The he 9th 9th Jap apan- China na Joint nt Nucle lear ar Physics Sympo posium JCNP 201 2015 Present esent st status us of of the he RCN CNP cycl cyclotron facility ty and nd fut utur ure e pr prospec spects s of of cyclot otron ron appl pplications ons Research Center for Nuclear Physics(RCNP), Research Center for Nuclear Physics(RCNP), Osaka University Osaka University Mits itsuhir uhiro F o FUKUD UKUDA November 10, 2015
* ● 11 staffs K. Hatanaka, M. Fukuda, T. Yorita, H. Ueda, Y. Yasuda, T. Saito, K. Shimada, S. Morinobu, K. Nagayama, H. Tamura ● 3 students K. Kamakura, T. Kume, S. Hara ● 9 operators (SHI Accelerator Service Ltd.)
* 1. Overview of the RCNP cyclotron facility 2. Upgrade of the cyclotrons and beam lines 3. Applications to Medicine 4. Summary
1. Overview ew of of the e RCNP RCNP cyclot lotron facili lity
Rese esearch arch Ce Center nter fo for Nu r Nucle clear P ar Phys hysics ics • 1971 971 Foun oundat dation ion of of RC RCNP NP • 1973 973 Comp omplet letion ion of of th the A e AVF VF cyc cyclot lotron ron fa facil cility ity ( 42 y 2 year ears o s old ld ) • 1976 976 Expe xperim riment ents s s star tarted ted. • 1991 991 Comp omplet letion ion of of th the R e Ring ing cy cyclo clotro tron f n faci acilit lity Ring Cyclo lotron B Build ldin ing AVF Cyclo C lotron B Build lding Main B Bui uilding Radio Ra Isot I sotope Buil B ildin ing
RC RCNP Cyclotron F n Facility Ring Cyclotron RI Be Beam Ultra cold neutron Qua uasi si-mon ono o Unstable Fundamental ener en erge geti tic c nucleus science neu eutr tron on K=400 MeV, Since 1992 Nuclear data White neutron AVF Cyclotron irradiation MuSIC IC Grand Raiden Semiconductor Muon science Precise physics K=140 MeV, Since 1973
New CW muon beam line for MuSIC at RCNP Muon beam characteristics Positive muon : DC- μSR beam size :φ10mm angle : < 50mrad intensity : 2~4 x 10 4 /sec • Negative muon : nuclear phys. chemi . μ -X • beam size :φ10mm~Φ50mm • angle : < 200mrad • intensity : 2x10 4 ~2x10 5 /sec 7 Akira SATO MuSIC
* HIPECR HIP-ECR 18GHz S C-ECR for heavy ions HV 電源用ラック GL 電源 NEOMAFIOS for p, d, He, Li ~ Mg, Ar 500A/35V 2.45GHz HIPECR for intense p HIPIS HV 電源用ラック for polarized p, d GL1 BV TMP FC FC GV ICF203 TQ1 WIEN F. TQ2 GL2 BM1 ECR-SL_X ECR-SL_Y BM3 QL FC ST_H FC EM_P ST_V GV TQ1 TQ2 GV BM2 FC Axial Injection to AVF cyclotron Typical transmission through NEOMAFIOS 10GHz マイクロ波 HIPIS AVF cyclotron is 5 - 7 %. 電源 90 % emittance: ε x = 6π mm ・ mrad 、 ε y = 10π mm ・ mrad S C-ECR NEOMAFIOS
* 10 ~ 80MeV Proton 1973 Completed 1991 Mainly used as an injector of the ring cyclotron 【 Specifications 】 ・ Energy of ions with M/Q ≦ 5 proton ≦ 80 MeV D + , 4 He 2+ ≦ 35 MeV/n 3 He 2+ ≦ 180 MeV ≦ 140×(Q/A) 2 Heavy Ion ・ RF 6 ~ 19 MHz ・ Acc. harmonics 1, 3 ・ Average field ≦ 1.7 T
* Proton 100 ~ 420MeV 1991 Completed 【 Specifications 】 ・ Energy Designed for light ions Bypass with M/Q ≦ 3 beam line proton ≦ 420 MeV D + , 4 He 2+ ≦ 100 MeV/n 3 He 2+ ≦ 170 MeV/n ≦ 400×(Q/A) 2 Heavy Ion ・ RF 30 ~ 52 MHz ・ Acc. harmonics 6, 10, 12, 18 ・ Average field 8 kG(max.17.5)
* Annua nnual O Opera peration T Tim ime f e fro rom 1 1977 977 to 201 2014 7200h 5000 ~ 6000 hours/year 6000h 4800h Beam Time (hours) 3600h 2400h 1200h 0h K140 AVF cyclotron K400 Ring cyclotron Cyclotron upgrade
* Cyclotron O ron Oper peration D on Data i in n JF JFY201 2014 Pol.-P Pol.-D 24Mg Total : 5239 hours 63h 69h 277h ( Experiments, beam tuning, 22Ne beam developments ) 231h 18O 262h 13C 314h Proton 2479h 12C 745h 4He 500h ・ p, d, 3 He, 4 He : 3408 h Deuteron ・ Heavy ions ( ≧ 12 C ) : 1830 h 294h
2. Up Upgr grade of f the he cyclotrons ns and d bea eam m line nes
* Updat ate program am of Cyc yclotron Fac acil ilit ity in in JFY2 FY2013 Control system Ring cyclotron ・ Modification of a fine tuning system ・ Upgrade of OS and of the flattop cavity interlock system ・ Renewal of electrostatic and LEBT system magnetic channels for injection and ・ New buncher extraction: EIC, EEC, MIC, MEC ・ Additional glazer lens ・ New high-temperature superconducting switching magnet MuSIC ・ Muon beam line AVF cyclotron resonator Grand-RAIDEN ・ Replacement of the connection ・ New forward beam line part between a Dee electrode and a cavity
* ・ PC&OS u update : Wi Windo dowsXP → Windows7 32bit o Intouch 7 (v.9.0 10.1) ・ Man-machine I Interface: u upgrade t to ・ Console display : wide display ・ Interlock system : PLCs were partially adopted.
New buncher and solenoid lens New buncher of charge/discharge type for heavy ion injection Vmax: 1200V@2MHz 750V@6MHz 200V@20MHz Present buncher of harmonic voltage combination type(1f+2f+3f) New solenoid lens Present glazer lens
Transition part of the AVF cyclotron resonator ・ 2008 Leak repairing for 4 lines by Cu wire & solder ・ 2009, 2010 leak again at the two repaired pipes
Fine tuning of the ring cyclotron flattop cavity Coarse tuner (Shorting Plate) + Fine tune mode ※2 Former fine tuner (Compensator) 200mm extention ※1 ※1 Δ E Z (M (Max)/ )/ Δ f100 00kH kHz Δ f/mm Po Pos. s. Res Reso. At 1 150 M 50 MHz ※2 Shorting Plate 0. 0.32% 32% 323kHz 0.5μ m Compensator 2. 2.30% 30% 0.4kHz 300μ m
Enlargement of baffle slit aperture to improve beam transmission MIC 15x15 33x30 BS_ACC1 BS_INJ BS_10C date ion (nA) (nA) (nA) 2010/10/4 22Ne 1760MeV 680 1050 1860 2010/11/18 18O 1080MeV 360 1000 1900 2011/12/29 18O 1080MeV 570 910 1700 2013/5/19 36Ar 1872MeV 182 384 718 2013/7/4 16O 1280MeV 1000 2500 4500 2013/10/11 16O 1280MeV 200 800 1500 Mod. 2014/6/12 13C 780MeV 1200 1450 2700 2014/6/28 22Ne 1760MeV 800 1200 2200 2014/11/4 12C 600MeV 54 60 160 2015/4/30 18O 1080MeV 1580 1800 4400 2015/5/24 40Ar 2060MeV 250 330 1200 BS_INJ 2015/6/15 13C 780MeV 29 30 95 BS_10C: located ~20m upstream of BS_INJ Injection efficiency Mod. Mod.
High Temp. Superconducting Switching magnet SW1 SW1 For parallel experiments by time-sharing for UCN and MuSIC Pulse mode operation: Lumping speed < ± 20 A/s Typical sequence: 0A - (10s) 200 A - (100s) 200 A - (10s) 0 A (300s) SC Wire: Sumitomo Electric Industry, DI-BSCCO TYPE Hti-CA50 4.6±0.3mmW x 0.41±0.04t, Ic @ 77 K, self field ≧ 180 A
3. Appli plication ons to to Medic icin ine
Cons nstruc uction o of bea eam l line ines f for r med edical us use AVF cyclotron M -exp. Room F-course course K-cour urse se F-cour course in the M e se in the M exp. room xp. room K-cour course in the S se in the S-exp. room xp. room
Annual beam time for RI production ※Regular beam time Several days / month 409 h 9.0 Ratio of the RI production beam time to the all beam time ( %) (~ 4.4 % of total beam time ) 8.0 7.0 341h 6.0 283 h 5.0 238h 223h 93h 4.0 187h 1 36h 1 47h 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Japanese Fiscal Year
Difference between the heavy particle therapy and the targeted alpha therapy Conventional heavy particle therapy: Targeted alpha therapy: External irradiation of heavy particles Administration of molecules labelled by from an accelerator alpha-emitting-RI and pinpoint irradiation of ・ targeting the tumor from outside by a cancer cell from inside. suppressing the damage to normal tissues ・ Attacking only to cancer cells by highly efficient targeting ・ effective to the cancer that other radiation is ・ smaller invasion to surrounding organ due to short range useless ・ effective to the advanced cancer like remote change cancer RI will be delivered to hospitals Patients move to the facility Accel. facility Accel. Treatment at accelerator facility Treatment at a hospital
Application of targeted alpha therapy to the advanced cancer 1/3 of cancer patients has advanced cancer 大阪府におけるがん登録年報 第67報 at the 1st medical examination. (大阪府健康福祉部、大阪府医師会、大阪府成人病センター) Ratio of cancer Primary organ Belonging lymph node Next organ Remote change localization change permeating type at the 1 st medical 47% 22% 12% 19% examination ・ Removal by surgery ・ Radiation therapy ・ Chemotherapy ・ Chemotherapy ・ Immunity method ・ Immunity method of treatment of treatment 5-years Very low survival rate relative 74.5% 47.2% 17.9% 6.1% survival rate Application of the targeted alpha therapy
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