrastructure � Eco driving � ICT application Strategic Strategic Eco-Consciousness Efficient transport system Database Database SDB SDB Low emission vehicle Institution � Hybrid vehicle � Regulation � Natural gas � Policy � Fuel cell Tax/Subsidy � Energy tax � Air pollutant tax � Subsidy for high eff. V.. <3>

  4. 1. Structure of EIO - Residential Sector � High efficient appliance � Eco education � Eco lifestyle Strategic Strategic Energy Efficiency Eco-Consciousness Database Database SDB SDB Tax / subsidy Institution � Energy tax � Regulation � Subsidy � Policy Eco friendly development � Eco-city � Ecology house � Wind street <4>

  5. 2. List of EIO - Transport Sector Institution Metropolitan area air quality improvement special law Understanding destination before departure Don't do that unnecessary idling Don't load unnecessary luggage Economy speed observance Don't do sudden starting, braking and accelerating Eco consciousness Tire pressure maintenance Walking short distance Buying high energy efficiency car Using compact car Car account book Using public transportation <5>

  6. 2. List of EIO - Transport Sector CNG Vehicle Program Electronic car & Hybrid electronic car Low emission vehicle Diesel Particulate Filter Lighting the Weight of Vehicle Fuel cell Bus-only Central Lane in Seoul Highway Traffic Management System National Highway Traffic Management System Bicycle road Efficient transport ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) system Improvement of Traffic Charge System Traffic Congestion Charge Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Electronic Toll Collection System: ETCS <6>

  7. 2. List of EIO - Residential Sector energy tax Economic method Subsidy Promotion of Eco-Product Purchase Law Institution/policy The promotion of Rainfall usage: facilities & Policy Sun-flooded house Drafty house Ecology house Green roof system Air tight and insulated house artificial ground greening system community garden Urban development Eco friendly house town design Wind corridor Eco education at school Eco education via TV program Eco education via web site Eco consciousness Holding environmental events (Eco education) Establishment of earth day Establishment of eco incentive system Promotion of environmental appliance store Promotion of eco label <7>

  8. 2. List of EIO - Residential Sector Wearing thick underwear in the winter Lighting & shading Eco consciousness Lighting follow with the size of area (Ecolife style) Plug off no use electronic machinery Buying high energy consumption efficiency product Making a double window Negative ion bulb PSL : Power Saving & Safety Lamp Garbage Bag Charge System Condensing Boiler Air condition (economy cooling system) High efficiency refrigerator Efficient appliance High efficiency device Adiabatic house Changing the electronic bulb to the fluorescent lamp 5kW class polymer fuel cell system for residence Photovoltaic power generation technology Building automation system <8>

  9. 3. Diagram & Illustration - Transport Sector Environmental/ Eco education Voluntary plan Subsidy for Eco-driving Subsidy for Budget of subsidy energy tax scenario budget of auto company Eco-Nav. Sys. License system driving monitor Priority to high Subsidy for Air pollutant Tax benefit for Energy tax Eff. vehicle tax high Eff. vehicle Eco-driving Eco-driving Eco-driving Distribution of high Eff. vehicle Eco-driving Driving Subsidy for by voluntary plan Eco-navigation education education education eco-driving monitor high train/ship/air system license AG at school via TV program via Web site leaflet Voluntary plan GHG tax [Tax/Subsidy] (Priority to high Eff. of rail company vehicle) AB AA Priority to high Eco-driver (Increase of inflow price) (Decrease of initial / O&M price Eff. train commendation of high efficiency transportation ) by voluntary plan [Eco education] AH Energy Eff. Air poluution Voluntary plan regulation regulation (Priority to high Eff. rail) of ship company Energy Eff. Air pollutant Priority to high Priority to Priority to Maintaining Air conditioner Air conditioner Suppression of regulation regulation Reduction of Correct tire Correct Rev Timely Eff. ship walking public Economical temperature temperature sudden by government by government illegal parking shifting up pressure laden weight control by voluntary plan adjustment adjustment acceleration / bicycle transportation speeds [Regulation] AI [Eco driving] Voluntary plan (Priority to high Eff. ship) of air company AE AC (Improve of efficiency V X (Improve of efficiency Priority to high T U (Improve of efficiency (Improve of efficiency of freight vehicle) of passenger vehicle) Eff. ship (Decrease of (Priority to of freight vehicle) of passenger vehicle) AD AF passenger transportation) public transportation) by voluntary plan W Y (reduction of air pollutant (reduction of air pollutant and GHG emission of passenger (reduction of air pollutant (reduction of air pollutant and GHG emission of freight AJ [Voluntary plan and GHG emission of freight and GHG emission of passenger vehicle) vehicle) (Priority to high Eff. airplane) of private company] SO2 emission PM emission NOx emission vehicle) vehicle) regulation regulation regulation Freight facilities Road capital Public Trns. Capital information information Low S oil capital formation PM removal NOx removal Budget budget budget refinery plant budget budget budget Inland container Center of physical Large freight Strengthen Priority Paved Road Bicycle Road BRT LRT Subway Low sulfur PM removal NOx removal depot distribution station road/bridge bus lane oil refinery air filter catalyst [Road infrastructure] [Freight facilities] [Public transportation] S content O Q L M R S of oil K (Improve of efficiency (Priority to large (Improve of efficiency (Priority to Bus) (Decrease of (Priority to Train) (Priority to train/ship) freight vehicle) of freight vehicle) of passenger vehicle) passenger transportation) [Flue gas N P purification] (reduction of air pollutant (reduction of air pollutant and GHG emission of freight and GHG emission of passenger I J vehicle) vehicle) (reduction of air pollutant (reduction of air pollutant of freight transportation) of passenger transportation) ITS capital Car sharing IC card information preferential preferential budget tax system treatment system FC Bio refinery Biomass FC Technology R&D budget Constraint R&D budget Improvement Car sharing Bio refinery Biomass Hydrogen IC card Teleworking Gas VICS *4 AHS *1 PTPS *5 AHS *1 AHS *1 MOCS *6 AHS *1 TDM *1 AHS *2 AHS *1 ETC *3 AHS *1 system Tech. Imp. (Gas) ticket / SOHO Bio fuel Hydrogen Hydrogen Bio fuel Refinery (Biomass) Import Import Decrease of Congestion Hydrogen Biofuel [ICT application] Constraint Constraint C D F H (Priority to public transportation) (improvement of energy efficiency (improvement of energy efficiency (Priority to high efficiency vehicle) of freight transportation) of passenger transportation) A B G E (reduction of air pollutant (reduction of air pollutant and GHG emission of passenger and GHG emission of freight vehicle) vehicle)


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