Last year 1 in 6 marriages were between people who met through social media.
1/ 1/3 3 of women 18 18-34 ch check ck face ce book whe hen the hey f first w wake up! p!
Social media has helped to create a digital global village 1. E nabling democracy and mobilizing activism (Facebook Revolution) 2. Increasing access to information and improving education (Wikipedia) 3. E ncouraging transparency and accountability.
1. In Uganda there is a social media monitoring Centre established by the government. 2. In Vietnam $5,000 fine for anyone who criticizes the government on social media.
1. Turkey - YouTube, face book and twitter are all banned. 2. “Social media are the worst menace to society” Recep Tayyip Erdogan – Prime Minister of Turkey. 3. There are 4.4 billion people who cannot send and receive email or connect via social media.
POSITIVES In China 2008 17.7 million mobile users. In 2013 464 million.
More Mobile phones that toothpaste
More than half of the human race is under 30 years old and they have never known life without the internet .
Rad adio to took 3 38 year ars to to reach 5 h 50 milli llion us users. TV t V took 13 13 years. s. In Inte ternet to t took 4 4 years. s. Facebook added 100 m mil illio ion u use sers s in in less t ss than 9 9 months ths. 50 500 bi billion mi minut nutes s spent nt o on n FB p per r mont nth. Utube be: 24 h 4 hours o of f video u uplo loaded to to Yout utub ube every ry mi minut nute.
There are 2 billion videos viewed each day on Youtube.
This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)
Can you imagine if William Miller or James and Ellen White had the technologies we have today
“Time is rapidly passing, and there is much to be done. Every agency must be set in operation…” EGW, EG , Acts o of th f the Apostles es , p. 1 158 ( 58 (1911 1911)
LET IT IT BE BE CL CLEA EAR!! Digital communications is a way of magnifying the impact of OUR EVANGELISTIC MANDATE!! It should not replace it.
Social media should not be treated as an afterthought. A well calculated approach to digital communications needs to become an integral part of a comprehensive strategy.
Every Communication Director must impact his or her field with the use of
Social media is really no different than a face-to-face conversation.
How c w can we we make a a signal an l and d po positiv itive i e impa pact ct wi with the u use se o of
INSIGHTS 1. Post Regularly 2. Become an expert to your audience 3. Use a consistent name 4. Use the same profile photo and a consistent design look. 5. Be consistent with your messages to maximize effectiveness. 6. Don’t keep telling the same story the same way. Utilize diversity of content and keep it relevant. 7. Focus your attention on visual content. Pictures & video are taking over and it helps you stand out in Newsfeeds.
8. Less text is more, which is evident in the rise in popularity of platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. 9. Create images that can be shared across multiple platforms to save time. You can also optimize your images per platform. 10. Use what is popular to attract people to your profile and increased engagement. 11. The more people visit your profile, the more your content will be served to their news feed. 12. Used related content to support your mission and message
INSIGHTS 13.Tag people and organizations to let them know you are sharing their content or talking about them. This also expands YOUR reach and elevates you on Facebook. 14.Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combine. (Brightcove) 15. Brand your video 16.Focus on one message 17.Include your logo or hashtag. 18.Boost your post
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