procurement of innovative software defined optics in

Procurement of innovative software-defined optics in backbone - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Procurement of innovative software-defined optics in backbone networks in HORIZON2020 ICT LEIT WP2015 Bart Van Caenegem European Commission DG CONNECT (Communications Networks, Content and Technology)

  1. Procurement of innovative software-defined optics in backbone networks in HORIZON2020 ICT LEIT WP2015 Bart Van Caenegem European Commission DG CONNECT (Communications Networks, Content and Technology) Directorate A: Components & Systems Unit A1: “Photonics”

  2. OUTLINE � Funding for procurement of innovative solutions for NRENs? � Background to this objective – Horizon2020: LEIT ICT programme – Photonics21 and the PPP � The PPI objective in more detail � Next steps � Interesting links and contact details ••• 2

  3. ICT – 27: 2015 DRAFT Photonics KET (3) PPI, 20% funding ICT Objective 27.b Innovation support through public procurement actions 5 M€ ■ Procurement of innovative software-defined optical technologies for the backbone communication network � Targeted operators: Public network operators such as National Research and Education Networks � Using first commercial hardware and software to transport high traffic volumes LEIT ICT Call Aim is on: DDL: 20 JAN 15 PPI to act as launching customer / early adopter / first buyer – of innovative commercial end-solutions newly arriving on the market Expected Impact: � Faster and wider roll-out of such technologies � Creating a market pull � Enable deployment of value-added services and applications in Europe thanks to the abundant capacity

  4. OUTLINE � Funding for procurement of innovative solutions for NRENs? � Background to this objective – Horizon2020: LEIT ICT programme – Photonics21 and the PPP � The PPI objective in more detail � Next steps � Interesting links and contact details ••• 4

  5. Horizon 2020 R&I in the EU: 2014-2020 � Excellent Science (31.7%) ERC, Marie Curie actions, FETs, Research infrastructures � Industrial Leadership (22.1 %) Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies Photonics (ICT, Nanotechnology materials, Biotechnology, Production Technologies, …) , Access to risk finance, Innovation in SMEs 77 B€ � Societal challenges (38.5%) Health & Ageing, Energy, Transport, Resource Efficiency, Climate Challenge, ... Implement Photonics in Horizon 2020 through a PPP ■ The proposed Horizon 2020 legal text foresees a potential PPP for Photonics ■ ~1.6 B€ foreseen for both photonics and micro- and nano-electronics

  6. Photonics PPP in Horizon 2020 WHY? Rationale ■ Global market: In 2012, 350 B€; In 2020, 600 B€ -- Europe's share in 2012: 66 B€ (~18%) ■ Major growth in lighting, biophotonics, laser-based manufacturing, optical communications ■ Contribution to Societal challenges: health, energy & climate change, security, etc. ■ In Europe: 5000+ companies (mostly SMEs), more than 300 000 employees ■ A well-structured sector: Photonics21 ETP has > 2000 Members many national activities (national platforms + funding); 40+ Photonics innovation clusters ■ An R&D-intensive activity, requiring a long term horizon ■ Need for a critical mass of stakeholders and leadership at EU level No individual country has the required multi-disciplinary capability and can act at such level and scale of excellence

  7. Photonics PPP A Strategy for R&I in Horizon 2020 ■ An ambitious Strategic R&I Roadmap for the next 7 years together with a value chain approach, incl. end-users ■ A well-coordinated approach: Photonics21 - National Technology Platforms – Regional IMPACT? Innovation Clusters ■ Knowledge creation ■ Support to innovative SMEs ■ Competitiveness – Clusters and SMEs ■ Growth & Jobs – An EU-wide SoA Service infrastructure for SMEs ■ Links to National Funding Programmes and to Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies ■ Access to risk finance (equity + debt) PPP is at the core of an industrial strategy for Europe

  8. Photonics PPP The Contractual Agreement ■ Basic principle of the PPP – Open to All, Representative of the Stakeholders, transparent in decision making – Private sector partners advise the Commission on R&I priorities of the Horizon 2020 work programmes – Implementation via 'normal' programme for R&I using H2020 Rules for Participation and with comitology ■ Contractual agreement (MoU) to include: – Vision and Strategic Objectives – Multi-annual Strategic R&I roadmap – Commitments – Impacts – Governance – Key performance indicators, monitoring of PPP performance – Means for termination

  9. Methodology for R&I Priority Setting Proposals for R&I priorities from WG Members • Description of the topic, objective, (TRL) • Relevant Research & Innovation present in Europe KETs HLG • Impact on European economy, employment • Impact on societal challenges • EU added value • EU Funding (justification) Consolidation of proposals from the WGs Interactions with EC (clarifications / amendments) WG Chairs for further prioritisation Prioritisation in the Board of Stakeholders Priority List to the EC WP texts in H2020

  10. Photonics PPP Strategic Research Agenda Collaborative Large scale Networking demo actions Projects Instruments, Pilot manufacturing PCPs, PPIs ERANETs Prizes lines ■ R&D actions: – Roadmap-based research with a value chain approach – Recognised value of potentially disruptive innovations ■ Innovation actions: – TRLs 5-8: Pilot manufacturing lines; Large scale demonstrations; precommercial procurement and procurement of R&I – Innovative SMEs : open schemes; access to technology, manufacturing capabilities and support services ■ Coordination & Networking actions: – Coordinated R&I Activities with national / regional programmes, actions for networking stakeholders and clusters, and for attracting / educating people

  11. Photonics PPP in Horizon 2020 LEIT ICT WP 2014-2020 Photonics PPP – Work programme 2015 Photonics PPP – Work programme 2014 44 M€ 47 M€ RTD Optical communication for data centres RTD Biophotonics for screening of diseases High-throughput laser-based manufacturing Device, circuit and fabrication technology for Sensing for safety and security Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) Disruptive approaches in sensing Open system architectures for Solid State Lighting Innovation Pilot deployment of software-defined optics in Innovation (SSL) (PPI) backbone networks ERANETs Actions with the Member States ERANETs Actions with the Member States Coordination Strategic coordination and networking Coordination Open access of Researchers and SMEs to and support and support The wide uptake of SSL technologies advanced facilities actions actions EU-wide outreach DRAFT Cross-Cutting ICT KETs 2015 PPP Factory of the Future 2014 56 M€ RTD Towards zero-failure laser-based manufacturing ICT-KET integrated platforms for the healthcare concept and roadmap building in relation to and food sectors : 13 M€ Support Innovation smart and safe workspaces for laser-based Coordination of stakeholders in the health Action (14 M€) manufacturing sector (bio-photonics and micro-nano-bio solutions ): CSA, 1M€ Pilot line for OLEDs on flexible substrates Cross-Cutting KETs 2014 Pilot Lines Pilot line for analytical mid-infrared (MIR) micro- 18 M€ (3x14 M€) sensors Development of novel materials and systems for Pilot line for PIC fabrication on III-V and/or RTD OLED lighting or displays dielectric based platforms

  12. OUTLINE � Funding for procurement of innovative solutions for NRENs? � Background to this objective – Horizon2020: LEIT ICT programme – Photonics21 and the PPP � The PPI objective in more detail � Next steps � Interesting links and contact details ••• 12

  13. Software defined optics in backbone networks Software defined optics in backbone networks � As network operator � What are your customer requirements? � What are your requirements as network operator? � When do you foresee your next network upgrade in the backbone network? � Which technology are you looking for? � WDM – software-defined optics (dynamic, flexible bitrate, etc) � What is the product roadmap and does it fit your network roadmap? � Has it the desired level of maturity, flexibility, etc.? What would you expect or desire in addition? � In how many phases do you foresee to upgrade the network? � Do you want to take some risk as early adopter of new technology?

  14. Objectives Objectives PPI cofund actions PPI cofund actions Focus on commercialisation / deployment phase � Help transnational procurer groups to reduce fragmentation of demand and reduce risk/cost of early adoption of innovative solutions � Result in early deployment/first application of innovative ICTs. Commitment to deploy if market able to deliver innovative solutions within pre-set time with pre-set quality/price requirements � Buyers group uses tactique of early announcement of the intention to deploy innovative solutions, to encourage the market to make changes in production process to meet better than available quality / price requirements for mass market deployment Not pre-commercial R&D phase � Can include Innovative solutions already technically demonstrated (small scale) but owing to residual risk (price/quality not suitable yet for mass market deployment) not widely deployed yet � Does not include procurement of R&D. Either no R&D needed or R&D already progressed up to products nearly/already on market in small quantity, but not scaled up yet to meet mass market requirements.


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