proposed update to fcps reg 100 01 rental of fcps

Proposed Update to FCPS Reg. 10001 Rental of FCPS Facilities Office - PDF document

5/17/2019 Proposed Update to FCPS Reg. 10001 Rental of FCPS Facilities Office of Chief Operating Officer May 22, 2019 Presenters: Paul Lebo, FCPS Chief Operating Officer John Carnahan, Custodial Services Manager Deb Huffman, FCPS Use of

  1. 5/17/2019 Proposed Update to FCPS Reg. 100‐01 Rental of FCPS Facilities Office of Chief Operating Officer May 22, 2019 Presenters: Paul Lebo, FCPS Chief Operating Officer John Carnahan, Custodial Services Manager Deb Huffman, FCPS Use of Facilities Coordinator Leslie Pellegrino, Chief Financial Officer BOE Request for Additional Info • As requested at the April 10 BOE meeting, staff returns with additional information for BOE consideration to approve the proposed Use of Facility Fee Schedule (last updated in July 2015)  FY16‐19 Usage Breakdown by Priority Groups  Comparison of FY19 Priority 2 Application Fees and various Administrative Processing Fee Rates ($2‐$5 per event date) (See backup 2 posted on BoardDocs)  Revenue/Expense Analysis 1

  2. 5/17/2019 Review of Proposed Fee Adjustments  Replacing the $25 application fee for Priority 2 community user groups (CUG) with an Administrative Processing Fee per event date ($5 per event date proposed)  Revising the hourly facility fees for various room/area types  Increasing by $5 the hourly labor fee assessed to CUGs for weekend custodian coverage, Food & Nutrition Services personnel and Sound/Lighting Technician for high school Auditorium usage (currently $25 per hour)  Assessing a flat fee per weekday event date to provide supplemental pay for extra‐hours worked by a custodian in support of weekday CUG events ($5 per event date proposed) • Assessed to Priority 2‐5 CUGs • Assessed to Priority 1 CUGs when attendance is greater than 50 (exception for internal FCPS events) Review of Proposed Fee Adjustments 2

  3. 5/17/2019 Usage Breakdown by Priority Group (Data Run as of 05/10/19) School Facilities Cost Calculator • Online tool to help calculate fair use of facility fees • Calculates cost per square foot, cost per usable hour per square foot, and fair cost per room type • Assumes factors such as:  Total Building Gross Square Footage  Current Building Replacement Cost (per sq. ft.)  Expected Building Life‐Span  Estimated Annual Hours of Facilities Operation  Core Space factor  Operation and Maintenance Costs  Administrative Costs  Capital Costs 3

  4. 5/17/2019 School Facilities Cost Calculator Result of Fair Fees to Charge per Room Type (Most heavily utilized interior spaces) Use of Facility Revenue/Expense Analysis 4

  5. 5/17/2019 Priority 2 (Youth) Comparison of FY 19 Usage/Application Fees and Cost at Various Administrative Processing Fee (APF) Rates (Data Run as of 4/25/19) App # of Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff. # of Fees Approved from from from from FY19 Paid in FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 Approved FY19 Event App Fee App Fee App Fee App Fee $2 APF $3 APF $4 APF $5 APF Apps ($25 ea) Dates Paid Paid Paid Paid 1185 $29,625 17487 $34,974 $5,349 $52,461 $22,836 $69,948 $40,323 $87,435 $57,810 At $2 APF: 54% of Priority 2 groups will see a savings (94/175) At $3 APF: 43% of Priority 2 groups will see a savings (76/175) At $4 APF: 39% of Priority 2 groups will see a savings (68/175) At $5 APF: 32% of Priority 2 groups will see a savings (56/175) Next Steps  May 22, 2019: Request approval of the new fee structure  May 28, 2019: Announce changes to Reg. 100‐01 via FOF and email to all registered CUGs  July 1, 2019: Reg. 100‐01 changes become effective  January 1, 2020: Priority 2 CUGs new fee implemented (There will be no application fee assessed during July 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019 for Priority 2 groups to allow time to budget for new fee; labor fees and usage fees for areas such as stadiums and pools still apply during this time period) 5

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