process of seismic simulation process of seismic

Process of Seismic Simulation Process of Seismic Simulation of a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Process of Seismic Simulation Process of Seismic Simulation of a 2-Bay, 2-Story RC Building Michelle Stadel NSF Summer Scholar University of Houston OVERVIEW OVERVIEW National Center for Research on Earthquake q Engineering project

  1. Process of Seismic Simulation Process of Seismic Simulation of a 2-Bay, 2-Story RC Building Michelle Stadel NSF Summer Scholar University of Houston

  2. OVERVIEW OVERVIEW • National Center for Research on Earthquake q Engineering project • Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation • Basics of Tcl/Tk script • 2D Frame example simulation • NCREE structure simulation • Results R l • Additional research

  3. NCREE Project j • Study effects of torsion and multi- St d ff t f t i d lti directional loading on RC structure • Study real-time data and incorporate computer simulations for applications beyond the project

  4. N C R E E P R O J E C T

  5. OpenSees OpenSees Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation • Developed by Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center & the University of California, Berkeley • Object-oriented framework for finite element analysis • Uses Tcl/Tk script

  6. B asics of Tcl/Tk Script Basic syntax -- Command argument1 argument2 Example: expr 20 + 10 The set command writes and reads variables. $ $ recalls previously defined variables. ll i l d fi d i bl

  7. M d l Modules for OpenSees f O S MODEL RECORDER ANALYSIS Defines objects e es objec s Defines: Defines: Creates an output Creates an output necessary for file that records • Coordinate system performing the data of interest to analysis • Beams the programmer. • Columns • Materials • Cross-sections

  8. 2-D frame problem 2 D frame problem

  9. Modeling Modeling • Model Model • Node Column cross-section Column cross section • Constraints C t i t • Materials • Section • Element Element • Load Beam cross-section

  10. Recorder Recorder # Define LATERAL LOADS --------------------------- # Define LATERAL LOADS pattern Plain 1 Linear { # # nodeID Fx Fy Mz nodeID Fx Fy Mz load 15 100.0 0.0 0.0 } # Create RECORDERS -------------------------------- recorder Node file Node15 out time node 15 recorder Node -file Node15.out -time -node 15 -dof 1 disp

  11. Analysis Analysis system BandGeneral constraints Transformation numberer RCM test NormDispIncr 1.0e-12 50 0 algorithm Newton integrator DisplacementControl 15 1 0.1 analysis Static initialize analyze 50

  12. 2-D frame results 2 D frame results Ultimate Strength Ulti t St th 64 kips 70 60 50 Load (kips) 40 Ruptures at 63 kips 30 L 20 Modulus of Elasticity 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Displacement (inches)

  13. 2-story 2-bay RC building 2 story, 2 bay RC building

  14. Column cross-section 2-story, 2-bay 2 story, 2 bay RC building Model differences: • Numbering of nodes Beam cross-section Beam cross section • Cross-sections C ti • Section aggregators • Loading • Shear walls

  15. Shear Walls Shear Walls • Reinforced concrete plane • Reinforced concrete plane stress elements • Modeled by standard brick • Modeled by standard brick element • Material – elastic isotropic M t i l l ti i t i

  16. 700 600 600 500 ad (kN) 400 Results Results Results Results Loa 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Displacement (mm)

  17. On-going Research g g • Work is continuing to fine tune to the OpenSees program to simulate the structure’s response to earthquake loading. • The structure is set to be tested next week in Taiwan.

  18. References • Howser, Rachel, A. Laskar, Y.L. Mo. (2007) “Seismic Interaction of Flexural Ductility and Shear Capacity in Reinforced Concrete Columns.” • Hwang, S.J., M. Saiid Saiidi, Sara Wadia-Fascetti, JoAnn Browning, Jerry P. Lynch, Kamal Tawfig, K.C. Tsai, G. Song, Y.L. Mo. (2006) “Experiments and Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading and Shake Table Excitation.” • • Mazzoni Silvia Frank McKenna Michael H Scott Gregory L Fenves et al Mazzoni, Silvia, Frank McKenna, Michael H. Scott, Gregory L. Fenves, et. al. (2006). “Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation User Command- Language Manual,” Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, UC Berkeley, • Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER). (2001) “Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation.” • Schwerd, Daniel. (2006) “ – the Script Archive.” S h d D i l (2006) “S i i h S i A hi ” • Tseng, Chien-Chuang. (2006) Experiment of Reinforced Concrete Building Frame Presentation Presentation. •

  19. Acknowledgement The research study described herein was The research study described herein was sponsored by the National Science Foundation under the Award No EEC- Foundation under the Award No. EEC 0649163. The opinions expressed in this study are those of the authors and do not study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor sponsor.


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