promoting the international cooperation for peaceful

Promoting the International Cooperation for Peaceful Purposes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Promoting the International Cooperation for Peaceful Purposes Presentation by R. Owuor at International Workshop on the Eighth BWC Review Conference: Promoting BWC Implementation, Enhancing Global Biosecurity Governance OUTLINE

  1. Promoting the International Cooperation for Peaceful Purposes Presentation by R. Owuor at International Workshop on the Eighth BWC Review Conference: Promoting BWC Implementation, Enhancing Global Biosecurity Governance

  2. OUTLINE  Introduction  Importance of international cooperation for peaceful purpose  Current international Cooperation for peaceful purposes in Kenya  Way forward

  3. Introduction  Use of biological agents and toxins (BAT) for non peaceful purposes is real and therefore States Parties need to have measures in place to prevent this.  Advances in science and technology may provide an opportunity for non peaceful use of BAT and therefore dual-use research need to be considered by States Parties.

  4. Cont.  Article X indicates that the States Parties can undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in exchange of:  equipment  Materials  Scientific and technological information  The above are for peaceful use of BAT.

  5. Importance of international cooperation for peaceful purposes  International cooperation for peaceful purposes contributes to the following: (a) Universalization:  The world has been turned into a global village by advances in Science and Technology.  Porous Boarders within the regions.  These call for bringing all the State Parties on board for safety of humans, animals and environment.

  6. Cont. (b) Controlling and managing disease outbreaks and emerging infectious diseases :  Some States Parties have been hit hard by outbreak of infectious diseases (cholera) and emerging infectious diseases (Viral hemorrhagic fever).  Training and support for equipment is therefore key in controlling and managing these diseases. (c) Legal framework:  Development of Policy and Bill on implementation of BWC.  Development of regulations for biosecurity and laboratory biosafety.

  7. Cont. (d)Technology transfer: Emerging technologies (Synthetic biology and nanotechnology). (e) Infrastructure:  Upgrading of laboratories (BSL II to BSL III)  Ensuring laboratory biosafety and biosecurity

  8. Current international Cooperation for peaceful purposes in Kenya  Kenya has established the international cooperation in the following areas:  Research:  Canada (IDRC)  ICGEB – Cape Town Component  S. Africa (Department of Science and Technology)  Japan (JSPS)  United Kingdom (Newton Fund)  France (Mobility Grant - PAMOJA)

  9. Cont.  Awareness creation on BWC in the region:  United States  European Union Education curriculum on Biosafety (UoN)  ICGEB

  10. Cont. Capacity building ( Including Biosafety and Biosecurity):  German (DAAD)  Japan (Japan international cooperation agency)  United States Infrastructure  S. Africa  Japan (JICA)  United States Legal framework for BWC:  US States  Denmark

  11. Way forward  It is important for States Parties to identify their areas of cooperation for peaceful purposes.  The States Parties which are able to do so can approach those in need of a given areas towards implementation of the Convention and provide assistance.  International cooperation in infrastructure and technology transfer should be strengthened.  International cooperation should include exchange programs during the development of legal framework for implementation of the Convention.  States Parties can also approach BWC ISU for establishment of international cooperation for peaceful purposes.



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