1 brazilian cooperation modalities

1 Brazilian Cooperation Modalities Technical Cooperation Technical - PDF document

1 Brazilian Cooperation Modalities Technical Cooperation Technical Cooperation Humanitarian Aid Humanitarian Aid Educational Cooperation (scholarships for foreigners) Educational Cooperation (scholarships for foreigners) Contributions to

  1. 1

  2. Brazilian Cooperation Modalities Technical Cooperation Technical Cooperation Humanitarian Aid Humanitarian Aid Educational Cooperation (scholarships for foreigners) Educational Cooperation (scholarships for foreigners) Contributions to International Organizations (UN and other regional Contributions to International Organizations (UN and other regional institution, funds, banks and others) institution, funds, banks and others) 2

  3. ABC: Mandate To coordinate, negotiate, approve, assess and fund To coordinate, negotiate, approve, assess and fund international technical cooperation in Brazil and other international technical cooperation in Brazil and other developing countries developing countries To identify, draft, approve the implementation of and To identify, draft, approve the implementation of and monitor projects of South-South technical cooperation monitor projects of South-South technical cooperation (Bilateral e Trilateral) (Bilateral e Trilateral) 3

  4. ABC: Organizational Chart Director Brazilian Cooperation Agency Subdirector CGAA CGPAL CGAE CGCCP CGTRI CGTP CGMUL CGAO CGP Coordination OP Coordination LP Coordination Coordination TI Coordination Coordination of Tecnical of Techniical of Tecnical of Tecnical of of Planning Coordination Coordination Coordination Cooperation Trilateral Cooperation Cooperation Administratio and of Tecnical of Tecnical of for Latina Cooperation for Africa, with and Budget Communicat Cooperation America, the Cooperation with Multilateral Asia and Developed ion for PALOP Caribbean International for CPLP Tecnical Oceanía Countries and East and Eastern Organizations Cooperation Timor Europe 4

  5. South-South Cooperation: Principles Joint diplomacy based on solidarity Joint diplomacy based on solidarity Action in response to the demands of developing Action in response to the demands of developing countries (demand-driven ) countries (demand-driven ) Acknowledgement of local experience and adaptation of Acknowledgement of local experience and adaptation of Brazilian experience Brazilian experience Free of conditionalities Free of conditionalities Free of commercial and economic benefits/interests Free of commercial and economic benefits/interests No interference in the domestic affairs of partner countries No interference in the domestic affairs of partner countries 5

  6. South-South Trilateral Cooperation with International Organizations: It has the purpose of potentializing Brazilian South-South It has the purpose of potentializing Brazilian South-South Cooperation initiatives. Cooperation initiatives. It complements bilateral South-South cooperation and it is not It complements bilateral South-South cooperation and it is not meant to substitute the latter. meant to substitute the latter. It is only justifiable when there are comparative advantages in It is only justifiable when there are comparative advantages in relation to bilateral South-South cooperation (that is to say, the relation to bilateral South-South cooperation (that is to say, the scale of operations, the mobilization of resources, the natural scale of operations, the mobilization of resources, the natural extension of received cooperation – WTO child labor eradication extension of received cooperation – WTO child labor eradication program; relation to regional issues of collective interest – program; relation to regional issues of collective interest – public security, regional development – or global issues – public security, regional development – or global issues – hunger alleviation ) hunger alleviation ) 6

  7. Advantages of Trilateral Cooperation with Specialized International Organizations Facilitated exchange process between developing countries; Facilitated exchange process between developing countries; Specialized technical assistance (mandate); Specialized technical assistance (mandate); Coverage/Scope of International Organizations; Coverage/Scope of International Organizations; Technical profile of International Organization in relation to the Technical profile of International Organization in relation to the Brazilian diplomatic missions. Brazilian diplomatic missions. 7

  8. Trilateral initiatives must ... ... be demand-driven (responsive to national priorities) and in line with the ... be demand-driven (responsive to national priorities) and in line with the mandate of the international organization; mandate of the international organization; ... include the “Southern Element”, allowing Brazilian experiences and ... include the “Southern Element”, allowing Brazilian experiences and expertise to be shared; expertise to be shared; ... promote local ownership and leadership; ... promote local ownership and leadership; ... aim at producing “structural impact” and sustainable results. ... aim at producing “structural impact” and sustainable results. ... represent opportunities for innovation in knowledge sharing and ... represent opportunities for innovation in knowledge sharing and partnership arrangements. partnership arrangements. 8

  9. Trilateral South-South Cooperation Principles: the “Southern Element” Direct involvement of institutions in all the phases of the cycle of Direct involvement of institutions in all the phases of the cycle of Technical Cooperation projects and programs Technical Cooperation projects and programs The participation of Brazil is not limited to mere financial sponsor The participation of Brazil is not limited to mere financial sponsor of programs and projects of programs and projects Sharing of Brazilian technologies, good practices and knowledge Sharing of Brazilian technologies, good practices and knowledge through capacity building, training and consulting on technical through capacity building, training and consulting on technical issues issues Effective participation of Brazilian public institutions and the civil Effective participation of Brazilian public institutions and the civil society by means of technical, technological and human resources society by means of technical, technological and human resources capacities capacities 9

  10. Brazil – ILO Trilateral Cooperation Program Legal and Operational Framework 1. Basic Technical Assistance Agreement between the United Nations Organization, its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency (1964). 2. Agreement between the Government of Brazil and the International Labour Organization (ILO) for Technical Cooperation with Other Countries in Latin America and African Countries (1987). 3. Complementary Adjustment to the Agreement Brazil and the International Labour Organization (ILO) for Technical Cooperation with Other Countries in Latin America and African Countries, for the implementation of the Brazil / ILO Partnership Program for the Promotion of South-South Cooperation (2009) 1. Brazil/ILO Partnership Program for the Promotion of South-South Cooperation in the Prevention and Elimination of Child Labour in the Americas (2009). 2. Brazil/ILO Partnership Program for the Promotion of South-South Cooperation in Social Security in the Americas (2010) 3. South-South cooperation for the promotion of decent work in cotton- producing countries in Africa and Latin America (GLO/14/45/BRA - 2015). 10

  11. Thanks! Fernanda Garcês Project Analyst Coordination of South-South Trilateral Cooperation with International Organizations fernanda.garces@abc.gov.br 11


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