rachel feeney skate pdt chair

Rachel Feeney Skate PDT Chair Skate PDT webinar November 21, 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rachel Feeney Skate PDT Chair Skate PDT webinar November 21, 2019 Agenda 9:30 Introductions/approval of agenda 9:40 Status update on Framework 8 9:45 Amendment 5 to the Skate FMP Review and update the Action Plan Recap data

  1. Rachel Feeney Skate PDT Chair Skate PDT webinar November 21, 2019

  2. Agenda 9:30 Introductions/approval of agenda 9:40 Status update on Framework 8 9:45 Amendment 5 to the Skate FMP  Review and update the Action Plan  Recap data provided for Oct. 22 AP/Cte mtg  Recap tasking from the Oct. 22 Cte mtg  Discuss work to date to accomplish Cte tasking  Plan future work/meetings 11:15 Other Business Quota monitoring webpage  Council research priorities  11:30 Adjourn 2

  3. FW8 - status update 2019 JUN Council initiates framework/specifications AUG Operational assessment reviewed SSC develops ABC recommendations for fishing years AUG 2020 & 2021 SEP Committee develops management alternatives SEP Council approves framework Preliminary submission of framework/specifications Nov. 5 NOV document to NMFS 2020 JAN Staff receives comments on preliminary submission On Final submission of framework/specifications FEB track? document to NMFS MAY Implementation 3

  4. A5 – Action Plan  Latest draft (version 2) was created January 2019.  Likely not formally approved.  SFD Program Manager not identified.  PDT member list and action timeline outdated.  An update (version 3) has been drafted.  Preliminary review by Council and SFD staff. PDT task:  Review Draft Version 3.  Provide any edits to Rachel by December 2. 4

  5. A5 – Committee tasking from May 2019  PDT had provided # vessels, lbs landed, revenue for the various wing and bait permit qualification criteria drafted by Advisory Panel.  PDT tasked to provide:  Skate trip/pounds landed frequencies by authorization code (declaration).  Distribution of skate trips, by the percentage of skate to total revenues on those trips, also by authorization code. 5

  6. To get declarations, staff combined tables using “activity_code”  Tried CFDERS_ALL_YEARS tables  But duplicates found when combined with SKATE_DMIS_2007_2018.  Tried JML_T_GRND_TRIPS_10-16 (v_md_dmis_2010to2016)  But denied access.  Tried T_SSB_CATCH_CURRENT tables  Used these tables and SKATE_LAND_2007_2019.

  7. T_SSB_CATCH_CURRENT  APSD supplied table: “SKATE_LANDINGS_2007_2019” with duplicates identified and labeled.  APSD and Council staff found in this table:  Records that had landings 2 or 3 times what they should have been.  Bait and Wing codes reversed for some records.  APSD provided new table; fixed multiples and mis-codes, but not duplicates.  Staff decided to remove duplicate records for data provided to Cte.

  8. Memos to Oct. 22 AP/Cte mtgs Used APSD-provided data (incl. state), excluding the 960 duplicate records. Table 2. Landings & trips by skate wing plan code, FY2017 Total Live % Total Total Landed Weight # of Landed % Total Live Plan Code Weight (lbs.) (lbs.) Trips Weight Weight HER 1,217 2,763 5 0 0 SES 32,372 44,545 119 0 0 SMB 183,224 411,263 970 2 2 DOF 421,837 879,005 1,735 5 5 Undeclared 1,008,111 1,567,081 2,261 11 8 MNK 3,158,584 6,750,171 2,457 35 36 NMS 4,102,726 9,236,635 3,436 46 49 Total 8,908,071 18,891,463 8

  9. Memos to Oct. 22 AP/Cte mtgs Used APSD-provided data (incl. state), excluding the 960 duplicate records. Table 3a. Wing landings grouped by seasonal possession limit and plan code, FY2017 % Total 501-2,600 2,601- 501- % Total % > Plan <500 lb. lb. 4,100 lb. >4,101 lb. Total % Total 2,600 2,601- 4,100 Code Landings Landings Landings Landings Landings <500 lbs. lbs. 4,100 lbs. lbs. Unde clared 158,027 220,372 96,248 533,464 1,008,111 16 22 10 53 SMB 176,374 6,850 0 0 183,224 96 4 0 0 SES 8,182 13,960 0 10,230 32,372 25 43 0 32 204,878 2,423,250 1,474,598 0 4,102,726 5 59 36 0 NMS MNK 253,850 2,066,925 575,909 261,900 3,158,584 8 65 18 8 HER 1,217 0 0 0 1,217 100 0 0 0 DOF 344,830 59,212 10,920 6,875 421,837 82 14 3 2 9

  10. Oct. 22 AP mtg recap (no quorum)  Considered PDT memos on:  # of qualifying vessels based on draft wing qualification criteria  % of skates to total revenue on FY2017 skate trips.  Landings by authorization code on FY2017 skate trips.  Input – PDT should:  Continue developing bait qualification criteria, focusing on Category X (vessels not meeting defined criteria)  Further clarify fishery data. 10

  11. Oct. 22 Cte mtg recap  Considered same PDT memos and AP input.  Felt that before determining qualification criteria, the Committee needs to understand the data with activity codes (landings > possession limits, undeclared trips, additional years, etc.)  Tasked the PDT with providing additional analyses to better understand the fisheries and fishermen using the skate resource.  Motion failed to work on bait qualification criteria.  Discussed need to clarify objectives/problem statement before proceeding much farther. 11

  12. A5 – Current PDT tasks Identify and resolve the source of duplicate records when presenting activity 1. and program code data (remove trips under incidental limits and state only Correct or landings). clarify data Explain the large number of undeclared trips (especially for wings). 2. Explain why wing landings exceed possession limits. 3. Provide activity data by plan code and program code for years other than 4. Provide FY2017. additional Include the number of vessels when reporting activity by plan code and 5. data program code. Include average revenue on the qualification tables. 6. Identify under which declaration(s) are trips that are using the gillnet large 7. Correct or mesh exemption. clarify data Goal: Finish tasking in time for Feb or Mar 2020 AP/Cte meetings. Doable? 12

  13. Strawman approach to Tasks 1-3. OK? On 10/29, staff met to develop an approach to correcting and clarifying data and a plan for preliminary work to bring to PDT (today). Steps: Focus on improving FY2017 wing data first. 1. -> Staff developed procedure (slide Work to ensure duplicates are removed from the data. 2. 14). Is it OK? Help needed. For the undeclared trips: 3. -> Staff developed procedure (slide 20), but results are not Ensure state landings are excluded. A. equating to state landings in NMFS skate accounting reports elsewhere. Help needed. Within the federal, undeclared trips: B. Identify gear type used. Are there any trips using gear that would explain (e.g., trap would 1. likely be the lobster fishery). -> The data APSD have provided do not have gear or landing port or home port. Identify the other species landed to determine if these trips are targeting fisheries that do 2. not have a VTR requirement. Landing port or state may help too. Identify if the trips should have declared into a fishery (e.g., landed >500 lbs of gf or mnk). If 3. so, what was the timing relative to the FY17 Dec-Apr closure and GARFO reminder to fishery? Provide wing data for FY2012 (A3 implemented in 2010), FY2015 (reported 4. in recent frameworks), FY2018 (latest and “clean”). Work on bait data. 5. 13

  14. Task 1 - Identify and resolve the source of duplicate records when presenting activity and program code data.  Started with APSD supplied table, labelled with codes for duplicates, SKATE_LANDINGS_2007_2019_codes_v2 (v2 added REVENUE, +fixes)  Frequencies show duplicates contain only four NESPP4 codes:  3660 = Little skate, unclassified  3661 = Little skate, wings  3670 = Winter (Big) skate, unclassified  3671 = Winter (Big) skate, wings  Other evidence includes LIVE=LANDED weight and price  Used NESPP4 value to recode DISPOSITON_CODE:  If NESPP4 codes 3661 and 3671 then Wing (‘001’)  If NESPP4 codes 3660 and 3670 then Bait (‘008’)  Sum LANDED, POUNDS, REVENUE by trip using new DISPOSITON_CODE  FY2017, there were 480 records (240 wing and 240 bait) that were duplicated (960 total). PDT Question: Is the procedure for correcting duplicate records in Skate_Land_2007_2019 acceptable? Does APSD want to adopt this or develop its own for future use? 14

  15. Task 1 - Identify and resolve the source of duplicate records when presenting activity and program code data. Removed trips under incidental limit  Start with new dataset SKATES_LAND_2017_fixdup, which adds corrected duplicate records (480)  For Wings only include LANDED > 500 lbs.  For Bait only include POUNDS > 5,000 lbs.  note: the new bait incidental limit of 8,000 lbs. (FW 6) was not implemented until March 2018.  FY 2017 results (trips over incidental limit): LANDED POUNDS REVENUE WINGS 7,843,137 16,531,052 $3,394,499 BAIT 9,504,356 9,535,852 $1,062,106

  16. Task 1 - Identify and resolve the source of duplicate records when presenting activity and program code data. FY2017 wing trips by activity code (trips under incidental limit removed) WINGS LANDED POUNDS REVENUE Undeclared 852,366 1,226,828 $214,736 Declared Out of Fishery 78,722 126,450 $21,464 Herring 655 1,487 $557 Monkfish 2,982,505 6,353,540 $1,237,533 Multispecies 3,897,848 8,780,772 $1,912,923 Scallop 24,190 274,111 $3,692 Squid-Mackerel-Butterfish 6,850 14,864 $3,593 7,843,137 16,531,052 $3,394,499 Total


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