10 th Anniversary VIII-3 Electrification in rural area lectrification in rural area E (Biomass Biomass) SDB ) SDB ( for APEIS/IEA and APEIS/RISPO for APEIS/IEA and APEIS/RISPO Junichi Fujino (NIES) The 10th AIM International Workshop; 10-12, March 2005, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan 1
Environmental options of electrification in rural area Budget for efficient enduse device Budget for renewable in rural Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for Subsidy for of efficient of efficient of efficient of efficient of efficient of efficient of efficient introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction pump greenhouse dairy farm motor lighting air conditioner ICT of diesel Eng. of biomass (G) of biomass (S) of hydro of wind of PV of Frm. Sys. of Bms. Plnt. of Rcv. Landfill Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest Low interest of efficient of efficient of efficient of efficient of efficient of efficient of efficient loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. loan for Int. pump greenhouse dairy farm motor lighting air conditioner ICT of diesel Eng. of biomass (G) of biomass (S) of hydro of wind of PV of Frm. Sys. of Bms. Plnt. of Rcv. Landfill EA EB EC ED EE EF EG (Decrease of initial cost and running cost of efficient enduse device) AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI (Decrease of initial cost and running cost of renewable) Budget for Budget for Budget for Budget for Cooperation Budget for development training school E-learning ICT network of developed transportation of DB of waste etc. Establishment ICT-enabled E-learning for Database of of training network of design etc. best practice school technician Subsidy for Low interest transportation loan for Trns. of waste etc. of waste etc. Excellent Excellent Careful Measure of designer of Assembler of Maintenance potential system/plant system/plant of system/plant (Extension of potential) C Cesspool Oil Sewerage cleaner truck B (Efficient operation of generation) Budget for D (Efficient operation of biomass plantation) Recovery of expansion of grid Constraint Night soil Household scenario night soil Truck for garbage Electricity demand in household (continue into “O” of Res.) Grid Recovery of capacity Food Constraint food scenario residues EA residues Conventional Truck for pump Ele. via Pump Pump Agr. Rsd. Constraint scenario Grid grid Efficient pump Recovery of Agriculture Constraint B agriculture scenario residues EB Truck for AA residues Agriculture Conventional Lvs. Mnr. Agriculture Electricity greenhouse Green Greenhouse -house Recovery of AG Efficient Diesel Constraint Livestock Oil AB livestock greenhouse scenario engine manure manure EC Truck Conventional Logging road Biomass Budget for Biomass AC in forestry Methane Dairy farm construction (gas) Dairy fermentation (gas) Dairy farm of logging road farm Conventional dairy farm Biomass Ele. via Off grid / AD Thinned Recovery of Constraint (solid) mini/off Mini grid Truck for scenario wood thinned wood C Lumber Rs. Biomass Constraint ED Hydro Mini-hydro AE scenario (solid) Conventional Recovery of Truck Constraint Lumber Lumber Recovery of motor lumber scenario for bagasse thinned wood residues residues Motor Motor residues Efficient Constraint AF Wind Wind motor scenario SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) I4 of Res. SMEs Truck for Constraint Recovery of Bagasse waste paper scenario bagasse EE Conventional Constraint lighting PV scenario Solar Lighting Lighting waste Recovery of Truck for Constraint scenario paper waste paper Efficient waste textile AH D lighting I5 of Res. I1 of Res. EF Constraint waste Recovery of Conventional scenario Biomass textile waste textile air conditioner plantation Air Air farming conditioner conditioner Efficient air conditioner Constraint Plantation Plantation AI I6 of Res. scenario 2 bio-energy bio-energy EG Conventional ICT ICT ICT Efficient Recovery of Constraint Landfill scenario ICT Landfill gas
Electrification in rural area (Biomass) Electrification in rural area (Biomass) SDB for IEA and RISPO SDB for IEA and RISPO For IEA • Detailed but rough flow sketch than the others (transportation, residential, water) • Kindly ask your idea to enhance this flow For RISPO • Focused on industry-wise, residential- wise flow analysis including SPO (Strategic Policy Options) 3
SPO No.1 Win-Win SPO No.4 SPO No.6 SPO No.1 SPO No.8 SPO No.4 SPO No.6 SPO No.8 Voluntary New technology Road show/ Decentralised Voluntary New technology Road show/ Situation Decentralised Agreement Installation Open house Agreement energy network Installation Open house energy network → Energy efficiency → Enhance excess → Enhance Palm Oil → Energy efficiency → Enhance excess → Enhance improvement waste utilisation by-products utili. improvement waste utilisation by-products utili. Industries Optimum mixture Renewable + SPO No.12 SPO No.11 SPO No.14 SPO No.12 (between rubber wood Portfolio SPO No.11 SPO No.14 IT based CDM, Micro Tech. dev. and IT based and palm residues) Standard (RPS) CDM, Micro Tech. dev. and technician training finance appli. with local technician training finance appli. with local system → → diffuse resources system → → diffuse resources Local SPPs increase labor skill effective devices → tech diffusion increase labor skill effective devices → tech diffusion Palm trunks No.1 Wastewater splitting into And leafs Fuel in 2.24 mM 3 Heat small pieces 9,239 mTon Internal boiler 415 mTon No.4 UASB Fuel in local Heat and Biogas No.8 Fiber technology SPPs or others Electricity 479 mTon No.4 No.6 Mushroom Seasonal CSTR system Biogas cultivation mushroom No.6 Decanter cake Soil cover Soil materials materials 580 mTon EFB No.6 No.4 High quality 1,394 mTon New agro Soil conditioner/ Soil materials technology brown paper fertilization No.4 Shell Pyrolysis and Activated No.6 Animal feed Animal food 160 mTon Steam activation carbon No.6 Current excess waste Mixed with Road/ asphalt Pathway PT&L = 9,239 mTon 154 mTon EFB = 814 mTon No.6 4 Fuel in brick/ Heat for brick/ Fiber = 64 mTon cement factories cement factories Shell = 6 mTon
SPO No.1 Win-Win SPO No.4 SPO No.6 SPO No.1 SPO No.8 SPO No.4 SPO No.6 SPO No.8 Voluntary New technology Road show/ Decentralised Voluntary New technology Road show/ Situation Decentralised Agreement Installation Open house Agreement energy network Installation Open house energy network → Energy efficiency → Enhance excess → Enhance Palm Oil → Energy efficiency → Enhance excess → Enhance improvement waste utilisation by-products utili. improvement Package of Voluntary based, waste utilisation by-products utili. Industries Optimum mixture Renewable + SPO No.12 SPO No.11 SPO No.14 SPO No.12 (between rubber wood Portfolio SPO No.11 SPO No.14 Less cost Policy Options IT based CDM, Micro Tech. dev. and IT based and palm residues) Standard (RPS) CDM, Micro Tech. dev. and technician training finance appli. with local technician training finance appli. with local system → → diffuse resources system → → diffuse resources Local SPPs increase labor skill effective devices → tech diffusion increase labor skill effective devices → tech diffusion Palm trunks No.1 Wastewater splitting into And leafs Fuel in 2.24 mM 3 Heat small pieces 9,239 mTon Internal boiler 415 mTon No.4 UASB Fuel in local Heat and Biogas No.8 Fiber technology SPPs or others Electricity 479 mTon No.4 No.6 Mushroom Seasonal CSTR system Biogas cultivation mushroom No.6 Decanter cake Soil cover Soil materials materials 580 mTon EFB No.6 No.4 High quality 1,394 mTon New agro Soil conditioner/ Soil materials technology brown paper fertilization No.4 Shell Pyrolysis and Activated No.6 Animal feed Animal food 160 mTon Steam activation carbon No.6 Current excess waste Mixed with Road/ asphalt Pathway PT&L = 9,239 mTon 154 mTon EFB = 814 mTon No.6 5 Fuel in brick/ Heat for brick/ Fiber = 64 mTon cement factories cement factories Shell = 6 mTon
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