scholarships scholarships

Scholarships, Scholarships, Scholarships Grad class 2020 Things - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Scholarships, Scholarships, Scholarships Grad class 2020 Things well talk about tonight Who is there money for? 1. Whats available? 2. How to get started? 3. Where to access scholarship info? 4. Why apply for scholarships?

  1. Scholarships, Scholarships, Scholarships Grad class 2020

  2. Things we’ll talk about tonight… Who is there money for? 1. What’s available? 2. How to get started? 3. Where to access scholarship info? 4.

  3. Why apply for scholarships? EDUCATION IS PRICELESS ...But it's expensive Student Fees Tuition $300-1,000 (Public vs. Private) (B.C. vs. out-of-Province) Books $800-2,000 Average tuition in Canada for Canadian Student: $6,571 • Average tuition for International Students in Canada: $25,180 •

  4. Part-time Job vs. Applying for Scholarships? • Taking time to apply for scholarships is worthwhile • Minimum $12.65/hr. Wage • If you win $500 and you put in 4 hours on your application that = $125/hr. •Limit how much 15 hrs/week you work in order to keep • If you win $20,000 and put in earning high marks and have 20 hours on your application time to volunteer that = $1000/hr. • If you win a $1,000 scholarship that = 79 hours of work

  5. Who?EVERYONE is eligible  Academic  Athletic  Artistic  Mechanical  Technical  Citizenship / Community Service / Leadership  Cultural /Heritage  Financial need  Overcoming hardship/obstacles/chronic illness/mental illness/disability  Ministry Care  Trades & Technology

  6. Types of Financial Aid (Terminology) Bursary Scholarship • Financial need • Recognizes considered outstanding achievement, • Criteria set by service or Donor athletics Loan Award • Contest • Repayment required unless •Recognition + family income is sometimes limited monetary reward

  7. WHATS AVAILABLE: 5 Main Areas for Scholarship Money Provincial •BC Excellence ($5000) + Achievement ($1250) Government •District Authority ($1250) •Pathways (Future Teachers) ($5000), Trades ($1000) •Automatic Entrance Award (based on academic entrance GPA) Entrance Awards •Application Entrance Scholarships (based on financial needor leadership) •Aboriginal Scholarships + Bursaries (based on heritage) • District Authority scholarships • Nominees from Elgin for SD 36 scholarships (Academic, citizenship, SD 36 Awards community service, financial need, adversity, overcoming obstacles, trades and technology, specific fields of study (Teaching etc.) EPS Internal Scholarships • One application – Scholarship Committee decides approximately 75 scholarships and Bursaries External Scholarships •Affiliation, employment, union, community, financial institutes, sports, health. parents / and Bursaries grandparents, etc.

  8. Ministry of Education BC Excellence • School nomination required (EPS gets one nominee) • Minimum B average (Grade 11&12) • Service, Leadership, School, Community based , shown aptitude and commitment to learning BC Achievement Scholarship • Automatic (students do not apply) based on highest cumulative average • Ministry determines top 8000 recipients based on achievement in grades 10, 11, and 12 including elective classes that satisfy 2004 Graduation Program District/Authority • For students who demonstrate excellence in one of 7 areas • Indigenous languages and culture, Fine arts, Aapplied skills, Community service, Physical activity, International languages, Technical and Trades training Pathways to Teacher Education • For students pursuing Teacher Education in BC at one of BC's nine faculties of education • Awarded to 20 outstanding high school graduates • Submit directly to Ministry of Education in February 2018 ( Youth Work in Trades (formerly SSA) Scholarships • If you are a high school student already working as an apprentice, speak to Ms. Muir about signing up for this program • Minimum C+, credits and 900 hrs of post graduate employment/training in a trade.

  9. District Authority Awards – BC Ministry of Education Indigenous Languages and Culture $1250 for Exceptional Achievement in one of • Leadership at school or in community with FirstNations the 7 categories Fine Arts • Visual Arts, Film and Video, Theatre and Drama, Music,Dance Applied Skills • Business Ed., Computers,Home Ec  Anyone can apply T e c h n i c a l and Trades Training  Scholarship Committee select winners • Carpentry, Automotive, Metalwork, Drafting, Cafeteria not Youth-in Trades Training Physical Activity Student Applications/ • Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, not limited to Physical Education Portfolios International Languages Will include evidence of student learning/achievement Community Service in the chosen area of interest • Exceptional volunteerism, including demonstration of localand global issues and awareness

  10. Elgin Park Secondary Internal Scholarships Criteria may include GPA, Service, Over $30 000 leadership, school available; over 70 involvement, criteria of the different awards donor, financial need One Application Form Elementary Schools, Application form due: Businesses, Memorial TBA (Spring 2020) Funds

  11. Where to Access Information EPS   Career Centre and Counselors  Post Secondary Info Sessions ONLINE   Scholarship Websites  Search Engines  Independent Businesses, Associations, Clubs, etc.

  12. External (Community) Scholarships and Bursaries *SD 36 * Grad News Twitter: Databases Publications Social Media @elginparkorcas *Search Engines * Bulletin @sullivanscholarships Board in Caf * Category @EMSScholarships Search * Orca News * EPS Website Instagram: * ScholarshipsCanada EPS scholarships *scholartree LT Career News

  13. Parent’s Clubs Service Affiliations e.g. Leadership e.g. Scouts e.g. Unions Sports Health Heritage e.g. Aboriginal e.g. JDRF e.g. Soccer A few examples…. Area of Financial Institutions Study e.g. Credit Unions e.g. Sciences

  14. Automatic Entrance Scholarships Automatically considered when apply Calculated on Gr. 12 courses = academic GPA Amount varies depending institution and on academic GPA See: Post Secondary Sites for additional information

  15. Where to Start – ACTION PLAN • Comprehensive Resume: updated Preparation • Essay • Reference(s) • Spreadsheet Organization • Binder • Zip Drive • Research opportunities • Apply to the universities of your choice • Research the Institution(s) + Programs you're considering Activation • Ask your references

  16. Scholarship Hacks 1. APPLY, APPLY, APPLY for several scholarships! 2. Follow the instructions and eligibility carefully 3. Proofread and make sure someone else reviews the application also 4. Keep your academics in good standing 5. Have your reference letters ready , at least one from school and one from a community member 6. Have a copy of your official transcript 7. Keep updating your resumé 8. Stay up to date with deadlines and PLAN AHEAD!

  17. Special thanks to D. Kifiak from WGSS for sharing her resources and PP

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