pulpdent pulpdent adhesives


PULPDENT PULPDENT Adhesives DenTASTIC UNO DenTASTIC UNO DenTASTIC UNO DenTASTIC UNODUO DenTASTIC All DenTASTIC AllPurpose Adhesive PULPDENT DenTASTIC Adhesives DenTASTIC Adhesives 40 years of research Developed by Dr. Rafael Bowen


  2. PULPDENT DenTASTIC Adhesives DenTASTIC Adhesives • 40 years of research • Developed by Dr. Rafael Bowen Developed by Dr. Rafael Bowen • Patents assigned to American Patents assigned to American Dental Association Health Foundation Dental Association Health Foundation (ADAHF) • Extensive Published literature Extensive Published literature • Advanced PMDGM chemistry with Advanced PMDGM chemistry with Dr. Ray Bowen magnesium salt of NTG­GMA GMA

  3. Defining the Generations Defining the Generations 4th Generation DenTASTIC All­Purpose Purpose Dual Cure ­ Hydrophilic ­ Wet Bonding Wet Bonding • Solvent based primers are separate from Solvent based primers are separate from unfilled resin bonding agent. unfilled resin bonding agent. • Both primers and unfilled resin bonding agent Both primers and unfilled resin bonding agent are 2­part and dual cure.

  4. Defining the Generations Defining the Generations 5 th Generation Light Cure Generation Light Cure DenTASTIC UNO Light Cure ­ Hydrophilic ­ Wet Bonding Wet Bonding • One bottle system. Primer and One bottle system. Primer and unfilled resin bonding agent are unfilled resin bonding agent are combined in the same bottle. combined in the same bottle. • Light cure.

  5. Defining the Generations Defining the Generations 5 th Generation Dual Cure Generation Dual Cure DenTASTIC UNO­DUO Dual Cure ­ Hydrophilic ­ Wet Bonding Wet Bonding • Simplified dual cure system. Simplified dual cure system. • DUO is the dual cure catalyst for UNO. DUO is the dual cure catalyst for UNO.

  6. DenTASTIC All­Purpose Purpose The Best of the 4 th Generation Generation All Purpose Adhesive System All Purpose Adhesive System Hydrophilic Dual Cure For bonding to dentin, enamel, For bonding to dentin, enamel, porcelain, resins, precious and porcelain, resins, precious and non­precious metal and amalgam precious metal and amalgam

  7. DenTASTIC UNO 5th Generation Light Cure Light Cure One Bottle Adhesive DenTASTIC UNO combines the DenTASTIC UNO combines the patented PMGDM adhesive primer with patented PMGDM adhesive primer with a hydrophilic resin and acetone solvent a hydrophilic resin and acetone solvent into a single component adhesive. into a single component adhesive. Light Cure Compatible with all composites Compatible with all composites

  8. DenTASTIC UNO­ ­DUO 5 th Generation Dual Cure Generation Dual Cure DUO is the Dual Cure Catalyst DUO is the Dual Cure Catalyst for DenTASTIC UNO 2 drops of UNO + 1 drop of DUO provides 2 drops of UNO + 1 drop of DUO provides the simplest dual cure bonding agent for the simplest dual cure bonding agent for indirect restorations, and self indirect restorations, and self­cure and dual­ cure core materials and resin cements. cure core materials and resin cements.

  9. Understanding Dentin Bonding Understanding Dentin Bonding � Rationale for Wet Bonding Rationale for Wet Bonding • Dentin contains 15% water • Hydrophilic adhesive monomers are combined with Hydrophilic adhesive monomers are combined with solvents that chase moisture and carry the adhesive resin solvents that chase moisture and carry the adhesive resin into the open collagen and dentinal tubules. into the open collagen and dentinal tubules. • This forms a hybrid layer of collagen and resin with resin This forms a hybrid layer of collagen and resin with resin tags in the dentinal tubules that provides exceptional micro tags in the dentinal tubules that provides exceptional micro­ mechanical retention.

  10. Understanding Dentin Bonding Understanding Dentin Bonding � Basic Anatomy Dentin is a fiber reinforced tissue consisting of minerals, collagen and water. The mineral content is mostly calcium phosphate. Cutting dentin with a rotary bur produces a smear layer of dentinal debris. Smear Layer Smear Layer Dentin Dentin Dentinal Tubules Dentinal Tubules Tubules

  11. Understanding Dentin Bonding Understanding Dentin Bonding � Etching Etching dentin removes the smear Etching dentin removes the smear layer, dissolves the minerals at the layer, dissolves the minerals at the surface exposing the collagen fiber surface exposing the collagen fiber matrix, and slightly opens the dentinal tubules. Etched Dentin Etched Dentin Dentin Dentin Dentinal Tubules Dentinal Tubules

  12. Understanding Dentin Bonding Understanding Dentin Bonding � 4 th Generation Adhesive Generation Adhesive Adhesive Primer is applied first, Adhesive Primer is applied first, and Unfilled Resin Bonding Agent and Unfilled Resin Bonding Agent is applied in a second step. Composite Composite Unfilled Resin Bonding Agent Unfilled Resin Bonding Agent Adhesive Primer Adhesive Primer Hybrid Layer Hybrid Layer Dentin Dentinal Tubules Dentinal Tubules

  13. Understanding Dentin Bonding Understanding Dentin Bonding � 5th Generation Adhesive 5th Generation Adhesive Adhesive Primer and Unfilled Resin Bonding Adhesive Primer and Unfilled Resin Bonding Agent are combined into a single component Agent are combined into a single component that forms an interlocking matrix layer with the that forms an interlocking matrix layer with the moist collagen and dentinal tubules creating a moist collagen and dentinal tubules creating a hybrid layer that provides extraordinary hybrid layer that provides extraordinary mechanic retention. DenTASTIC UNO or UNO­DUO Hybrid Layer Dentin Dentinal Tubules

  14. Understanding Dentin Bonding Understanding Dentin Bonding � Dentin Adhesive Interface Dentin Adhesive Interface This unique light microscopy cross This unique light microscopy cross­section shows the dentin­adhesive interface. adhesive interface. Unfilled resin bonding agent Hybrid layer of collagen and bonding agent Bonding agent tags in dentinal tubules (red­blue dots) Dentinal Tubules (cross­section) Unaltered (not etched) dentin

  15. DenTASTIC UNO � Two Case Studies

  16. DenTASTIC UNO: Case #1 DenTASTIC UNO: Case #1 Figure 1 Figure 2 Etch all enamel and dentin Rinse thoroughly and remove surfaces for 15 seconds. excess moisture leaving tooth surface slightly moist.

  17. DenTASTIC UNO: Case #1 DenTASTIC UNO: Case #1 Figure 3 Figure 4 Apply 2­3 coats of UNO to Light cure for 10 seconds. all wet enamel and dentin Now you are ready to place surfaces. your preferred composite.

  18. DenTASTIC UNO: Case #2 DenTASTIC UNO: Case #2 Figure 1 Figure 2 Acid etch all enamel and dentin Pulpdent Lime­Lite is placed over surfaces for 15 seconds. near exposure sites and light cured for 20 seconds.

  19. DenTASTIC UNO: Case #2 DenTASTIC UNO: Case #2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Apply 2­3 coats of UNO to all wet Light cure for 10 seconds. enamel and dentin surfaces. Now you are ready to place your preferred composite.

  20. DenTASTIC UNO: Case #2 DenTASTIC UNO: Case #2 The Final Result The Final Result Figure 5 Figure 5 Shows tooth restored with composite resin. Shows tooth restored with composite resin.


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