Depart ment of Toxic S ubst ances Cont rol Administ rat ive S ervices, Financial Planning Proposed Governor’s Budget Fiscal Y ear 2017-18 1
Overview DTS C Funding by S ource and Program S ummary of Adj ustments High-level Fund Condition S tatements for DTS C’s two primary accounts 2
DTS C Budget Overview 2016-17 2017-18 Fund Source Difference Enacted Budget Proposed Budget General Fund $43,819,000 $32,087,000 -$11,732,000 S pecial Funds $190,556,000 $207,065,000 $16,509,000 Federal Funds $32,914,000 $33,144,000 $230,000 Reimbursements $13,075,000 $13,531,000 $456,000 Total: All Funds $280,364,000 $285,827,000 +$5,463,000 Total Authorized 1,047.6 1,053.1 +5.5 Positions: 3
DTS C Budget by Program 2016-17 2017-18 Program Difference Enacted Budget Proposed Budget S ite Mitigation & Brownfields Reuse $135,670,000 $123,776,000 -$11,894,000 Hazardous Waste Management $84,101,000 $78,659,000 -$5,442,000 S afer Consumer Products $15,638,000 $13,417,000 -$2,221,000 S tate Certified Unified Program $2,874,000 $2,784,000 -$90,000 Agency Exide Technologies $42,081,000 $67,191,000 $25,110,000 Administration $34,324,000 $34,477,000 $153,000 Distributed Administration ($34,324,000) ($34,477,000) ($153,000) Total: All Programs $280,364,000 $285,827,000 +$5,463,000 4
S ummary of Maj or Adj ustments S tringfellow S uperfund S ite Characterization BCP - $2,460,000 Removal and remedial action to complete characterization of the S tringfellow Hazardous Waste S ite. Failure to perform this work could subj ect the S tate to regulatory enforcement action by the U.S . EP A. Fund Source: 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 General Fund $2,460,000 $2,990,000 $2,600,000 Lead-Acid Battery Act of 2016 (AB 2153) BCP - $610,000 Begin the initial implementation od the Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Act of 2016. The Act requires DTS C to identify, investigate, and cleanup areas reasonably suspected to have been contaminated by the operation of lead-acid battery recycling facilities. Fund Source: 2017-18 2018-19 Ongoing Lead Acid Battery $610,000 $610,000 $610,000 5 Cleanup Fund
Exide Technologies Facility Contamination Cleanup 2016-17 2017-18 Difference Enacted Budget Proposed Budget FY 2015-16 $4,790,000 $4,790,000 $0 FY 2016-17 $42,080,000 $24,393,000 -$17,718,000 FY 2017-18 $129,730,000 $67,191,000 -$62,539,000 FY 2018-19 $0 $63,889,000 $63,889,000 FY 2019-20 $0 $16,337,000 $16,337,000 6
Fund Condition S tatement Hazardous Waste Control Account FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Beginning Balance $25,815 $29,869 $15,967 Revenues $68,024 $55,186 $58,101 Expenditures $63,970 $69,088 $66,374 Ending Balance $29,869 $15,967 $7,694 Dollars are in thousands 7
Fund Condition S tatement Toxic S ubstances Control Account (excluding Exide) FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Beginning Balance $42,818 $23,502 $16,581 Revenues $52,553 $54,413 $56,850 Expenditures $71,869 $61,334 $60,214 Ending Balance $23,502 $16,581 $13,217 Dollars are in thousands 8
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