radiation therapy for tumor patients bragg peak with

Radiation Therapy for Tumor Patients Bragg-Peak with Broad Energy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Radiation Therapy for Tumor Patients Bragg-Peak with Broad Energy Ions Beams Oncoray in Dresden, Germany Oncoray is the German National Center for Translational Cancer Research Translational Research: Shrink Accelerator Size & Cost

  1. Radiation Therapy for Tumor Patients

  2. Bragg-Peak with Broad Energy Ions Beams

  3. Oncoray in Dresden, Germany Oncoray is the German National Center for Translational Cancer Research

  4. Translational Research: Shrink Accelerator Size & Cost

  5. Algorithm Driven Cache Strategy

  6. High Utilization of Threads

  7. C++11 Fans: Alpaka Talk Thursday 9am - R211A  single-source kernels  real performance portability  CUDA-like, pure C++11  explicit, extendable backends

  8. PIConGPU ─ Scales up to 18,432 GPUs

  9. PIConGPU ─ I/O Scaling

  10. Ion Acceleration with Mass-Limited Targets laser E. d'Humières et al., PoP 12 , 062704 (2005)

  11. The Influence of Target Mount Structures

  12. Paul Trap: Levitate the Target Peter Hilz, LMU

  13. Experimental Observables: Detectors short (500fs), high-intensity laser pulse levitating, solid density target

  14. Energy Scaling: Overestimated in 2D3V  quasi-monoenergetic ions  forward: very high charge

  15. Energy Scaling: Reproduced in 3D3V

  16. Beam Pointing levitating, solid density target

  17. Thank you! Thanks to Peter Hilz (experiment), Thomas Kluge (guidance), Zhao Shuan (in-group Multi2D pre-pulse hydro simulations), René Widera (programming, multi-species), Norbert Podhorszki, Jong Choi, Qing Lui, David Pugmire & Scott Klasky (ADIOS), Henrik Schulz (HZDR HPC), the Titan support-team (ORNL HPC) and Michael Bussmann (group leader). An award of computer time was provided by the Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment ( INCITE ) program. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. Open Source projects:


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