Presen ented ed By Andrew w J. Marsigl iglia, a, PhD, CCP
Consu nsumer mer beha havior vior is largely ely depend penden ent t on cul ultural ural fa factor ors s Cul ultural ural refere erenc nce e groups ups affect ect pur urchas ase e beha havior vior Househo ehold ld influe uenc nces es and tenden ndenci cies es Peer Gro roups ups influen uence ce Mark rketi ting ng comm mmuni nica cati tion on mus ust t addre ress ss cul ultura ural l and referenc erence group fa factor ors Domes estic tic perspec pectiv tive Global bal perspecti ective. e. Mark rket t segme mentat ntation ion and d microm omarketin ting g to develop elop cus ustome omer-ce centri ntric c mark rketi ting ng mess ssages ages Provide ide preci cise sely y defined ined mark rketi ting ng comm mmun unica icati tion on Pro rovid vide appropri ropriat ate e informati ormation on to consumer ers Stimul St ulat ate e consumer ers to purchas ase Cultural Effects s on Consum sumer Behavior or 2 2 2 2 2 2
Chara ract cteris eristics tics of Cul ultural ural Values ues Concep ept t of individ ividual ality ity, indep epend enden ence, ce, achie chievem ement, ent, and self-ful fulfillment illment Dimen ensi sions ons of Culture ure (Hofsted ede, e, 1984) Power-Dista Distance nce Un Uncer erta tain inty ty Avoidan dance ce Individ ividua ualism sm Mascul culini nity ty Strategic ic Ap Applicat ation ion of Cross oss Cul ultura ural l & Global bal Influen fluences ces Culture ure has a significa icant t effect ect on consumer umer purchas asing ng beha havior vior Mark rketi eting ng messa sage ge tailored to a country’s cultural dime mens nsions ons A person’s cultural values are modified when they live in a different country Micro-se segmenta entatio tion of consumer umers accor ording ding to their eir cultura tural l va values es Moderate e mark rket eting ng messa sage to include lude speci cifi fic cultural tural va values Identi ntify y cultura tural va values es of host st countr ntry y & countr try y of origin gin Cultural Effects s on Consum sumer Behavior or 3 3 3 3 3 3
Influenc fluence of Referen erence ce Group ups s on Consu nsumer mers Cultural ural reference ference gro roup ups are a micro-le level el perspec pectiv tive e of specif ific ic cluster ers of individ ividual al people ple within thin a culture. ture. Normative reference groups: source of a consumer’s core cultural values Comparative reference groups: source of a consumer’s self -ap apprai praisal sal Reference erence gro roups ups form the lens throu ough which consumer ers s view w adver ertis tisin ing messages es and pro roducts ducts Strategic ic Ap Applicat ation ion of Referen erence ce Group up Influ luenc ences Comparati arative e reference ference gro roup ups influen uence ce purchas ase e decision cisions , Figure re 1 Luxury products cts – badg dge e value ue items Necess essit ity y products cts that t may be used d publica ically Primar ary referen erence ce gro roups ps Peers s Groups ps Familia ilial Groups Cultural Effects s on Consum sumer Behavior or 4 4 4 4 4 4
Type e of Referen rence Product uct Group up Public lic Privat ate ▪ Strong g product uct influe luence nce ▪ Strong g Product uct Influe luence nce Pe Peer Luxury Lu ▪ Strong g brand nd influe luence nce ▪ Weak brand nd influe uence nce Familia ilial ▪ Weak Influe luence nce ▪ Strong g nuclear lear fa family ly influe luence nce ▪ Very strong g extended ded fa family ly ▪ influe uence nce ▪ Weak produc duct influe luence nce ▪ Weak produc duct influe luence nce Pe Peer Neces essit ity ▪ Strong g brand nd influe luence nce ▪ Weak brand nd influe uence nce Familia ilial ▪ Weak Influe luence nce ▪ Strong g nuclear lear fa family ly influe luence nce ▪ Very strong g extended ded fa family ly influe uence nce Source: (Childers, 1992, p. 201) Cultural Effects s on Consum sumer Behavior or 5 5 5 5 5 5
Nature ure of Referen erence ce Groups s and d Web eb Comm mmun unit ities ies Phys ysica ical society ty of people le that at use the Intern ernet to acce cess ss webs bsit ites es designed ned to pro rovid vide e informati rmation on regar ardin ding g specif ific c topics cs and to interac eract t with th people e of similar ar interes erests ts. Simil ilar r to reference rence gro roups ps in that at they y espous use e shared red va values ues, belief iefs, and interes erests ts. . Divid ided ed into four r basic ic categ egori ories es based ed on thei eir r main functi ctiona onality ity Divided ided into four r basic ic categ egories ries based ed on their ir main functi ction onal ality ity (Assa ssael, el, 2004) Commu mmuni niti ties es of transactio saction Commu mmuni niti ties es of interest est Commu mmuni niti ties es of fa fanta tasy sy Commu mmuni niti ties es of relation ionsh ship ip Cultural Effects s on Consum sumer Behavior or 6 6 6 6 6 6
Pur urchas asing ng Pat Patterns rns by Househ usehold old Life e Cycles les Life fe Cyc ycle: le: a series es of cycles ycles fro rom a person on livin ing on thei eir r own as a single e consumer umer throu ough h marri riage age to living ng as an older er single e person on. Consistent ent purchas asin ing patterns erns relati ative e to stage e of the e life fe cycl ycle Househo ehold ld compo positi ition on va varie ies s by y cultur ture Exten ended ed fa fami mily y househ sehol old d – common mon in collecti ectivisti istic c cultu tures es Nuclea ear fa fami mily household eholds s – common mon in individu idual alisti istic c cultu tures es Joint t deci cisio ion n making is prevalent alent in multi ti-per person on household seholds The e range e of househ ehol old d life fe cycle ycle stages es and thei eir r effect ect on consumptio tion patterns erns are shown n in Figure ure 2 Cultural Effects s on Consum sumer Behavior or 7 7 7 7 7 7
Life Cycle Stage Young Young Middle-aged Middle-aged Marri ried Marri ried Marri ried Marri ried Middle-aged Middle-aged Older Young Young Child <6 Child 6+ Child 6+ Child <6 Single Marri ried Marri ried Older Product ct Cate tegor ory Single Marri ried Full Nest I Full Nest II Full Nest III Delaye yed Full Nest Non Non-Tr Traditi tion onal Empty y Nest t I Empty y Nest t II Single Discre cretio tionary ry Income -- Increases Declines Declines Increases Increases Variable Increases Declines Declines Home Related ted Categ tegor ory: y: Home improvement Variable Increase Decrease Decrease Sharp Incr. Decrease Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Power & lawn tools -- Increase Decrease Decrease Increase Sharp Incr. Increase Sharp Incr. Sharp Incr. Decrease Major appliances -- Increase Increase Decrease -- Increase -- -- -- -- Small appliances -- Increase Decrease Decrease -- Decrease Increase -- -- Decrease Furniture Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Increase Sharp Incr. Increase Decrease Decrease Decrease Servi vice ces s Categ tegor ory: y: Entertainment -- Increase Decrease Decrease Sharp Incr. Increase -- Increase Decrease -- Eating out Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Sharp Incr. Decrease -- Increase -- -- Insurance -- Increase Increase Increase Increase decrease Increase Increase Increase Decrease Travel Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Sharp Incr. Decrease Increase Increase Increase Decrease Child care -- -- Increase Increase Decrease Increase -- -- -- -- Misc. services -- -- Decrease Decrease Sharp Incr. Sharp Incr. -- -- -- -- Other r Categ tegory ry: Automobiles Increase Increase Decrease Increase Increase Decrease -- Decrease Decrease Decrease Men's apparel Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Sharp Incr. Decrease Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Women's apparel Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Sharp Incr. Decrease Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Boy's apparel -- -- Increase Increase Increase Sharp Incr. -- -- -- -- Girl's apparel -- -- Increase Increase Increase Sharp Incr. -- -- -- -- Infant's apparel -- -- Increase Increase -- Sharp Incr. -- -- -- -- Stereo equipment Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Increase Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Alcohol Increase Decrease Decrease Decrease Increase Decrease Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Medical Increase -- Increase Increase -- Increase Increase -- Increase Increase Sources: Wells (1966); Childers (1992) Cultural Effects on Consumer Behavior 8
Par Parent nt vs. Peer r Group up Influen fluence ce Am Amon ong g Adoles lesce cents nts Paren ent t influen uence ce and peer gro roup p influe uence nce on adoles lescent cent purchas ase e decision cisions s is affect ected ed by Type of of purcha hase se - pri rivat vate e verses ses public ic Type of house sehol hold - nuclea ear or extended nded Purchase se effect ect by cultural ural gro roup up Degree ee of Purchas hase e Influen ence by Grou oup Cultural l Grou oup Public ic Use Produc oduct Priv ivat ate e Use e Product oduct Peer er Grou oup High Low Nu Nucle lear ar Family mily Low High Exten ended ded Family mily High High Cultural Effects s on Consum sumer Behavior or 9 9 9 9 9 9
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