Presentation of sPring 2014 grants and scholarshiPs
Marquette county coMMunity foundation sPring 2014 grants and scholarshiPs PrograM Monday, May 12 th , 2014 – 7 p.m. Kaufman Auditorium, Graveraet School 611 N Front St., Marquette oPening Music Superior String Alliance Summer Camp Faculty Member Lauren Perala – Viola Welcome Gail Anthony, Chief Operating Officer Marquette County Community Foundation Introductions and Master of Ceremony Mark Canale, Trustee Marquette County Community Foundation Greetings Jack Lenten, Chairman of the Board Marquette County Community Foundation Marquette County Community Foundation Presentation of Grants and Scholarships Board of Trustees and Community Fund Affiliates Adjournment Mark Canale, Trustee Marquette County Community Foundation Reception Please join us in the gymnasium to celebrate the grant and scholarship recipients.
grants and scholarshiP reciPients gwinn grant reciPients Fund Project Presenting Recipient William and Mildred Andrews Youth Fund Camp Hiawatha Summer Camp Staff Jim Hewitt Kevin Corkin and Michael Metivier William and Mildred Andrews Youth Fund Camp New Day UP John Maki Mr. and Mrs. Gene Champagne Gwinn Area Community Fund Forsyth Township Youth Equipment Jeanette Maki Jane Nordeen and Dale Throenle Leland Nellist ishPeMing grant reciPients Fund Project Presenting Recipient Youth Fund for Greater Ishpeming Area Westwood High School Softball Safety Equipment Shannon Edmark Libby Nelson Youth Fund for Greater Ishpeming Area MARESA's 2014 Sports Training Camp Shannon Edmark Alice Reynolds and Susan Devine Ishpeming Community Fund U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame James Steward Tom West negaunee grant reciPients Fund Project Presenting Recipient Youth Fund For Negaunee Community Fund West End YMCA AED Helen Grossman Steffani Gerard Taylor DeWitt Lisa Coombs Gerou Zack Maki Don Grisham Youth Fund For Negaunee Community Fund MARESA's 2014 Sports Training Camp Helen Grossman Alice Reynolds Taylor DeWitt Susan Devine Zack Maki Negaunee Community Fund Camp Hiawatha Summer Camp Staff Jack Lenten Kevin Corkin and Michael Metivier Youth Fund For Negaunee Community Fund scholarshiP reciPients Fund Presenting Recipient Francine Malindzak Scholarship Dwight Johnson Luke Johnson Bernadette Reider Scholarship John Maki Karli Bigham The Paul W. and Pearl K. Goodman Music Scholarship Fund Anne Giroux Paul Racine Leah Andrews Blue Lake Choral Scholarship Fund Gail Anthony Sebastian DeWitt Marquette yac grant reciPients Fund Project Presenting Recipient Youth Fund for Marquette E.A.R.T.H. Angels Becky Saves the Bees Karl Weber Amber Neely Big Brothers Big Sisters technology upgrade Fred Tacollini Jayne Letts YMCA of Marquette County Youth Fitness Pamela Benton Steffani Gerard Equipment Lisa Coombs Gerou Don Grisham Superior String Alliance, Inc Tom Vear Erin Jewett Lake Superior Youth Theatre Summer Camp Tom Baldini Nikke Nason Scholarships The Cedar Tree Institute Tom Humphrey Shane Murray Friends of Presque Isle Carrie Pearson Alice Reynolds and Nheena Ittner Marquette grant reciPients Fund Project Presenting Recipient Exchange Club of Marquette Fund Superior Hills Kindergarten Apple TV's Karl Weber Michelle L'Huillier C. John Peterson Family Fund MSHS Female Students to Clear Lake Education Bob Cowell Amanda Erspamer-Berry Center Health and Wellness Fund Camp New Day UP Anne Giroux Mr. and Mrs. Gene Champagne Health and Wellness Fund RSVP File of Life Maura Davenport Amy Mattson Fund For Marquette MARESA's 2014 Sports Training Camp Fred Taccolini Alice Reynolds and Susan Devine Robert Eric Daniel Soderberg Fund AMCAB Health Care Institute Pamela Benton Heidi Mager and Jennifer Boyer DeWitt Fund For Marquette UP Children's Museum Exhibit Upgrade Tom Vear Nheena Ittner Fund For Marquette NTN South Trailhead Pavilion Kiosk Jack Lenten Kristin Beck Health and Wellness Fund Alger Marquette Community Action Agency Meals Tom Baldini Lori Stephens-Brown on Wheels Anonymous Fund Great Lakes Rodeo Tom Humphrey Jessica Melchiori Fund For Marquette UPDGA Disc Golf Course Development Maura Davenport Tim Kopacz
gwinn area coMMunity fund Board of trustees J.D. Boogren Betsy Burmeister-Watson Jim Hewitt Michael Jakubowski Jeanette Maki John Maki Leland Nellist Mike Prokopowicz Brian Rice Brian J. Watson greater ishPeMing area coMMunity fund Board of trustees Marilyn Andrew Shannon Edmark Ginny Graybill Anne Giroux Gary Nelson James Steward Terri Smith Tom West negaunee area coMMunity fund Board of trustees Helen Grossman Jeremy Hosking Marybeth Kurtz John Lenten Connie Lori Sean O’Donnell Eugene Pellinen Lenette Pynnonen George Sedlacek Mike Smock Greg Toutant Linda Turri Susan Wideman Schiable Don Mourand Marquette county coMMunity foundation Board of trustees John Lenten, Chair Tom Baldini, Vice-Chair Tom Humphrey, Treasurer Maura Davenport, Secretary Pam Benton Stu Bradley Brad Canale Mark Canale Bob Cowell Anne Giroux James Hewitt Don Mourand Nancy Wiseman Seminoff Fred Taccolini Tom Vear Karl Weber acknowledgeMents We extend our sincere appreciation to: Grant and Scholarship Committees from Gwinn, Ishpeming, Marquette and Negaunee. We are also grateful to the Ishpeming, Negaunee and Marquette Youth Advisory Committees and their advisors for their diligent grant making work. Zosia Eppensteiner, MCCF Margi Mallo, MCCF Grant Committee Tesse Sayen, MAPS Education Foundation Judy Vonck, MCCF Grant Committee Sarah Cambensy, Marquette Area Public Schools Marybeth Kurtz, Midtown Bakery
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